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Special English for Industrial Robot

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1 Special English for Industrial Robot
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2 49PARTs Unit01 Introduction of robot
Unit02 Introduction of industrial robot Unit03 Types of industrial robots Unit04 ABB robot Unit05 KUKA robot Unit06 YASKAWA robot Unit07 FANUC Robot Unit08 SCARA robot Unit09 Industry application of robot Unit10 New robots Unit11 Intelligent manufacturing and global robot development program Unit12 The outlook for industrial robot 49PARTs

3 Unit 12 The outlook for industrial robot
Task: Part1 Current situation of industrial robot Part2 Development trend of robot Part3 Social issues cased by application of robots Special English for Industrial Robot Unit 12 The outlook for industrial robot URL :

4 49 Unit 12 The outlook for industrial robot
Part3 Social issues cased by application of robots At present, most robots are mainly used in the industrial field, but for the demand of people's daily life,a variety of robots have gradually come to us. In the context of the wider use of robots, robots may profoundly change our life, and the resulting ethical issues are increasingly pressing in front of us. For more than ten years, robotics research is also a hot topic in academia. 1. Military robots: is to cherish life or ruthless killing The use of robots in the military is one of the important driving forces in the development of robot technology.

5 49 Unit 12 The outlook for industrial robot
Part3 Social issues cased by application of robots At present, the world is actively researching other military robots including ground robots, air robots, underwater robots and space robots. Relative to human soldiers, military robots can fight in more harsh environments, and absolutely obey orders, do not need to repeatedly training, its advantages are obvious. Military robots charge forward instead of human soldiers in the battle fields, and it can greatly reduce the casualties of personnel. Therefore, the use of military robots seems to be an important means of loving human life.

6 49 Unit 12 The outlook for industrial robot
Part3 Social issues cased by application of robots However, military robots under modern scientific and technical armed forces can have more destructive power than human soldiers. What's more, robots may have no sympathy for humans, and their strong lethality can make them a true cold-blooded "killer" machine. Of course, people can solve this problem by agreeing that "robots and robots are fighting, and robots do not fight with humans," but this solution is difficult to achieve. Therefore, the ethical problem of military robots is one of the most discussed contents in robotics research.

7 49 Unit 12 The outlook for industrial robot
Part3 Social issues cased by application of robots 2. Child care robot: reduce the burden, or shirk responsibility Child care robots are widely valued in Korea, Japan and a few European countries. Child care robot has many functions including video games, voice recognition, facial recognition and session. They are equipped with visual and auditory monitors, they can move, and deal with some problems self-dealing. When the child will leave the specified range, Child care robots will alarm. Are child care robots liked by children? Experiments show that child care robots can be used as children's intimate playmates, especially for young children who lack little partners being more important.

8 49 Unit 12 The outlook for industrial robot
Part3 Social issues cased by application of robots Because they are much better than the average toy, and can make them happier. Child care robots have more and more entered into the ordinary family. There is no doubt that child care robots can reduce the burden on parents, so that they can have more free time. However, for the healthy growth of children, the care of parents can’t be replaced, and the robot can only play a supporting role. If take the children to the robot for care more often, then it may affect the normal development of their psychological and emotional.

9 49 Unit 12 The outlook for industrial robot
Part3 Social issues cased by application of robots 3. Robot to accompany: troubleshooting alone, or from the community? Population aging is the universal law of population development in many countries of the world,Our country is no exception. From a single family perspective, the help-old robots can reduce the time of family care for the elderly; thereby reduce the burden on the family. Robots instead of human care workers, that can reduce the workload of human care workers, reduce the social demand for human care workers, thereby reduce the social burden. Moreover, compared with human care workers, help-old robots have some unique advantages.

10 49 Unit 12 The outlook for industrial robot
Part3 Social issues cased by application of robots For example, robots can serve the elderly 24 hours a day. Another example, a wide range of robots can meet the different needs of the elderly, significantly improve the quality of life of the elderly, and even can be customized according to the needs of the elderly, but human care workers are difficult to do this. In addition, the help-old robots can also interact,entertainment with the elderly, and even meet the emotional needs of the elderly in a certain extent to reduce the loneliness of the elderly living alone. Everyone has a positive and optimistic attitude towards the use of help-old robots.

