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Dr. Kimbell-Lopez Online—September 8th – November 10th

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Kimbell-Lopez Online—September 8th – November 10th"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Kimbell-Lopez Online—September 8th – November 10th
Welcome to ECT 500

2 General Information All course information is linked via my web site: Project Based—No Mid-term or Final. Due dates for projects are noted on Calendar page-select “Calendar” link at top of page. Select “Requirements” for a listing of project, while “Project Descriptions” provides a more detailed description. Click on each activity for a detailed description and evaluation rubric. Select “Assignment” links shown on the Calendar page to review weekly assignments. You are required to use technology skills for every project you complete. Please do not turn in anything that is handwritten or hand drawn!

3 Projects Weekly Activities Field Experiences
Design of Classroom Web Pages Networking Project Design of Professional Development Session Design of Virtual Field Trip

4 Recommended Supplies Storage Device
Save files to your computer, then also backup your files by saving to a thumb drive, flash drive, jump drive, or other external storage device. Purchase WinZip or download free version (good for 30 days). Allows you to zip multiple files and submit in a compressed format. If you are a technology cognate, then you will use this in all of your technology classes. Cost--$30 Web site: See also Software noted on ECT 501 “Resources” web pages:

5 Turning in Projects All projects will be submitted via , Ning, Moodle, or our Wiki. Directions will be noted as part of the assignment instructions. Due dates are noted on the course web pages (select Calendar): 0%20home%20page.htm

6 Attendance Your attendance is measured by the following:
Submission of weekly activities Submission of all required projects to course instructor during the fall session Submission of designated projects to TaskStream All activities should be submitted by the designated due dates Points will be deducted for the submission of projects that are late—10% per day late See also attendance policies on “Project Descriptions” page

7 Task Stream Beginning Fall Quarter 2007, course major assignments, or signature pieces, will be evaluated via the TaskStream web-based toolset and assessment system. All educator preparation programs, both undergraduate and graduate, must individually subscribe to TaskStream.  You will be required to submit course signature pieces via TaskStream, and receive assignment feedback and grades via TaskStream. Failure to subscribe to and use the TaskStream assessment system, as directed, will result in an F grade (0%) in the designated course assignments. TaskStream subscription and operating information is available online at:  

8 What do you submit to Task Stream?
Zipped folder of classroom web pages PD Project Link to Prezi Handouts Screenshots of pages in Wiki Principal letter Evaluation Log of hours for PD project Link to Wix site for VFT Networking Project Word file-summary, graphic of classroom, etc. Excel spreadsheet detailing budget

9 How do you get in touch with Dr. K-L?
Use !!!

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