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Consensogram Please take a moment to answer the questions posted on the doors by placing a post-it above the answer you feel best reflects you.

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Presentation on theme: "Consensogram Please take a moment to answer the questions posted on the doors by placing a post-it above the answer you feel best reflects you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consensogram Please take a moment to answer the questions posted on the doors by placing a post-it above the answer you feel best reflects you.

2 Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS)
Warren Mott High School

3 What is Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS)?
PBIS is a systemic, proactive and positive support by schools, parents, and community for the teaching and learning of successful student behavior. Provides students with clear behavioral expectations Includes a variety of support and strategies to increase positive behavior in schools Required by the MDE

4 PBIS….. Discourages inappropriate behavior Encourages and rewards
Decrease in tardies Increase in attendance Less referrals Less suspensions Encourages and rewards positive and appropriate behavior Creates a shared language Improves school unity and climate

5 PBIS, What it is NOT: Bribery
Reinforcement of positive behaviors should include praise, positive interaction, activities, tangible items, recognition or acknowledgement. (PBIS is not just “Daily PRIDE” Activity) Only for younger students All students need to be taught appropriate behavior and like to be acknowledged No consequences We MUST respond to behavior, but we want to respond in a way that supports learning new behavior and has the potential to result in behavior change.

6 PBIS and RtI Response to Intervention (RtI)
Academic Interventions What do you do if a student isn’t learning? Positive Behavior Support (PBS) Behavioral Interventions What do you do if a student isn’t behaving?

7 Teaching Positive Behavior at WMHS
“If a child doesn’t know how to read, we teach.” “If a child doesn’t know how to swim, we teach.” “If a child doesn’t know how to multiply, we teach.” “If a child doesn’t know how to drive, we teach.” “If a child doesn’t know how to behave, we….teach?....punish?” Tom Herner, Counterpoint 1998, p 2.

8 Warren Mott PRIDE Prepared Respectful Involved Determined Enthusiastic
P.R.I.D.E. is a daily reminder of the high expectations we have for our students. WMHS students who exhibit PRIDE are: Prepared Respectful Involved Determined Enthusiastic

9 Examples of PBIS at WMHS
Marauder Merits PRIDE Matrix Convocation SIP Teacher of the Week Positive Interactions with Students What else are we doing in our classes and school wide?

10 What Does PRIDE Look Like at Mott? PRIDE Matrix
In the Classroom? In the Hall? In the Cafeteria? At an Extracurricular Event? In the Rest Room? On a Field Trip? At an Assembly?

11 First Week of School: Mini Lessons
We are asking that you take five minutes, either at the beginning of the end of each hour, every day next week, to discuss policies/procedures/expectations with our students. Each hour will have a different topic (dress code, tardies, grading policy, credit requirements, etc). Everyone will be provided a calendar of topics for the week as well as talking points on each policy/procedure/rule. The goal is to create a shared language and clearly communicate/teach expectations, behaviors, and consequences. These are not new procedures or policies, we need to make sure that we are consistent across the building, in each house, every classroom, all day, every day. Reinforce with “Rule of the Week.”

12 PBIS at Warren Mott High School
Please contact Carlie if you are interested in receiving more information and training on PBIS.

13 Questions? Comments? Concerns?

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