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SONGS Past, Current, and Future State May 4, 2016

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1 SONGS Past, Current, and Future State May 4, 2016
Kelli A. Gallion Manager, SONGS Emergency Planning and Preparedness

2 Decommissioning Principles: Safety Stewardship Engagement
For more information on SONGS please visit 2

3 Past: Events that led to SONGS Decommissioning
April 2010: Unit 2 (U2) Replacement Steam Generators (RSGs) are placed in service February 2011: Unit 3 (U3) Replacement Steam Generators (RSGs) are placed in service January 2012: U2 in Outage; U3 rapidly shutdown due to a coolant leak in RSG January-August 2012: Mitsubishi develops plan to safely return to 100% power August June 2013: Mitsubishi repair plans do not meet SCE requirements June 7, 2013: SCE announces decision to retire Units 2 & 3

4 NRC: Three Phases of Decommissioning


6 Current: Permanently Defueled Emergency Plan (PDEP)
Determine remaining credible events (Reactor Core offloaded) NRC approved exemptions from portions of Emergency Planning regulations (10CFR50.47 and Appendix E) Offsite Emergency Response Planning Comprehensive (“All Hazards”) Plan Onsite Emergency Planning Emergency Action Levels (EALs) Emergency Classification Levels- Unusual Event and Alert Notifications Facilities Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Operators Radiation Protection Security Drills and Exercises

7 Future: ISFSI Pad Expansion
ISFSI= Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation

8 Future: ISFSI Only Emergency Plan (IOEP)
SCE performs accident analysis- 4Q16 SCE Submits IOEP to NRC- 4Q16 Begin Spent Fuel transfer from wet to dry storage- 4Q17 NRC Approves IOEP- 2Q18 Complete Spent Fuel transfer from wet to dry storage- 3Q19 SCE implements IOEP when all fuel is in dry storage Emergency Plan associated with spent fuel storage (ISFSI) Required until all fuel is offsite ISFSI Only EALs Unusual Event and Alert ISFSI Tech Spec limits Security Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Notification to selected Offsite agencies Exercises

9 Decommissioning Principles: Safety Stewardship Engagement
For more information on SONGS please visit 9

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