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An approach to the economic analysis of water use

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1 An approach to the economic analysis of water use
Brussels, 1-2 October 2013 We would like to thank the COM for the organization of this workshop on economic aspects that we find pretty necessary to improve the economic studies of the first RBMP and to help to face those of the 2 and 3rd cicle. We agree that the point of view on how the water helps the economic development, the employment and the social well-being should be integrated into the decision-making processes, taking also into account the requirements of the WFD

2 Legal framework analysis
PRESENTATION INDEX Legal framework analysis Integral vision chart Linking water use, income and employment Most cost-effective combination of measures (Some questions and case study analysis) As yesterday my colleague Jose Angel presented the cost-recovery dilemma in Spain, today we are going to introduce the economic analysis of water uses, keeping in mind that both questions should be updated before the end of the year through the art. 5 reports

3 To be updated every 3 years
LEGAL FRAMEWORK BLUEPRINT Art. 9 – Annex III To be updated every 3 years Arts. 5 & 13 WATECO The requirements for these studies are in Art. 9 and annex III of the WFD The 2003 WATECO GUIDANCE helpS to interpret and the BLUEPRINT to analized the outcomes and the orientation to the future The study must be repeted every 3 years following art. 5 and 13 of the WFD, the former art. to give support to the Schema of Important Issues (to discuss alternatives) and the latter to give support to the RBMPs (on the updating of the decissions and PoM). NATIONAL LEGISLATION 3

4 An approach to the economic analysis of water use
ECONOMIC ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS: The economic analysis shall contain enough information (…) in order to: (…) take into account the principle of recovery of the costs of water services. make judgements about the most cost-effective combination of measures (…), to be adopted. Source: Annex III, WFD Lets remember what say the different legislation on the issue

5 An approach to the economic analysis of water use
Hydrological Planning Regulation (HPR) . Art (General description of the characteristics of the river basin) The economic analysis of water use shall contain: The Institutional map of the water related services The information required to calculate the recovery of the costs of water services Forecasts of the cost of measures to carry out the cost-efficiency analysis Economic analysis of water use, including the trend analysis These rules, have been carried into the Spanish legislation through the HPR and the technical instruction for water planning, where the technical requirements to carry out the work are established.

LINKING PRESSURES-STATUS-MEASURES E1 E2 E3 PRESSURES Art STATUS - MEASURES Art.11 E C O N O M I C A N A L Y S I S INFORMATION SYSTEM SUPPORTING DECISION SYSTEM Art. 9 Art The need for a wide integral vision The picture shows the case study of a river, divided into different water bodies, that following Art. 8 have their own gauge stations, following art. 5 suffer pressures conditioning the state and of course following art 11 that condition in turn the PoM gathered in the RBMP. In this scenario, the economic analysis (Art.5), help to choose the most appropriated alternatives. RBMP (Art.13)

OTHER FUNCTIONS OF THE ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Development the economic analysis of the water use in each river basin district. How does the use of the water affect the capital income and the employment? Determining the trends in the use of water and in its associated investments. Designating HMWB taking into account the economic impact on the water uses and the cost of the alternatives to reach the objectives. Supporting the selection of measures The WATECO guidance again shows us different aspects of the economic analysis, pointing out other functions of it. A concrete example in that, regards… Source, 2003 WATECO Guidance

8 Precipitation 46.200 3.000 Evapotranspiration 33.800 Returns 9.400
MOST COST-EFFECTIVE COMBINATION OF MEASURES HOW CAN THE WATER USE INFLUENCE INCOME AND EMPLOYMENT? GREEN BLUE TOTAL AGRICULTURE 10.600 2.600 13.200 ENERGY 300 OTHER INDS. 100 FOREST 10.700 REST OF NAT. 12.500 TOTAL: 33.800 3.000 36.800 Precipitation 46.200 3.000 Evapotranspiration 33.800 Returns 9.400 This is an schema of the water balance in the Duero RBD In this basin the average rainfall is hm3/per year, of this total return to the athmosphere through the evapotranspiration producing an average runoff of hm3/year, of that total 9400 go to Portugal and the real water consumption is of about 3000 hm3 per year of blue water in the different uses displayed in the table, helping the GAV and the employment But pay attention that the other hm3 per year evapotranspired help the economy as green water, because are consumed in agriculture helping therefore the GAV and the employment. Contribution 12.400 to Portugal Water flows values given in hm3/año. Average 1980/ /06 Example: Duero draft RBMP, March 2012.

9 Water Footprint of the Duero RBD
MOST COST-EFFECTIVE COMBINATION OF MEASURES HOW CAN THE WATER USE INFLUENCE INCOME AND EMPLOYMENT? Water Footprint of the Duero RBD A B C D E F Suma B-C+E-F A+B+D+E FINAL Consumption Export Import Total FP Balance Internal consumption Urban supply. 66 Industry 28 9 8 45 1 37 Energy 30 270 300 Livestock 15 Agriculture 6.724 3.876 2.520 1.679 965 735 16.499 1.586 13.244 Total: 1.818 1.244 743 16.925 1.857 13.662 10.600 3.062 The water footprint analysis, carried into the national legislation through the thecnical instruction for water planning explains the virtual water movements in the same basin, differentiating between the green water and the blue water These values, calculated for the whole basin would be of great interest if calculated for subasins or for water exploitation systems to help the water allocations or to calculate the environmental restrictions such as the E-Flows. Water flows values given in m3/año Wa Ef Example: Duero draft RBMP, March 2012.

10 45.000 millions GAV Average apparent productivity of blue water
MOST COST-EFFECTIVE COMBINATION OF MEASURES HOW CAN THE WATER USE INFLUENCE INCOME AND EMPLOYMENT? Average apparent productivity of blue water 500 €/m3 3,3 €/m3 millions GAV 5 €/m3 GAV: gross added value Colors from top to bottom represent, services, construction, energy, industry, and agriculture and livestock Therefore the consumption of the blue water, which management capacity is more clear through the RBMP, produce an average apparent productivity in the different economic sectors (that of course it is not the unique production factor) Globaly, in the Spanish part of the DueroRBD, the average apparent productivity of the blue water consumpted is about 3,3 eur/m3 What does that value mean? 455 €/m3 0,23 €/m3 0,35 €/m3 What does it mean? Example: Duero draft RBMP, March 2012. .

HOW CAN THE WATER USE INFLUENCE INCOME AND EMPLOYMENT? GAV per sectors The chart shows the evolution of the GAV in Spain. Apparently the agrifarm sector is clearly the largest consumer of green and blue water seems to be of scarce importance, but HOW WOULD ITS DISEAPPEARANCE IMPACT IN THE REST OF THE SECTORS? (caso del tomate y del chocolate belga) We are talking about the gap between the price paid to the producer and that of the final consumer And if the producto disappears , how is it value its impact in the rest of the sectors

12 Most cost-effective combination of measures How can the water use influences income and employment?
WATER ACCOUNTS Water accounts models, currently under the field of action of the new CIS, could be a good instrument to deal with the issues comented, but at the moment are quite behind and the to solve our problems we need something urgently and easy to apply and harmonize but above all useful. Something feasible to answer questions such as…

13 Final questions We may know how much costs water, but, what is its real value? How economically efficient are the PoM investments? How can we calculate the net profit of the measures changing water use? Which is the extent of its effect in the economic chain? If such measures represent an econimic benefit (through the economic procesess) far from the ones who consume water, who should pay the measure? Or what level of cost recovery is the right one?

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