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Identification of Pro-Poor Policies in National Plans/PRSPs – The Role of Diagnostics and Participation Widjajanti I. Suharyo The SMERU Research Institute,

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Presentation on theme: "Identification of Pro-Poor Policies in National Plans/PRSPs – The Role of Diagnostics and Participation Widjajanti I. Suharyo The SMERU Research Institute,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Identification of Pro-Poor Policies in National Plans/PRSPs – The Role of Diagnostics and Participation Widjajanti I. Suharyo The SMERU Research Institute, Indonesia Presentation at the “National Plans as Poverty Reduction Strategies in East Asia” Vientiane, Lao PRD - April 4-6, 2006

2 Outline Participatory process in PRSP formulation in Indonesia
Poverty diagnostic Lessons learned and future challenges

3 Indonesian PRSP (SNPK) Formulation - Chronology
January 2003 May 2004 October 2004 January 2005 I - PRSP Draft 0 Draft 1 Final Document (SNPK ) Poverty Reduction Committee ( KPK) TKP3KPK Coordinating Team for the Preparation and Formulation of Poverty Redu ction Strategy Drafter T As for Task Force : Universities & NGOs Finalization Team: Governments, NGOs, Universities, Research Institute , & Business Review Team: Governme nts, NGOs & Universities Public Consultations: Meetings and Workshops Ø PPA Academic Research/ Papers Consultations conducted by Task Forces Inputs from stakeholders: In writing Uploaded in In writi ng Harmonization with Medium Terms Development Plan TA Cross Cutting Issues: Communication, Monev, Regional, Policy Review, Pro poor Budgeting and Planning, Gender Mainstreaming

4 KPK and TKP3KPK KPK: Consisted of Govt. Ministries, Chaired by Coordinating Minister for Social Welfare and Coordinating Minister for Economy TKP3KPK: Special task force formed by KPK for PRSP formulation

5 TKP3KPK Structure TKP3KPK Core Team – High rank govt. officials
TASK FORCE (TF) SEKRETARIAT TF 3: CAPACITY BUILDING TF 1: CREATING OPPORTUNITIES TF 2: COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT SOCIAL PROTECTION Function: Synchronized Issues between TFs Task Force members: Government, Legislative, Business Communities, Universities, NGOs, Community - Expertise based

6 PRSP Draft 0  Draft 1 Main critics to Draft 0:
Too broad (general) and lack of poverty focus – using very limited poverty data Inconsistency: definition - indicators Do not sufficiently accommodate various inputs, including inputs from task forces Do not incorporate PPA results sufficiently Lack of comprehensive strategy to reduce poverty, only listing of programs/project that do not match with poverty diagnostic

7 Preparation of Draft 1 - Challenges
How to incorporate/take into account the various inputs How to use PPA results – beyond using them as “quotes” or anecdotal evidences How to combine PPA and quantitative data How to accommodate different perspective to poverty

8 Preparation of Draft 1 – The Process
INPUT OUTPUT Constitution PPA Review of policy and programs Global targets (MDGs) – adjusted to Indonesia condition Poverty data (quantitative) Other Poverty studies Indonesia PRSP (SNPK) – Right based approach Input to Medium Term Development Programs PROCESS Finalization Team & Review Team (Government, Universities, Research Institutes, NGOs, Business Community) Consultations Workshops Consolidation of Inputs Drafting

9 Incorporating PPA Results
PPA Consolidation: Common – found in all or many communities  national problems Local specific: livelihood type, occupation type, ethnic group, gender, etc. Poverty trap & poverty dynamic – impoverishment Inputs to PRSP: Poverty Problems (characteristics, causes & impacts of poverty) Multidimensionality of poverty Effectiveness of policy/programs Scaling up process PPA Characteristics: (-) Local specific case, anecdotal, can not be scaled up (+) explaining why and how – poverty dynamic

10 Combining Qualitative –Quantitative
Poverty Analysis Quantitative Macro Absolute Objective Material/ Physiologist Qualitative & Participatory Micro Relative Subjective Structural/ Sociologist “Why” & “How” Verification Deepening Generalization Data availability?: Poverty Sensitive; Gender Sensitive Problem Statement

11 Accommodating Different Perspectives – The Debate
Government: Concept: multidimensional – heavily relied on Income/ consumption based (+) Consistent with available indicators (-) Static - failed to address capability and structural issues - impoverishment NGOs: Concept: Structural Poverty (+) Focus on poverty dynamic, address poverty trap and exploitative relation (-) data and indicator ?? Problem: Inequality in access and capabilities, across economic class, gender, occupation type, ethnic, etc. Concept: Capability – equality in access and opportunities Strategy/approach: right based approach Data/Indicators: some are available, some not yet available

12 10 basic rights Inputs: Indonesia Constitution (UUD 1945) PPA
Right based approach: to respect, to protect, and to fulfill Food Security Health Education Job and business opportunities Housing Clean water and sanitation Land Natural resources and healthy environment Human security Participation Inputs: Indonesia Constitution (UUD 1945) PPA International Conventions Reference: UN – A Human Right Approach to PRS

13 Lessons learned and future challenges
Participatory process: Cumbersome: need persistence, patience, systematic process, openness Time consuming: allow enough time Quality of participation: strategy to include all/most stakeholders, including the poor and the various government bodies Lack of common understanding on Right Based Approach The myth: very costly – the government could not effort No reference to the role of good governance – which is the central of the approach (to respect and to protect) Sharing of responsibilities between various stakeholders

14 Thank You

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