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The Membership Top All Indiana District Conference

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Presentation on theme: "The Membership Top All Indiana District Conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Membership Top 10 - 2018 All Indiana District Conference
Brent D. Rosenthal, PDG Zone 30 Rotary Coordinator

2 Our favorite Hoosier is back! The David Letterman Show
– June 30, 2019! The Top 10 Reasons Your Rotary Club Grew in !

3 BE THE INSPIRATION “We are a membership organization first. And if we want to be able to serve, if we want to succeed in our goals, we have to take care of our members first.” Barry Rassin, Rotary International President

4 Rotary’s Leaky Bucket Syndrome


6 1. You treated your members like Customers
Happy Customers: Are more active Attract new members Are more likely to become long-term Rotarians!

7 2. Your Club Provided Value to the Members
Why should someone join your Rotary Club?

8 What is Your Club’s Value Proposition?
Each Rotary Club is Unique!

9 Meaningful participation is the key to member retention!
3. You made sure all members were engaged (participated) in Rotary activities. Meaningful participation is the key to member retention!

10 Fellowship opportunities
What is “Engagement?” Meetings Service projects Social events Networking events Fellowship opportunities

11 Rotary should allow members to pursue their service passions!

12 4. You Made your Club Attractive to Members
Did you “recruit” your spouse? Your friends?


14 5. Your Club Offered Activities in All Five Avenues of Service
Action = Attraction!

15 6. You Asked the Right Questions - “Why” and “What”
Membership Growth Starts with WHY?

16 7. You introduced Flexibility to Your Club
You varied your meeting schedule or format.  You added service and social activities. You chilled on attendance requirements.  You introduced multiple types of membership.  You brought Rotaractors into the club. 

17 8. You Emphasized the Value of Rotary Relationships

18 9. You Told Rotary’s Story – You told YOUR story!

19 Let the World Know We are People of Action!

20 10. You Had Fun!!

21 Lighten Up and Smile a Bit!!!!

22 And one to grow on: 11. You Embraced Change
“There is nothing so sacred in Rotary that it cannot be set aside for things better.” Paul Harris

23 Definitely NOT in the Top Ten
1. “Recruiting” mindset 2. Obsessing over attendance 3. Roster purging

24 Membership Best Practices
Simple Ways to Grow Your Rotary Club PDG Brent D. Rosenthal Zone 30 Rotary Coordinator

25 Attracting New Members
Know and promote the unique benefits and value of Rotary membership. Share your Rotary story! Invite people to a club event (service or social) – and make sure it’s fun! Make sure your club has a friendly atmosphere with opportunity for fellowship (exciting programs are a plus but not necessary). Publicize club events and activities!

26 Best Practices Learn potential and current members’ passions.
Learn what they want from Rotary membership. Do not bring in new members who won’t fit in (refer them to other clubs!). Pre-induction disclosure of expectations and obligations of Rotary membership.

27 More Best Practices Immediately train and orient new members to the club and to Rotary; Immediately involve new members in activities consistent with their passions. Increase your club’s “value proposition” – focus on value to members. Strive to be strong in all Five Avenues of Service.

28 More Best Practices Consider adopting a Touchpoints program.
Consider “class projects” and “flash projects” Have plenty of social and family activities. Groom new members for leadership roles.

29 More Best Practices Obtain continual feedback from members about satisfaction with the club and its activities. Make changes to ensure members’ continued satisfaction: projects, activities, meeting time and location, even club traditions! Monitor member participation and intervene.

30 Be Flexible! Consider: Changing your meeting schedule.
Varying your meeting format.  Relaxing attendance requirements.  Offering multiple membership types.  Inviting Rotaractors to be members of your club. 

31 Here’s a Thought Every club should have at least one “non meeting” event (social activity, hands-on service project) every month!

32 And Finally…. Embrace change as good! Cultivate an atmosphere of entrepreneurship, progress, optimism and excitement. Membership growth is a matter of whole club excellence, not just numbers!

33 Service Above Self remains first, last, and always our #1 mission!
The Take-away The most important issue for all of Rotary is to grow to ensure our continued service. Membership growth requires we treat members as our customers, giving them the value they seek from Rotary. We must make Rotary more attractive to women, minorities and the millenial generation, as well as our “experienced” members. Membership growth can only happen if we make it a priority and are willing to make changes we need to be relevant to the next generation. Service Above Self remains first, last, and always our #1 mission!


35 THANK YOU! For more information…
PDG Brent D. Rosenthal Rotary Coordinator, Zone 30 (614)

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