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Responsibility the opportunity or ability to act independently and make decisions without authorization.

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Presentation on theme: "Responsibility the opportunity or ability to act independently and make decisions without authorization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Responsibility the opportunity or ability to act independently and make decisions without authorization.

2 How is a ripple like responsibility?

3 Responsible/Irresponsible person
Action Other people involved family, school, community

4 Responsibility or Irresponsibility has a ripple affect!
1 act can affect others This includes: The person Others involved Family, School, Community

5 Do you? Use sunscreen? Get enough sleep? Help out a friend who has a problem? Have chores to do at home? How you answer these questions reflect your personal Lifestyle Factors.

6 Negative lifestyle factors: Positive lifestyle factors:
behaviors and habits that help determine a person’s level of health and wellness. Negative lifestyle factors: Promote bad health Can you think of any? Positive lifestyle factors: Promote good health Can you think of any?

7 Risks Risk Behaviors: actions that might cause injury or harm to
yourself or others. Not looking both ways when crossing the street. Sedentary lifestyle: A way of life that includes little Physical activity. All Risk Behaviors have consequences. Cumulative risks Related risks that increase in effect with each added risk.

8 Cumulative Risk

9 Take responsibility for your health!
Abstinence One of the most effective forms of prevention Conscious, active choice not to participate in high-risk behaviors. Take responsibility for your health! Have a positive attitude! Attitude: A personal feeling or belief.

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