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Plant Disease Development

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1 Plant Disease Development
CHAPTER 3 Plant Disease Development

2 Factors for successful disease development
Disease triangle

3 Disease triangle Three important components of plant disease :
Susceptible host Virulent pathogen Favourable environment For disease to occur all three of these must be present.


5 Properties of pathogen
Level of virulence Adaptability Dispersal efficiency Survival efficiency Reproductive fitness

6 Properties of host Susceptibility Growth stage & form
Population density & structure General health

7 Properties of environment
Temperature Rainfall / Dew Leaf wetness period Soil properties Wind

8 Intensive questions Question 1 Define the following terms
Virulent (2 marks) Susceptible (2 marks) Question 2 Describe the main characteristics of pathogen for successful disease development. (5 marks) Give the other two factors that are required for successful disease development. (2 marks) With the aid of a diagram describe disease triangle. (8 marks)

9 Stages in disease development
Inoculation Penetration Infection Growth and Reproduction Dissemination of Pathogen

10 Inoculation Inoculation = The arrival of pathogen on the host Inoculum = The pathogen (s) that land on the host or Any part of the pathogen that can initiate infection.

11 Types of inoculum Primary inoculum = An inoculum that survives the dormant period and caused the first infections Primary infections = infection caused by primary inoculum Secondary inoculum = An inoculum produced from primary infections Secondary infections = infection caused by secondary inoculum

12 Inoculation process Landing or arrival of inoculum
Germination of spores and seeds ( fungus) Hatching of nematode eggs Attachment of Pathogen to Host (virus and bacteria) Recognition Between Host and Pathogen (Pathogen recognize the host)

13 Penetration The initial invasion of a host by a pathogen
Direct Penetration Direct with haustoria Direct, subcuticular only Direct with appressorium  penetration peg  intracellular mycelium

14 Direct with haustoria

15 Direct, intercellular mycelium

16 Direct with appressorium

17 Penetration Through Natural Openings
a. Through stoma b. Through lenticels c. Through hydathodes Penetration Through Wounds a. Through wound b. Through natural cracks between main and lateral roots. c. Openings made by fungus

18 Infection Establishment of pathogen in the host and take the nutrients from the host Successful infection will produce symptoms

19 Growth and Reproduction of
The pathogen will grow and multiply within the infected host.

20 Dissemination Dissemination by air Dissemination by water
Dissemination by Insects, Nematodes & other Vectors Dissemination by Seed and Transplanting process Dissemination by human

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