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Published byVeronika Liani Rachman Modified over 6 years ago
U of Iowa CMS group Physics Progress and Plans Jane Nachtman
Our Goals Physics at the Energy Frontier
Over the last 20 years, the U Iowa group has positioned itself to extract important physics results from the first LHC data Calorimetry is crucial in jets and missing ET measurement (hallmark of Supersymmetry) Forward HCAL (HF) plays a unique role in some signatures, such as VBF Higgs For many years we prepared for first data At CERN -- commissioning the HF – combination of hardware and software expertise – analyze cosmic ray data and feed back into hardware improvements At Fermilab/U of Iowa – studies of cosmic, testbeam data, Remote Operations Center (FNAL), Virtual Control Room(Iowa),simulation studies of New Physics We have analyzed collision datasets Lots of exciting physics ahead!
Physics Summary Physics analysis with 2010-12 CMS data
Our HCAL expertise is key to understanding Missing ET and forward jet signatures Forward Jets VBF Higgs Multi-jet analyses Jet + MET Supersymmetry Dijets resonances Majorana neutrino search Signature-based lljj search Analysis of CDF dataset Y(4140) observation Zgamma analysis Spectroscopy -- follow up on Y(4140) with CMS data
Forward Energy Flow Analysis (Taylan Yetkin, Sercan Sen)
More interactions more parton radiation in forward region (Phys. Rev. D36 (1987) 2019 & Phys. Rev. D70 (2004) ) Multi-parton interactions not well understood, MC generators need further tuning. First results for minimum bias and dijets shown at ICHEP 2010, updated with 2011 data Observed increase in forward energy flow matches theoretical predictions. Largest systematic error -- detector energy scale uncertainty.
Dijet Resonance Analysis (Kai Yi)
PRL 105, , 2010 Dijet Mass Resonance analysis considered among most promising discovery physics searches UI role – significance studies (fluctuation or new physics) First public results for ICHEP 2010, updated in 2011,2012 Dijet resonance analysis forms the basis for subsequent Iowa analyses: Paired dijet resonance b-tagged dijets First Exotic Physics publication from CMS!
Paired Dijet Resonance (Kai Yi, Maksat Haytmuradov)
Search for colorons (Dobrescu, Kong, Mahbubani, Phys. Lett. B670, 119 (2008)) At least 4 jets (min pt 150), well separated, in final state Dijet mass matches to 15%
Paired Dijet Approved Results
No significant excess found in 2.2/fb Limits on coloron production between 320 and 580 GeV approved for public presentation Dec 2011 Publication in preparation expanding coloron search to other channels
Missing ET studies for SUSY Searches (Elif Albayrak, Taylan Yetkin)
Calorimeter noise cleanup for Missing ET QCD Background prediction for SUSY Searches relies on smearing and rebalancing procedures to estimate high Missing ET tails
qqH, Hll+MET (Anthony Moeller)
Monte Carlo study for qqH tt ll+MET Mass reconstruction methods for the Higgs and backgrounds are being studied. Uses only final state leptons (e or m) and MET. Blue – gen., Red – recon. Before cuts -- background overwhelms signal. Forward jet tagging should help eliminate backgrounds forward jets from the VBF process are not common in background processes.
Majorana Neutrino Search (Warren Clarida,Emrah Tiras, James Wetzel)
Search for Heavy Majorana neutrino N can decay to + or – lepton Same-sign dilepton signature Jets, no missing ET Main background is QCD with fake leptons Limits on mixing element squared versus N mass No signal – exclusion results with 2.2/fb of 2011 data published (also Warren’s thesis) 2012 data plans – expanding effort with grad students James Wetzel, Emrah Tiras – add channels, improve fake background estimation
Observation of Y(4140) at CDF (Kai Yi)
U of Iowa original analysis Based on B+J/ΨϕK , then search for structures in J/Ψϕ spectrum Evidence in March 2009, observation in July 2010 Y(4140) NOT likely to be a charmonium (would decay to charm pairs dominantly) Has fueled lots of theoretical speculation Possibilities: multiple-quark state, re-scattering, threshold effect,…
First CMS Observation of X(3872) (Warren Clarida, Kai Yi)
First-data result, confirm Standard Model, establish CMS for B-physics studies Observed X(3872) peak with 21 pb-1 of data – presented at APS by Warren Clarida, physics publication LHCb CMS
Search for Scalar Meson Production (Burak Bilki)
T. Komada, Phys. Lett. B 508, 31 (2001) Scalar meson existence hypothesized ** Theoretical models: diquark-antidiquark,glueballs,KK Search y(2S) decays, show variant mass and width method (VMW) today ** I=1/2 states: (or ), I=1 states: , I=0 states: (or ), , , ,
Scalar Meson Search From y(2S), fit the peak and sidebands for signal (s) and pp hypotheses under VMW Interference effect taken into account Additionally used Multipole Expansion analysis (a la CDF, BES) Analysis in progress, expect publication this year
CMS Search for structure in J/y f (Kai Yi, Elif Albayrak, Maksat Haytmuradov)
Following CDF experience, seek to confirm Y(4140) and search for more structures in J/y f mass spectrum Select B+J/ΨϕK -- yield largest exclusive sample to date in the world Search J/Ψϕ mass spectrum – 2 structures > 5 s B sample Results – confirm CDF plus new structure
And even more Our new postdoc, Ping Tan, has recently joined from Fermilab Brings analysis efforts in W asymmetry measurement and signature-based dilepton+dijet search Also contributing to our HCAL upgrade simulation effort, along with several of our junior graduate students See his talk for details More details on our analysis efforts later with student talks.
