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Hiragana Game. Make words in hiragana with your cards

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Presentation on theme: "Hiragana Game. Make words in hiragana with your cards"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hiragana Game. Make words in hiragana with your cards
Hiragana Game! Make words in hiragana with your cards. The fastest group with the word correctly spelled wins!

2 1 ポイント

3 sushi

4 inu

5 saru

6 neko

7 hachi

8 roku

9 tori

10 rei

11 2 ポイント

12 ashita

13 kimono

14 sumou

15 usagi

16 nezumi

17 tsunami

18 manga

19 douzo

20 hitsuji

21 kiritsu

22 namae

23 mukashi

24 gosai

25 3 ポイント

26 nihongo

27 samurai

28 ohayou

29 nanidoshi

30 tomodachi

31 origami

32 yoroshiku

33 yonsai

34 fujisan

35 ikebana

36 4 ポイント

37 gozaimasu

38 arigatou

39 hinamatsuri

40 bushidou

41 kodomonohi

42 nansaidesuka

43 This document has been produced by Katherine Wyndham at Bishop Druitt College with funds provided by the Australian Government through the National Asian Languages and Studies in Schools Program (NALSSP).

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