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REVEAL Total cost: EUR EU contribution: EUR

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1 REVEAL Total cost: EUR EU contribution: EUR ICT Connected and Social Media FP7-ICT: Revealing hidden concepts in social media (01/11/ /10/2016) Group persona: Dimitrios Vogiatzis, 23-Jan-2017: skel lab presentation

2 REVEAL site:
”The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement #   The positions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission”

3 Reveal: Social media verification
Journalism scenario is: Difficult to separate truth from lies, propaganda from facts Without access to the region  journalists rely on Social Media Enterprise network scenario TECHcommunity forum Software AG users, experts, developers, students, scientists share their knowledge Can we get the opinion makers Communities of users Important points of discussion Crawlers Twitter Facebook Blogs Analysis Structure Content Context Application Visualisation Storm for BigData

4 Structural Analysis User Roles: elitist, conversation initiator etc.
Topic Sensitive Influence Match User Profiles Across Social Networks 1. Simple communities: users 2.Complex Communities: users, keywords, tags Predicting the future of a community: grow, shrink, disappear User Roles: elitist, conversation initiator etc. Topic tracking: across time

5 Content Based Analysis
Extract relations & semantically group them Stylometry to infer: age, gender Find similarity user’s posts to the list he belongs to Detect disturbing image: Image forensics analysis: Detect modifications

6 Context Based Analysis
Infer Trustworthiness of tweets (Event Calculus): influence of user, user talking about his favorite subjects Learn event calculus rules Geolocate Tweets: text analysis Source check bias: open linked data


8 Gamification To enhance user participation
Users gain badges based on their activity 25 badges

9 Integration I/II Some of the challenges
Synchronisation between modules Scaling-up Modules that require training Run-time errors not showing in individual module

10 PerSoNa Group: Dissemination: 2013-2016
16 publications: Software:

11 REVEAL site:
”The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement #   The positions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission”

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