Publication summary for last three years
CMS Physics publications in refereed journals Lead authors / major contributions: 7 papers CMS Physics Analysis Summaries (publically available) Lead authors /major contributions: 4 papers CMS detector R&D publications in refereed journals: 7 papers Internal collaboration publication review committees and institutional review responsibilities: 8 papers on CMS and CDF CDF Physics publications in refereed journals Lead authors / major contributions: 1 paper plus one in progress
Conclusion Iowa CMS group physics program focuses on our area of expertise – HCAL Jet, Forward Physics We have been major participants in first-data physics results for ICHEP 2010, and with dataset CMS -- Forward Energy Flow, Dijet Resonance Search, Paired Dijet Resonance, X(3872), SUSY multijets+MET ; CDF – Observation of Y(4140) We are building our program of jet-based analyses at CMS, in addition leveraging our group’s spectroscopy experience from Tevatron and BaBar New results Majorana neutrino, B-tagged and Paired Dijets Discovery analysis in J/ f The coming years will be very exciting at the LHC!
Backup Slides Details of physics analysis activities
Motivation Acta Phys.Polon.B39: ,2008 More partonic interactions means more central activity, and parton radiation in forward region (Phys. Rev. D36 (1987) 2019 & Phys. Rev. D70 (2004) ) Multi-parton interactions are not well understood, and Monte Carlo generators needs further tuning. Moreover, the tunes were made by using Tevatron data with |η| < 3. renormalization scale (assumed close to the Q2) Probability of more than one partonic interaction per event increases.
Forward Energy Flow Expectation
Summary of the Results MinBias Sample Dijet Sample
MinBias Sample Dijet Sample As theory predicted, with more partonic interactions in the central region, an increase in forward energy flow was observed. Main contribution to systematic error comes from detector energy scale uncertainty.
Effect of Dead Material
All dead material: Air Density x 0.5 dead material scenario Density x 2 dead material scenario All dead material: Lead Nominal beam pipe, all other materials has density changed to x 0.5 and x2 The reason of the reduction of energy flow in high eta comes from the beam pipe material.
Measurement of Jet Resolution from Gamma+Jets Events
Elif Asli Albayrak
Motivation Resolutions will be used in estimation of QCD background for SUSY Jets + Missing Energy channel. Smear the particle level jets with measured resolution spectrum and apply the complete SUSY analysis on these events. To mimic particle level jets, rebalance the data events to remove imbalance arising because of resolution effects. The jets in these seed sample are re-smeared with measured resolutions to estimate the contribution of QCD events to HT or MHT tails. It is important to measure the complete spectrum of resolution spectrum to correctly estimate the tails due to detector mis- measurements or physics effects (heavy flavor jets)
Measuring Resolution: pT Balance Method
intrinsic (MC truth) imbalance independent of second jet pT flat distribution as function of
Response Measurements
We measure response in the bins of fraction of PhotonPt carried by the second jet present in the event. The range we used to estimate resolution for the case where second jet pT extrapolated zero is a part of response measurement uncertainties uncertainties for the following reasons. Ideal case is to go as low as possible to remain close to the criteria of zero secondary jet activity however lower pT region corresponds to jets below 4-5 GeV where we have a large uncertainty for those jets. And high fraction deviates as from having back to back two body processes. To evaluate this source of uncertainty when we measure the ratio between data and MC we used two different ranges where the first on includes low fraction points and the second one remove those low fraction points and add large fraction points. Nominal values is measured as average of first (low fraction points) and second ratio (large fraction points).
How to measure σdata /σMC
Instead of using direct statistical uncertainty in the data/MC ratio, propagating the sensitivity to intrinsic resolution for data and MC before the ratio. Instead of dividing data by individual MC points Apply a constant fit to the MC intrinsic measurement. Divide data points by the fit value reduce statistical uncertainty comes from MC Resolutions are measured with two different methods. Sigma of Gaussian fit Gaussian fit applied to the +/- 2.5 RMS around mean of measured response Arithmetic RMS of the response distribution. Details are only shown for RMS
80 GeV < photon pT < 100 GeV
Determining Error Band For Fit Procedure
Extreme V1 : Including low fraction points. Extreme V2: Including high fraction points. Nominal = (V1+V2)/2 Log fit applied to Extreme V1 (blue fit) and Extreme V2 (red fit) The area between Red and Blue curves are accepted as error band.
