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Punnett Squares Punnett Squares show:

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1 Punnett Squares Punnett Squares show:
1. The alleles in the gametes of each parent, 2. Possible results of genetic crosses, and 3. The genotypes of the offspring. Steps to Creating and Using Punnett Squares: 1. Identify the trait and possible alleles (dominant and recessive) 2. Determine the genotype of the parents 3. Create the Punnett Square - each trait needs 2 boxes to represent it 4. Put the male across the top, Female along the side. 5. Fill in the Punnett Square representing the offspring produced 6. Determine the Genotype Ratio (GR) of the offspring. 7. Determine the Phenotype Ratio (PR) of the offspring.

2 Punnett Squares 1. Trait = gender.
2. Genotype of a male = ___. Genotype of a female = ___. 3. Create the punnett square - 2 boxes per trait across the top x 2 boxes per trait down the side 4. Put the dad’s genotype across the top, mom’s down the side 5. Fill in the punnett square for the offspring 6. Determine the offsprings’ genotypes. 7. Determine the offsprings’ phenotypes. XY XX Law of Segregation X Y X X X X Y X X X X Y __ offspring genotype ___: __ offspring genotype ___ = ratio of ______:_______ 2 XX 2 XY 2 XX 2 XY __ offspring phenotype ____: __ offspring phenotype ____ = ratio of ______:______ 2 girls 2 boys 2 girls 2 boys

3 Probability Seed shape: Round is dominant (R), Wrinkled = recessive (r) P Generation Cross - True homozygous dominant/recessive parents Genotype Phenotype RR = Round R R Homozygous Dominant r Rr Rr Rr = Heterozygous Round Rr Rr rr = Homozygous Recessive Wrinkled 0:4:0 Ratio 4:0 Ratio F1 Generation Cross - Hybrid (heterozygous) offspring RR = Homozygous Dominant Round R r Rr = Heterozygous Round R r RR Rr Rr rr rr = Homozygous Recessive Wrinkled 1:2:1 Ratio 3:1 Ratio

4 Punnett Square Practice
Hair Color Eye Color Plant Height Flower Color D d E e t t p p d Dd dd E e EE Ee T t Tt Tt P Pp Pp Dd dd Ee ee tt tt Pp Pp Genotypes ___________ ________________ ________________ _________________ Phenotypes __________ ________________ ________________ _________________ 2 Bb, 2 bb 2 brown, 2 blonde Trait Dominant/Recessive Parents Genotypes Dimples Yes = Dominant = D Heterozygous dad No = Recessive = d Homozygous recessive mom Earlobes Detached = Dominant = E Attached = Recessive = e Heterozygous mom Plant Height Tall = Dominant = T Homozygous recessive male Short = Recessive = t Heterozygous female Flower Color Purple = Dominant = P White = Recessive = p Homozygous dominant female

5 Independent Assortment
The idea that different traits sort themselves separately (independently) of each other. For example earlobes and dimples color are two separate traits and will be represented on 2 separate genes: Earlobes: Detached (E) Attached (e) Dimples: Yes (D) No (d) o o FOIL Method f f Dad: EEDD Mom: eedd i i L L ED ED ED ED ed EeDd What are the genotypes of all of the babies? ed What are the phenotypes of all of the babies? ed ed 5

6 Independent Assortment
The idea that different traits sort themselves separately (independently) of each other: Dad: EeDd Mom: EeDd Earlobes: Detached (E) Attached (e) Dimples: Yes (D) No (d) o o f f i L i L ED Ed eD ed ED EEDD EEDd Where’s the attached earlobe, no dimple baby? Ed EEdd Eedd Where’s an attached earlobe, dimpled baby? eD eeDD eeDd Where’s a detached earlobe, no dimple baby? ed Eedd eedd eedd 6

7 Monohybrid Crosses - from handout
7. Heterochromia h h Dad = ____, Mom = ____ Offspring : Genotypes __________________________________________ Phenotypes _________________________________________ H Hh Hh Hh Hh 8. Heterochromia h h Dad = ____, Mom = ____ Offspring : Genotypes __________________________________________ Phenotypes _________________________________________ h hh hh hh hh heterochromia (Greek: heteros 'different' + chroma 'color'[1]) is a difference in coloration, usually of the iris but also of hair or skin. Heterochromia is a result of the relative excess or lack of melanin (a pigment). It may be inherited, or caused by genetic mosaicism, chimerism, disease, or injury.[2] Heterochromia of the eye (heterochromia iridis or heterochromia iridum; the common incorrect form "heterochromia iridium" is not correct Latin) is of two kinds. In complete heterochromia, one iris is a different color from the other. In partial heterochromia or sectoral heterochromia, part of one iris is a different color from its remainder. Eye color, specifically the color of the irises, is determined primarily by the concentration and distribution of melanin.[3][4][5] The affected eye may be hyperpigmented (hyperchromic) or hypopigmented (hypochromic).[6] In humans, usually, an excess of melanin indicates hyperplasia of the iris tissues, whereas a lack of melanin indicates hypoplasia. 9. Forelock F f Dad = ____, Mom = ____ Offspring : Genotypes __________________________________________ Phenotypes _________________________________________ f Ff ff Ff ff

8 SeX-Linked Chromosome Disorders
Colorblind Hemophilia Muscular Dystrophy Dad - color blind Mom - a carrier Dad - normal blood clotting Mom - a Hemophilia Dad - Muscular Dystrophy Mom - normal How does the world look to a color blind person? Xc Y XH Y Xd Y XC XCXc XCY Xh XHXh XhY XD XDXd XDY XcXc XcY XHXh Xc Xh XhY XDXd XDY XD G: ____________ ____________ 1 heterozy: 1 homozy rec G: ____________ ____________ 2 heterozygous females G: ____________ ____________ 2 heterozygous females 1 dom male, 1 recessive 2 recessive males 2 dominant males P: ____________ ____________ P: ____________ ____________ 2 normal carrier females 1 Normal carrer: 1 Colorblind P: ____________ ____________ 2 normal carrier females 2 hemophiliac males 1 normal male 1 Colorblind male 2 normal males

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