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African Celebrations By Imogen.

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Presentation on theme: "African Celebrations By Imogen."— Presentation transcript:

1 African Celebrations By Imogen


3 Types of Celebrations There are two different types of celebration:
Tradional such as: Harvest Religious Musical Cultural Modern such as: Sport Book fairs Racing Rally

4 Two Traditional Celebrations
Ghana deer hunting festival Festival of the desert-Mali

5 Ghana deer hunting festival
The deer festival is done to honour the god of the people of the Winneba called ‘Penkye Out’.

6 Ghana deer hunting festival
The festival happens in May and it is very popular

7 Ghana deer hunting festival
The people give God a gift-which is a deer which they catch with there hands

8 Festival of the desert- Mali
This is a 3 day festival near a place called Timbuktu. It came from Touareg (twa-reg) festivals which were a place for decision making and exchange of information between the different communities

9 Festival of the desert- Mali
30 artistic groups are invited from around the world to present their work

10 Festival of the desert- Mali
The next is in January 2014

11 References ourism/aboakyer.php

12 Thanks for listening Any Questions?

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