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East Central Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries

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1 East Central Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries

2 Population 1880 1910 Rate of illitricity Agricultural Hands in factories Railway (kms) (1938) Motori-sation (czech: 1,8) Hungary 15,8 20,9 33 60 22 000 (no new) 0,6 Bulgaria 2,8 4,3 72 85 15 000 2 000 (2700) Roumania 4,6 7 78 50 000 (oil) 3 500 (12000) 0,3 Serbia 1,7 2,9 79 80 16 000 1 000 Austria 22,1 28,4 25 39 20 000 Poland 17 800 (18 300)

3 Land reform 1919-1938 Land reform (1919) Above (ha)
Repartitioned territory Among … peoples Remained big estates (% of lands) Tractors 1/… ha Fertilizers Kg/ha 1938 Produc-tivity ‚30s (taken EU average as 100) Hungary No upper limit 43 829 2 78 Bulgaria 30 in general 50 in mountains 1,6 (over 50 ha) 1 500 1,8 47 Czeko-slovakia 150 (promised) 40 (over 500 ha) 105 Poland n c Romania 27 (above 100 ha) 4600 0,2 48 Yugoslavia 50 9,7 3400 1 38 Land reform

4 Area (square kms) Population (in thousands) Income/ capita agriculture industry other Industrial production (of European average) Poland 27 200 100 39 32,2 28,8 1/3 Roumania 17 600 81 53,2 28,4 18,4 1/6 Yugoslavia 12 000 80 53,6 22,1 24,3 Czekoslovakia 170 23,2 23,6 2/3 Bulgaria 4 900 75 63,3 18,3 Hungary 92 000 ( ) 78 000 120 36,5 35,7 27,8 43% Austria 85 000 6 500 190 35 43 22

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