Determining Error Band For JEC
Nominal = Same as previous page. Log fit applied to the case where we lowered JEC by 5% (blue fit). Log fit applied to the case where we increased JEC by 5% (red fit). The area between Red and Blue curves are accepted as error band for JEC.
Data/MC with systematic errors
Total systematic uncertainty calculated as quadrature some of yellow and blue error bands. Because blue bar is small compared the yellow one total systematic uncertainty close to uncertainty comes from JEC.
Estimating Tails data/MC ratio is used to stretch MC distributions.
With this way Gaussian core should be same in data and MC. Then we compared tails and the number of events are counted. Before MC is stretched. After MC is stretched.
Events In the Tails Study of resolution spectra in Data and MC in the range outside (0.5 < response <1.5) suggests that there is no significant contribution to the non-Gaussian component in this sample either in Data or MC. This study will be repeated with reprocessed data and results will be presented with all the systematics
Final Step MC Truth will be corrected by data/MC ratio.
Gauss Core Tails Corrected MC truth will be used to smear particle level jets to estimate QCD MHT distribution.
Update of 2010 Activities Warren Clarida
21pb-1 Data Compared to 3.1pb-1
? fluctuation or trigger bias Data (3.1pb-1) Data (21pb-1) Monte Carlo PDG X(3872) Mass (MeV) 3870.1±2.2 3871.1±1.5 3872.6±0.13 ±0.22 X(3872) σ (MeV) 5.52±2.6 6.42±1.1 6.95±1.2 Ψ(2S) Mass (MeV) 3686.3±0.4 3686.2±0.3 3686.5±0.14 ±0.04 Ψ(2S) σ (MeV) 4.91±0.39 5.10±0.32 5.24±0.12 Relative Yield X(3872)/Ψ(2S): 76/347 = 0.22±0.06 (3.1pb-1) 143/709 =0.20±0.05 (21pb-1) November 23, 2018 Warren , CMS QTF Meeting
Fit with fixed mass and width (21pb-1)
Null Hypothesis Fit Signal Hypothesis Fit sqrt(-2ln(ℒ0/ℒmax)) = 5.57 Where ℒ0 is the likelihood value for the null-hypothesis fit and ℒmax for the signal-hypothesis fit. We have an observation of the X(3872) at LHC. We have a more data, but with prescaled triggers this result won’t change much.
X(3872) Summary Observed X(3872) peak with 21pb-1 of data. LHCb CMS
November 23, 2018 Warren , CMS QTF Meeting
Majorana Study Early process of Majorana Study
Statistics are low, although a preliminary results should be possible. These pictures show a visualization of a candidate Majorana Neutrino event November 23, 2018 Warren , CMS QTF Meeting
Summary of CDF Research
Kai Yi University of Iowa DOE site visit, Dec, 2010
Physics Potential at CDF
CDF accumulated large amount of good data already, do research now. II. The discovery potential has not been explored fully, in some area, it is better than other dedicated experiments (i.e., the evidence for Y(4140) ) Iowa group service work as guests of Fermilab on CDF: silicon detector operations (Yi) data acquisition expert shifts (Yi) data-taking shifts (Nachtman)
Search for new particles-Y(4140)
First reconstruct B+J/ΨϕK+ II. Then Search for structures in J/Ψϕ spectrum III. Observed a structure around their threshold. Find evidence for an additional structure about one-pion mass above the threshold The mass of Y(4140) is well above the mass threshold of charm pair, it is NOT likely to be a charmonium. It would decay to charm pairs dominantly if so. Possibilities: multiple-quark state, re-scattering, threshold effect,…
Search for new particles-Y(4140)
Talks related Y(4140) given by Iowa people : Fermilab Wine & Cheese (Yi) Moriond QCD (Nachtman) DIS (Yi) APS Topical group in Hadron Physics (Yi) APS (Nachtman) Charm (Yi) Iowa Hep seminar (Yi) DPF (Yi) Hadron (Yi) La Tuile (Yi) QWG (Yi) ICHEP (Yi) SLAC experimental seminar (2010) (Yi)
CMS Research Played vital role in the first CMS search paper:
Search for new physics through dijet mass spectrum. Beat Tevatron limit for q* etc. II. Served as Hcal liaison at CMS PFG group. III. Co-coordinate HCAL PFG activities @FNAL IV. Organized an cross-institution analysis group to search for puzzling X(3872) and planning to measure its cross section. See Warren’s slide for details. PRL 105, , 2010
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