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APUSH UNIT TEN Chapter 27: The Cold War.

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Presentation on theme: "APUSH UNIT TEN Chapter 27: The Cold War."— Presentation transcript:

1 APUSH UNIT TEN Chapter 27: The Cold War

2 Origins of the Cold War Bolshevik Revolution of 1917
Russian Civil War… Red Scare of 1919 Uneasy Alliance in WWII

3 Yalta Conference

4 United Nations

5 Nuremberg Trials

6 Occupation of Germany

7 Satellite States “Iron Curtain”

8 Potsdam Conference

9 China Mao Zedong Chiang Kai-Shek (Jiang Jie-shi)

10 Occupied Japan

11 Containment Policy

12 Truman Doctrine

13 The Marshall Plan

14 Berlin Airlift


16 Warsaw Pact


18 Arms Race

19 NSC-68

20 Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)

21 GI Bill Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (1944)

22 The “Fair Deal”

23 1946 Midterm Elections Establish Republican control of the 80th Congress… 22nd Amendment (1951)… Taft-Hartley Act (1947)…

24 Election of 1948: A Split in the Democratic Party
Liberal Democrats- Progressive Party Henry Wallace

25 Southern Democrats – State’s Rights Party (Dixiecrats)
Strom Thurmond

26 Democrats – Harry S Truman Republicans – Thomas Dewey

27 Dewey Defeats Truman?!?!?!?


29 The Nuclear Age





34 Syngman Rhee

35 Korea – “The Forgotten War”
June 25, 1950… MacArthur’s assault on Inchon… Stalemate on the 38th Parallel A “limited war”…




39 Truman vs. MacArthur

40 The Second Red Scare Loyalty Review Board Dennis et al. v U.S.
McCarran Internal Security Act House Un-American Activities Committee

41 Alger Hiss Case

42 McCarthyism Joe McCarthy… Army-McCarthy Hearings…

43 Rosenberg Case


45 “Checkers”

46 Election of 1952

47 Chapter 28: The Affluent Society
APUSH UNIT TEN Chapter 28: The Affluent Society

48 Happy Days?

49 Baby Boom

50 Suburban Growth

51 William J. Levitt - Levittown

52 Rise of the Sunbelt


54 Medical Breakthroughs
Antibiotics… Penicillin … Salk Vaccine…


56 Television

57 50’s Pop Culture TV


59 Advertising


61 The Hydrogen Bomb

62 Sputnik National Defense and Education Act NASA….

63 Ike’s Domestic Policies
Modern Republicanism Prosperity

64 Highway Act


66 Women Baby and Child Care – Dr. Benjamin Spock Cult of Domesticity

67 “Beatniks” Jack Kerouac Allen Ginsberg

68 Rock n Roll

69 Civil Rights Movement Jackie Robinson – 1947 – Brooklyn Dodgers…
Truman – 1948 – desegregation of the military… Changing Demographics… Changing Attitudes…

70 1896 Plessy v Ferguson – “separate but equal”
1954 Brown v Board of Education of Topeka, KS … Chief Justice Earl Warren…

71 Massive Resistance

72 “Clinton 12”

73 Southern Manifesto

74 Little Rock Nine

75 Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks

76 Martin Luther King Jr. Southern Christian Leadership Conference…

77 Decolonization


79 U.S. – Soviet Relations Geneva…
“Peaceful Coexistence” – Nikita Kruschev Hungarian Revolt…

80 Covert Action Reza Shah Pahlvi - Iran Nixon in Venezuela

81 French Indochina Ho Chi Minh… Dien Bien Phu…

82 Middle East Israel – 1948 Suez Crisis… “Eisenhower Doctrine”… OPEC…

83 Cuba Fidel Castro

84 U-2 Incident

85 Ike’s Legacy

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