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UML for beskrivelse av distribuerte informasjonssystemer

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Presentation on theme: "UML for beskrivelse av distribuerte informasjonssystemer"— Presentation transcript:

1 UML for beskrivelse av distribuerte informasjonssystemer
Understand IT Friday, November 23, 2018 UML for beskrivelse av distribuerte informasjonssystemer UML Fagseminar Mogul Academy Februar/Mars 2002 Trygve Reenskaug Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer ©2000 Trygve Reenskaug

2 From partners' presentation to OMG Nov 2001 (With permission)
UML 2.0 Partners From partners' presentation to OMG Nov 2001 (With permission) Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer

3 Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer
Introduction UML Architecture as the composition of Parts CPU Centered Storage Centered Communication Centered UML - Useful on different levels Conclusion & Pervasive Computing Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer

4 CPU-Centered paradigm
Understand IT Friday, November 23, 2018 CPU-Centered paradigm FORTRAN Algol 60 …….. Output Input UML Activity diagram Central Processing Unit Flowchart Memory Processing data is the essence The world is the processing of data FORTRAN : FORmula TRAnslation COMMON variables Algol: ALGOrithmic Language GLOBAL variables Some people didn’t make the transition from punched card processing to computers Tape Hardware Software Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer ©2000 Trygve Reenskaug

5 Storage-Centered paradigm
Understand IT Friday, November 23, 2018 Storage-Centered paradigm Shared database App.1 App.2 App.4 App.3 DB Schema language e.g. Entity-Relation e.g. NIAM Output Input Memory Central Processing Unit B C A * 1 UML Class diagram Multiport memories Storing data is the essence The world is the management of data Schema languages GLOBAL schema Includes CPU-centered, but demoted to background Some people didn’t make the transition from FORTRAN or COBOL to databases A real programmer can write FORTRAN in any language! Disk Tape Hardware Software Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer ©2000 Trygve Reenskaug

6 Water Resource Management Norway 1993
Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer

7 Communication-Centered paradigm
Understand IT Friday, November 23, 2018 Communication-Centered paradigm Object 1 Object 2 Object 4 Object 3 Information Bus Central Processing Unit Input Output Disk Communication Bus Memory Tape HW: the BUS or BACKPLANE flexible extensible simple SW: Surprisingly late coming! Exploded because 20 years needs finally released Includes, but demotes, CPU- and storage-centered flexible extensible simple Join enterprise with customers and subcontractors! UML Collaboration/OOram Composition tools ?? Hardware Software Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer ©2000 Trygve Reenskaug

8 Dilemma: Ship designer needs more than Ship Design System
Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer

9 70-årenes datasystemer Prosjektforslag juni 1970
Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer

10 Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) Application Assembler perspective
Information Bus / WEB Browser / Name Server / Applet (End user tool) 1: lookup("roombroker"); / Booking Home Factory object / Booking Bean / Booking Object 2: create(xxx); 3: ejbCreate(xxx); 4: getRooms(); / Room Chooser Java Beans 5: getRooms(); 6: addItem(element) Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer

11 Focus on Architecture Hide implementation
Information Bus / WEB Browser / Name Server The component has responsibility knows its collaborators is robust Nobody knows everything! / Applet (End user tool) Code is invisible! 1: lookup("roombroker"); / Booking Home Factory object / Booking Bean / Booking Object 2: create(xxx); 3: ejbCreate(xxx); 4: getRooms(); Components References Interfaces are visible! / Room Chooser Java Beans 5: getRooms(); 6: addItem(element) Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer

12 UML 2: Parts and Connectors
Car a:Axle [2..*] w:Wheel [0..*] Part Structural features that specify future instances (objects, links) Contextualization instances will be part of same container instance and links will connect instances within this container From partners' presentation to OMG Nov 2001 (With permission) Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer

13 From partners' presentation to OMG Nov 2001 (With permission)
UML 2: Ports From partners' presentation to OMG Nov 2001 (With permission) Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer

14 Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer
Introduction UML Architecture as the composition of Parts CPU Centered Storage Centered Communication Centered UML - Useful on different levels Conclusion & Pervasive Computing - - Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer

15 Personal, Integrated Information Environments
Understand IT Friday, November 23, 2018 Personal, Integrated Information Environments Enterprise level Work processes UML Object Model Enterprise level Work processes UML Object Model Personal level User's mental model UML Collaboration System level Design models All of UML Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer ©2000 Trygve Reenskaug

16 UML Collaboration modeling
Understand IT Friday, November 23, 2018 UML Collaboration modeling Peter (Technical author) Bill (Dispatcher) Joyce (Sales clerk) Douglas (Marketing manager) Kim (Methodologist) Elsie (Programmer) Eve (Software Manager) (Bookkeeper) Joe (Paymaster) Adam (Chief Accountant) Ruth (President) John (Cashier) Ann (Customer consultant) 4: authorizedExpenseReport Authorizer 1: travelPermissionRequest 2: travelPermission 3: expenseReport Paymaster 5: paymentRequest Traveler The classifierRole represents the object’s position in the structure and its responsibility for performing its part of the system function. Cashier Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer ©2000 Trygve Reenskaug

