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Respond to the following quote in 3-4 sentences:

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1 Respond to the following quote in 3-4 sentences:
How do I develop a strong opposing claim that is both relevant and logical? Respond to the following quote in 3-4 sentences: [Bobby Frank Cherry was a] trucker with an eighth grade education, no upper front teeth, a “Bobby” tattoo on his arm, seven [sic] kids, and a wife he beat and cheated on. Based solely on this quote, what is your opinion of Bobby Frank Cherry? Give evidence to support your claim.

2 Three Major Chapter Points
The Cherry trial Carolyn’s position as a Civil Rights Historian Carolyn’s position as a spiritual leader. Choose the one that you think had the most influence on Carolyn. Why do you think so? Use evidence from the text to support your claim.

3 Alphabet Soup Use your knowledge of the text to fill in an idea for each letter on the chart. Example: What important character in the text has a name that starts with ‘M’? Example: What important event discussed in the text starts with ‘C’? Fill in the rest of the chart with your group using important characters, events, and ideas from the text.

4 Writing a Book Review

5 Why write a book review? It’s an easy way to let other people know if you enjoyed a book, or not, and why. A written opinion of what you think of a certain book as well as an accompanying summary

6 Important information to include:
The title This way, if someone wants to read the book, they know what to ask for at the library or the book shop. The author This will also help people to search. Also, if they enjoyed the book, they could look for more by this author.

7 Summarize the story Give a summary of the main parts of the story.
Don’t give away any plot twists, or the ending. Make the book sound as exciting and interesting as possible!

8 Give your opinion Tell the reader whether you enjoyed the book or not.
Remember to give a reason for your opinion! Be honest, don’t be afraid to say if you didn’t enjoy the book.

9 A Good Book Review . . . Gives a statement telling the genre and what types of people would enjoy reading this book. Gives your personal opinions and thoughts about the book and relates the book to your personal life. Gives a brief summary of what goes on in the book but not giving a way the final event To do this, you could ask a question. Example: “Who will win the vigorous battle between ________ and ______? Read the book to find out ! Leaves the reader in suspense

10 Pre-Writing a Book Review
Answer all the questions on the handout. Be sure to provide specific evidence from the text where asked for. Use the handout to write the review.

11 Writing a Book Review Every step on the handout becomes a paragraph in the review How many paragraphs total? Take the answers to questions on the handout and write them in paragraphs in the book review.

12 Present your Book Review
Share with the class: How did you connect (relate) to the book? *You must include at least two specific examples from the text. What did you like best? What do you rate this book? Why?

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