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“The Skin I’m In” Copy These NOTES I Can: • Determine theme

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Presentation on theme: "“The Skin I’m In” Copy These NOTES I Can: • Determine theme"— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Skin I’m In” Copy These NOTES I Can: • Determine theme
• Support theme with details from the book • Write or present an unbiased summary RL 8.2. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments. Copy These NOTES

2 “The Skin I’m IN” Two Truths and a Lie:
The teacher will ask four questions from yesterday’s reading. The students will indicate their responses using the following indicators: 1 finger---Answer A 2 fingers---Answer B 3 fingers---Answer C

3 “A Day No teachers Would cry”
Each one of your teachers has the following true about them: Mr. Coleman has a daughter and he is preparing to welcome a son in December. Dean Fisher and Ms. Frazier belong to the same sorority and attended the same undergraduate school. Ms. Parrish and Ms. Marcelin order their lunch each day from Dean Robinson costing them $20 per week. 1 finger---Answer A 2 fingers---Answer B 3 fingers---Answer C Which one is a LIE?

4 The main character, Maleeka, has the following things true about her:
“The Skin I’m In” Chapter 1: The main character, Maleeka, has the following things true about her: She is being bullied by kids at school but had a boyfriend who stood up for her. She is very smart in her classes but feels inferior to many of her “friends” because they have things she does not have. She immediately feels she and the new teacher will get along because of the teacher’s facial discoloration. 1 finger---Answer A 2 fingers---Answer B 3 fingers---Answer C Which one is a LIE?

5 “The Skin I’m In” During Reading:
Chapter 1: Maleeka says, “I deserve better than for people to treat me any old way they want.” What does she mean? Maleeka says that Miss Saunders is “a freak like me.” What does this reveal about how Maleeka feels about herself? Contrast that statement to the one to the one in Question # 2. Why do you suppose John-John teases Maleeka? Chapter 2: Why is Miss Saunders at McClenton Middle School? What did she do before coming there to teach? Have you ever been teased about your appearance? How did that feel? Maleeka seems to notice a lot about the clothes of others. Find an instance of this in the text. What does this tell you about Maleeka? How does Maleeka dress? Why?  Chapter 3: Why does Maleeka “hang-out” with Charlese? Would you? In Chapter 1 Maleeka says, “I deserve better than for people to treat me any old way they want.” Does Maleeka act like this is true while hanging out with Charlese? Explain. Why do you think Caleb left Maleeka on the bus? During Reading:

6 “The Skin I’m In” After Reading:
Complete the summary of today’s reading by responding to the following: Although Maleeka has gone through the loss of her father and the ridicule from her peers, what character traits has he shown to us as the reader? Use three examples from the text to support your character trait. SHOW me the trait through your examples. After Reading:

7 “The Skin I’m In” Homework: Nightly Summary
Use five of the vocabulary words in compound-complex sentences. Be sure to label the parts of speech in each sentence including the following: Subject Nouns Verbs Pronouns Proper Nouns Independent Clauses Dependent Clauses Conjunctions Prepositions Modifiers (Adjectives and Adverbs) Articles Summaries from “A La Carte” are due TOMORROW. Everyone must have at least 200 pages recorded on the 25 Book Campaign charts by Friday of this week. Add the following pages to your Interactive Notebook by Friday: Tone Vs. Mood Theme vs. Main Idea Homework: Nightly Summary

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