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Presented by Dr. Ellen Mkondya Senkoro, CEO - BMF

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1 Presented by Dr. Ellen Mkondya Senkoro, CEO - BMF
BMF Performance Update up to December DPG – Health Meeting 4th June 2018 Presented by Dr. Ellen Mkondya Senkoro, CEO - BMF

2 Outline BMF Focus Areas Strategic Focus Areas
BMF Contribution to National Framework Main achievements across the Focus Areas Emerging Issues Institutional

3 BMF Strategic Plan – Trust registered in 2006, founded by the Former President to complement the Government efforts in the improving health sector developments Vision- To be a hub in innovations for ensuring equitable, accessible and quality health service delivery in Tanzania. Mission- To facilitate the delivery of responsive health services , including HIV/AIDS particularly in underserved areas through innovation in health systems Result 1. Reinforce response to HIV and AIDS and related health conditions Human Resources for Health and Community Health Workers Result 3. Robust management of Information, Education & Communication Result 4. Building a Sustainable Business Model of BMAF Result 5. Effective BMAF Operational Systems and Technical Leadership Capacity

4 Benjamin W. Mkapa Foundation Focus Areas
Recruitment, Distribution & Production, Productivity & Retention of HRH including CHW HIV and AIDS Care & Treatment/Maternal health care UHC HSSP IV HRHSP, HSHSP 4, One Plan II, CBHP, NSP 5 – TB & Leprosy Infrastructure – Staff Houses, Theatre, Maternity Wards & MDR sites and TB Diagnostic sites Community Interventions- HIV and TB Quality Improvement Initiatives – HIV and MNH Services Policy, Advocacy & Documentation

5 HIV/AIDS and TB. HIV Testing ON ART
72,719 people Tested through Combination Prevention Campaign (CPC) and Integrated Community Outreach Out of them 1421 tested positive and referred to care. 21% increase of women attending ANC . 40% increase of eligible HIV positive clients on care who are initiated on ART from 65% (Dec 2015) to 105% (Dec 2017) 11% increase of HIV positive pregnant women receiving ART for PMTCT from 92% (Dec 2015) to 103% (Dec 2017) TB TB screening conducted to was conducted to 30,667 people among them 135 were presumptive cases and referred.

6 RMNCH Services Output Outcome
Initiated CEmONC services in 11 facilities through constructing of Eleven (11) theatres in 4 regions – Kagera, Simiyu, Rukwa and Shinyanga Initiated Coaching and Mentorship by Specialists from Regional Referral Hospital to the constructed (functional) theatres Trained 51 HWs on CEmONC services (6) Upgrading from CO to AMO, (6) Anaesthesia and other(35) CEmONC training , (8) Attachment of clinicians to regional hospitals for CEmONC training Availability of functional QI teams in 16 HFs (84%) out of 19HFs in 4 regions following orientation on Standard Based Management and Recognition (SBMR) of the MOHCDGEC for RMNCH quality improvement initiative 21% increase of pregnant women delivering at the facility from 56% in 2015 to 77% (2017) Through integrated Community Outreach a total of 2,460 people were reached with family planning services and 2014 were screened for cervical cancer.

7 Human Resources for Health (HRH)
Output Outcome Recruited a total of 1148, 818 ( 83%) have been mainstreamed Scholarship for 945 middle level cadres to be deployment in PHC level facilities Capacitated 1860 LGAs officials in HRM, Performance Mgt, Planning and 119 facilities staff were capacitated on DHFF Facilitated the development &institutionalisation of customized retention incentive strategies for 16 LGAs. Support in staff re/distribution through WISN Rehabilitated 480 staff houses in 269 health facilities in 55 LGA’s Increased availability of quality health services Reduced shortage of skilled HCWs at district & facility level at average of 56% in 2016-but increased to 62% by Dec 2017 in 70 LGAs Improved Planning CCHP & retention 34 facilities not functioning-become full functional (staff houses)-availability of emergency services,reduction of working distance by communities to the facilities.

