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EDIFICE 91 st Plenary Matthias GEHRKEN of Nokia Christian ZEININGER of mobilkom austria mobilkom-Nokia PIP Implementation (including Serial Number PIP)

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Presentation on theme: "EDIFICE 91 st Plenary Matthias GEHRKEN of Nokia Christian ZEININGER of mobilkom austria mobilkom-Nokia PIP Implementation (including Serial Number PIP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 EDIFICE 91 st Plenary Matthias GEHRKEN of Nokia Christian ZEININGER of mobilkom austria mobilkom-Nokia PIP Implementation (including Serial Number PIP) 24.11.2004

2 Matthias Gehrken of Nokia, Christian Zeininger of mobilkom austria Agenda Presentation Success Story RosettaNet Implementation Core Processes Overview Request Purchase Order (mobilkom Nokia) The Bill of Serial Number (BOS) Demo: Bill of Serial Number PIP (Nokia mobilkom)

3 Matthias Gehrken of Nokia, Christian Zeininger of mobilkom austria From Strategy to S2S Implementation Case Nokia Functionality (PIPs) Roadmap System Functionality Priorisation (S2S) Processes Business model Business strategy

4 Matthias Gehrken of Nokia, Christian Zeininger of mobilkom austria Strategic Intent Extended Enterprise End-to-end integration of Demand Supply Network End-to-end efficiency, speed and visibility Implementation actions - Process integration Web based process integration (Extranet portals) System-to-system integration = RosettaNet Suppliers ContractManufacturers POS Hubs & LSPs ChannelPartners Factories Banks Nokia Consumer TelecomOperators 10 million components every hour 5 mobile phones every second

5 Matthias Gehrken of Nokia, Christian Zeininger of mobilkom austria in / out HUB CEM / Nokia plant Wh mgmt SCP Mfg PDM Suppliers Customers 3A7 Notify of Purchase order acknowledgement 3A4 Request Purhcase order 2A12 Distribute product master 2C7 Request BOM 4A5 Acknowledgement of Forecast notification 4A1 Notify of Sales forecast 4A1 Notify of Sales forecast / Rolling Forecast 4A3 Notify of Threshold release forecast / Demand visibility 4A5 Acknowledgement of Forecast notification 4C1 Distribute inventory report 4B2 Notify of shipment receipt 3B2 Notify of advance shipment PIP XYZ Self Billing Invoice 3C6 Notify of remittance advice 3A7 Notify of PO acknowledgement 3A4 Request Purhcase order 7B3 Request capacity equivalency 7B4 Distribute capacity equivalency 2C8 Notify of BOM 2C9 Query AML/AVL 2C10 Notify of AML/AVL 2C5 Notify engineering change order 2C2 Request engineering change 4B2 Notify of shipment receipt 3B2 Notify of advance shipment 4C1 Distribute inventory report COM 2A9 Query EC technical information 2A1 Distribute new product information 3A2 Request price & availability End-to-end RosettaNet modeling Looking at big picture in details LSP INTEGRATION SUPPLIER INTEGRATION CEM INTEGRATION CUSTOMER INTEGRATION

6 Matthias Gehrken of Nokia, Christian Zeininger of mobilkom austria Nokia Priorities S2S Integration Agenda Transaction volume Strategic importance -Business value -Critical components -Critical Information LowHigh Low High Automation of manual work Elimination of human errors Realtime information High priority Business Partner AND process priorisation

7 Matthias Gehrken of Nokia, Christian Zeininger of mobilkom austria S2S Integration Agenda Customer Interface Functionality Transaction volume Strategic importance -Business value -Critical components -Critical Information Low High Low High 3C3 Invoice Business Partner AND process priorisation 3A4 Order Placement 2A1 Product Catalog 3A7 Order Conf 3B2 Despatch Adv

8 Matthias Gehrken of Nokia, Christian Zeininger of mobilkom austria Success Story RosettaNet Implementation

9 Matthias Gehrken of Nokia, Christian Zeininger of mobilkom austria Core Processes Overview Product Catalog Information (2A1) Request Purchase Order (3A4) Purchase Order Confirmation (3A7) Notify of Advance Shipment (3B2) Bill of Serial number Shipment Notification PIP Invoice (3C3) mobilkom Nokia part of the following demonstrationnot part of the following demonstration

10 Matthias Gehrken of Nokia, Christian Zeininger of mobilkom austria Request Purchase Order Request Purchase Order (3A4) Converter mobilkom austria Nokia ERP - system 1 PO...... Purchase Order 2 IDoc.... Intermediary Document (SAP) IDoc 2 PO 1

11 Matthias Gehrken of Nokia, Christian Zeininger of mobilkom austria The Bill of Serial Number (BOS) BOS Bill of MaterialBill of Serial Number Material Component Component SN Relevant SN BOM Single Serial Number BOS Subject to US Patent 20040158506

12 Matthias Gehrken of Nokia, Christian Zeininger of mobilkom austria Demo: Bill of Serial Number PIP BOS 1 Shipment Notification PIP Converter mobilkom austria Nokia ERP - system 1 BOS.... Bill of Serial number 2 IDoc.... Intermediary Document (SAP) 3 SNPM.... Serial Number Process Management IDoc 2 PIP SNPM 3

13 Matthias Gehrken of Nokia, Christian Zeininger of mobilkom austria Further Details Details to the Bill of Serial Number (BOS ® ) and Serial Number Process Management (SNPM ® ) will be presented to you today at 12:00 !

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