11 49 Unit 12 The outlook for industrial robot
Part3 Social issues cased by application of robots However, the help-old robots may also lead to a series of ethical issues, such as the elderly's privacy, freedom,dignity and other issues, one of the most prominent problems may be the contact between elderly and family, elderly and social. If many of the work which should be done by the human give to the robots to do, it is possible to greatly reduce the exchanges and contacts the between elderly and social. Studies have shown that more social exchanges and interactions can extend the longevity of older people who need long-term care. There is no doubt that the elderly also have a strong emotional need, whether this need is met, and how much extent it is be met, for the health of the elderly it is essential.

12 49 Unit 12 The outlook for industrial robot
Part3 Social issues cased by application of robots 4. Robot technology and its application: free development, or ethical regulation? Some scientists believe that science and technology is worth neutral, that science and technology research is without a restricted area, the consequences of technology applications has nothing to do with technology itself. How to use it, whether it is to bring happiness or to bring disaster, all depends on human own, but doesn't depend on the tools. Some scholars believe that the existing ethical considerations on the robot are mainly based on the theoretical research, how the reality will be inconclusive, we should firstly develop related to science and technology, not because of some possible negative effect to slow down the pace.

13 49 Unit 12 The outlook for industrial robot
Part3 Social issues cased by application of robots If the research of humanities and social sciences is based on the full development of existing technology and its social effect, it will produce "post-cultural phenomenon" and "system vacuum", which is obviously unfavorable to the development of human civilization. Therefore, the research of humanities and social science must have a certain predictability and forward-looking to take precautions. In view of the profound social impact that robotics may have, having ethical regulation is equally important to pay attention to technological development.

14 49 Unit 12 The outlook for industrial robot
Part3 Social issues cased by application of robots The ethical regulation of robotic technology is to standardize, institutionalize and materialize the principles of robot ethics, and its purpose is to protect the interests of the whole and the individual. If there will be far-reaching impact of the "robot revolution" in the 21st century, then this revolution will be not only science and technology revolution, also a social and ethical revolution. The widespread use of robots is unavoidable, and we don't need to focus on the question that whether the robots should be used, but how to use better. In order to make the robot better for social services, the development of technology is of course necessary, while ethical considerations are also crucial.

15 49 Unit 12 The outlook for industrial robot
Part3 Social issues cased by application of robots Vocabulary context ['kɑntɛkst] n.环境;上下文;来龙去脉 research ['risɝtʃ] n.研究 vi.研究 vt.研究 academia [,ækə'dimɪə] n.学术界;学术生涯 harsh [hɑrʃ] adj.严厉的;严酷的;刺耳的 session ['sɛʃən] n.会议;(法庭的)开庭 auditory ['ɔdətɔri] n.听众;礼堂 adj.听觉的;耳朵的 monitor ['mɔnɪtɚ] n.监视器;监听器;监控器 psychological [,saɪkə'lɑdʒɪkl] adj.心理学的;精神上的

16 49 Unit 12 The outlook for industrial robot
Part3 Social issues cased by application of robots Vocabulary emotional [ɪ'moʃənl] adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的 entertainment [ˌɛntɚ'tenmənt];消遣;款待 predictability [prɪ,dɪktə'bɪləti] n.可预测性;可预言 forward-looking ['fɔ:wəd,lukiŋ] adj.有远见的;向前看的 standardize ['stændɚdaɪz] vt.使标准化;用标准检 institutionalize [,ɪnstɪ'tuʃənəlaɪz] vt.使…制度化 materialize [mə'tɪrɪəlaɪz] vt.使具体化;使有形 vi.实现;成形;突然出现 ethical ['ɛθɪkl] adj.伦理的;道德的 n.处方药

17 配套资源 更多资源 书 名:工业机器人专业英语 出 版 社:华中科技大学出版社 教学视频:海渡学院APP(免费观看)
书 名:工业机器人专业英语 出 版 社:华中科技大学出版社 配套资源 教学视频:海渡学院APP(免费观看) 教学课件:工业机器人教育网( ← 扫一扫微店购书: 九大系列教材 最新出版上架信息 更多资源 网址: 源自哈尔滨工业大学 专注工业机器人教育

18 E-mail : 哈工海渡
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