8 Community Health Workers
Enhanced quality of training for CHWs in 10 Lake Zone HTIs. Supported harmonisation of the training tools (Curriculum with all training tools) , Supported MOHCDGEC in developing of CHW Training and supervision tools Support MOHCDGEC to conduct supervision to improve quality of CHW Training Conducted survey on level of satisfaction of Tutors, students and graduates Provision of teaching aid (10 LCD Projectors and 10 Laptops) Oriented 167 CHMT members from 8 local authorities on a new concept of CBHP

9 Policy and Advocacy National HRH Alliance comprising of 12 organisations developed. Annual HRH Advocacy Strategy developed and implemented- contributed to the following achievements: Improvement HRH availability in beneficiary regions. Improved planning for HRH incentives in CCHP. Contributed to the revises Medical and Health Allied Practitioners ACT- Compulsory attachment. Established National Champions from Parliamentarian and Ward Councilors and facilitated their consultative dialogues with respective ministries, regions, districts and communities decision makers, as well as presenting key HRH agendas to the parliament. Effective engagement to the Sectoral policy dialogue forums( SWAPs, JAHRS, HRH TWG (Co Chair), CHW Task force…where lesson learnt from BMF’s interventions are shared.

10 BMF Coverage VS National Specific Service Priority regions
xx Kigoma Tabora Geita Simiyu Shinyanga x Arusha Katavi Mbeya Singida Dodoma X Iringa Morogoro Njombe Ruvuma Lindi Pwani Mtwara Manyara Tanga Kilimanjaro Dar Es Salaam Kagera Mara Mwanza Lake Rukwa Lake Victoria Rukwa BMF Coverage About 11mil Population reached-in 90 % of the Regions including their LGA’s respective facilities and Communities 11 million people have been reached directly and indirectly with BMF interventions in almost 90% of the country. The green, yellow and blue shaded regions are regions which Govt has prioritized or focused on either HRH only ( blue), HIV and RMNCH ( green) and HIV, RMNCH and HRH ( yellow). You will note the yellow one is mostly in lake and south western zone, green mainly in southern highland. KEY HRH ( National focus) HIV & RMNCH ( National focus) HIV/RMNCH & HRH ( National focus) x BMF Reached the site with one intervention xx BMF Reached the site with more than one intervention

11 New Interventions /Projects
TB – HIV- GF- HIV Prevention for general population- CPC approach –in 4 regions ,8 districts & 184 wards MFP3- CHW deployment ,11 LGAs-4 regions– with key target on improving – RMNCH,HIV/AIDS community services & strengthen community/facility linkages, Improved quality of facility based RMNCH and HIV services through CME,C&M,Technology, Improved facility based HIV/RMNCH youth friendly services, Improved facility planning, Evidence generation to inform/influence investment decisions on HRH ,CHWs & quality of CEmONC services. UAM- Improving Anaesthesia services through – Universal Anaesthesia Machine (UAM) RSSH- SR-(upon award)- HRH,CHWs, E-platform for HRH, Social Accountability

12 EXPERIENCE ON GF Round 3 &4 (2007-2010) – Emergency Hiring
HSS-R9 – ( ) – deployment of HRH & tutor, production, HRM&Productivity,staff houses, Professional Ethics NFM-Extension for student grants and rehabilitation of staff houses TB/HIV- ( )- Community TB (13 regions) RSSH- FR-(on progress)- HRH & CHWs, Responsive community systems Secretariat for NSA- facilitates the engagement process for NSA in FR development and implementation Key Lessons: Pulling & Pushing factor for Success & sustainability- Effective engagement of interministerial actors, NSAs & local CSOs in Grants mgt & implementation, integrating grant management within the ministerial structures, need for grant management and communication charter , strengthen implementation collaborations & timely decisions.

13 EXPERIENCE ON GF Key Lessons: Pulling & Pushing factor for Success & sustainability: Effective engagement of interministerial actors, NSAs & local CSOs in Grants mgt & implementation. Effective supervision for infrastructure investment-for quality assurance Balanced investment for infrastructure and health systems integrating grant management within the ministerial structures need for grant management and communication charter strengthen implementation collaborations & timely decisions.

14 Key Emerging Issues Innovation to accelerate HRH & CHW deployment and utilization Investment options for deployment of HRH & CHW though PPP- BMF, MAT, APHTA Collaboration with Government Utilization for CHW to acceleration UHC and also to increase health Insurance Coverage Use of technology to strengthen Mentoring, CME, Supervision, Coaching and mentoring for HRH & CHW. Strengthen Partnership and collaboration with local CSO’s Investments on productivity interventions. Evidence generation for evidence based and targeted& consultative advocacy for policy & process improvement .

15 Institutional BMF is currently reviewing its Strategic Plan to 2018 Continuous strengthening for operational systems- financial, M&E ,Research and Knowledge Management Investment Options for BMF program sustainability- Endowment Fund, Basket Funding,SPV

16 Thank you for your attention

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