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Presentation on theme: "Plants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plants

2 There’s more to a plant than meets the eye.
Stems- Structures that hold a plant up and support its leaves.

3 Xylem- The “pipe works” of the stem that move water and minerals up through the plant to the leaves.

4 Phloem- The pipes that move food back down through the plant.

5 Cambium- The thin layer of cells that separate the phloem and the xylem.

6 Roots- Anchor plant to the ground, stores food, and draws water and nutrients from the soil.

7 How leaves function.

8 Photosynthesis- The process of plants using sunlight to create their own food.

9 How do plants reproduce?
Reproduction- The production of more individuals of the same species. Sexual reproduction- The production of a new organism through the union of a male and female sex cells. Asexual reproduction- The production of a new organism using only one type of cell.

10 Plants with seeds. Seed- A structure that contains a young developing plant and food. Sperm- The male sex cell. Egg- The female egg cell that must unite with the sperm cell.

11 Pollination- The transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma.

12 Reproduction with spores

13 Plants foldable assignment
Fold your paper into a tri-fold. Write a proper heading on the back of your tri-fold. Copy the statements shown on page 43. On the inside of each tab complete the statement and provide supporting details. All statements MUST be completed in a neat and easy to read fashion, and supporting details for each statement MUST be provided to earn full credit. This assignment is due by the end of the period.



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