17 <Check OK> <Authorize>
Understand IT Friday, November 23, 2018 UML Activity Modeling Traveler Authorizer Bookkeeper Paymaster Who Travel perm. request <Decide> <Plan trip> What Travel permission <Buy tickets> When <Write exp. Report> <Travel> Expense Report <Check OK> <Authorize> Authorized Expense Report <Check> <Bookkeeping> Payment Request <Pay out> Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer ©2000 Trygve Reenskaug

18 Task: Decide permission Travel Expense Model
Understand IT Friday, November 23, 2018 Task: Decide permission Travel Expense Model / Traveler / Authorizer / Authorizer / BookKeeper / Paymaster Travel perm. request <Decide> Travel perm. request <Decide> Travel permission <Plan trip> Travel permission <Buy tickets> <Write exp. Report> <Travel> Expense Report <Check OK> <Authorize> Authorized Expense Report <Check> <Bookkeeping> Payment Request <Pay out> Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer ©2000 Trygve Reenskaug

19 Personal Information Environment
Understand IT Friday, November 23, 2018 Personal Information Environment Personal level User's mental model UML Collaboration Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer ©2000 Trygve Reenskaug

20 Travel Permission Decision Tool Travel Expense System
Understand IT Friday, November 23, 2018 Travel Permission Decision Tool Travel Expense System Traveler Peter Period week 11 Planned cost USD Purpose Attend TOOLS Europe 2001 Current plan for Peter activity 1 activity 2 activity 3 week Budget + commitments Item Budget Committed Travel 10, ,000 Permit Reject Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer ©2000 Trygve Reenskaug

21 Travel Permission Decision Tool Required Topology
Understand IT Travel Permission Decision Tool Required Topology Friday, November 23, 2018 Traveler Peter Period week 11 Planned cost USD Purpose Attend TOOLS Europe 2001 Current plan for Peter activity 1 activity 2 activity 3 week Budget + commitments Item Budget Committed Travel 10, ,000 Reject Permit / Planning Service / Authorizer / DecisionTool / Travel Service / Accounting Service Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer ©2000 Trygve Reenskaug

22 Alan Kay's Dynabook View, navigate, edit, program objects
Mommy: "Do your homework, June" June: " I am doing it, mommy" Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer

23 Donald A. Norman: The Design of Everyday Things
Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer

24 The Importance of the User's Mental Model
Understand IT Friday, November 23, 2018 The Importance of the User's Mental Model A good conceptual model allows us to predict the effects of our actions. Without a good model we do operations as we are told; we cannot fully appreciate why, what effects to expect, or what to do if things go wrong. System Image SYSTEM DESIGNER Design model USER USER'S MODEL Donald A. Norman: The Design of Everyday Things Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer ©2000 Trygve Reenskaug

25 Model-View-Controller (MVC) The 1978 Original
Controls the Tool User Model Persistence & Business Logic View Present and edit Information Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer

26 Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer
Introduction UML Architecture as the composition of Parts CPU Centered Storage Centered Communication Centered UML - Useful on different levels Conclusion & Pervasive Computing Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer

27 Pervasive / Ubiquitous Computing
Pervasive Computing is a term for the strongly emerging trend toward: Numerous, casually accessible, often invisible computing devices Frequently mobile or imbedded in the environment Connected to an increasingly ubiquitous network structure Pervasing Computing 2001 Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer

28 Ubiquitous Computing program Xerox PARC 1988
Radical answer to what was wrong with PC: Too complex & hard to use Too demanding of attention Too isolated from other people and activities Too dominating as it colonized our desktops and our lives Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer

29 Ubiquitous Computing program Xerox PARC 1999
Vast potential: Improving work practices and knowledge sharing essentially getting computers out of the way amplifying human-to-human communication Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer

30 Ubiquitous Computing program Xerox PARC 1999
The problem of control because system is invisible and extensive: hard to know what is controlling what hard to know what is connected to what hard to know where information is flowing hard to know how it is being used hard to know the consequences of any action Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer

31 Empowering the user with objects in the computer interface
Understand IT Friday, November 23, 2018 Objects Backplane (Java Virtual Machine etc.) Create the Illusion ! Computing is Simple! Operating System Hardware Net After Øystein Myhre Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer ©2000 Trygve Reenskaug

32 Understand IT Friday, November 23, 2018 More details …. Unified Modeling Language (UML). Object Management Group. Version 1.4, Formal version, September Version 2.0, One of initial proposals, Donald A. Norman: "The Design of Everyday Things." Doubleday/Currency ISBN End user programming: The reference work on role modeling: Reenskaug, Wold, Lehne: Working With Objects. This book is out of print. A .pdf version kan be downloaded free from The theory of role modeling: Egil P. Andersen: Conceptual Modeling of Objects. A Role Modeling Approach. Dr Scient thesis. Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo. 4 November Pervasive computing: IBM Journal of Research and Development 38, 4 (1999) Arkitektur for distribuerte informasjonssystemer ©2000 Trygve Reenskaug

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