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Introduction to Game Development

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1 Introduction to Game Development
Yingcai Xiao

2 Video Game Interactive animation: user-> interface (look) -> action (feel) -> feedback (A/V, haptic)

3 Animation Animation: any change that has a visual effect.
Motion Dynamics: movements (geometry change) Update Dynamics: attribute change (color, texture, …) Others: camera position, lighting, rendering techniques, …

4 Key-frame Animation Defining key-frames
Inbetweening with interpolations: Lerping (linear interpolation) parabola interpolation

5 Key-frame Animation

6 Neighborhood skeletons: define interpolated shapes

7 Graphical languages P-curves (parametric representation of motion)

8 Animation Control Explicit: animator provides a description of everything that occurs in the animation. Tracking live action. Procedural: movement computed by a procedure. Actors (Object-oriented high-level procedural control) Kinematics: positions and velocities of points. Dynamics: physical laws that govern kinematics. Physically based: cloth draping, plastics bending, … Constraint-based: constraint movements.

9 Double Buffering Why? To reduce flickering How?
Draw to the invisible back buffer Copy to the visible front buffer. (Btblt)==>very fast with HW assistance

10 Double Buffering – Pseudo Code
void Draw() { useCanvas(bbfr); DrawObjects(); useCanvas(SCREEN_CANVAS); copyPixel(bbfr, viewing-rectagle); }

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