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Welcome to Back to School Night!

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1 Welcome to Back to School Night!
Dear Parents, Please: Sign-in and check out the volunteer opportunities that are open for our class. Sit at your child’s seat. Read your child’s hope/goal for 2nd grade year. Write a hope or goal that you have for your child. Use a post-it to leave a brief note on your child's desk. This will be glued into their notebook for them to look back at. 5. Review the BTSN packet. Ms. Kiel Second Grade Room 162

2 About Ms. Kiel This is my 9th year teaching. I have taught Kindergarten, First and Second Grades I have a master’s degree from Old Dominion University Grew up in Williamsburg Virginia and have been living in the Northern Va. area for the last 8 years.

3 Second Grade Curriculum
Units of Study for Teaching Reading  (Lucy Calkins) Second-Grade Reading Growth Spurt Becoming Experts: Reading Nonfiction Bigger Books Mean Amping Up Reading Power Series Book Clubs Units of Study for Teaching Writing (Lucy Calkins)  Narrative Writing: Small Moments Non-Fiction Persuasive Writing Poetry Word Study Developmental Spelling Stages – Letter Name, Within Word, or Syllables and Affixes Science Science Fusion, FOSS, Delta will be used to teach the following units: Weather, Animal Life Cycles, Habitats, Earth’s Resources, Matter, and Magnets Social Studies Trade Books, Five Ponds Press, and developed units will be used to teach the following units: Civics, American Indians, Famous Americans, Past vs. Present, Inventions, Economics, and Holidays FLES 2x/week with Señora Ferre Health 1x/week with Mr. Walker

4 Belongingness, Significance, and Fun
Responsive Classroom Belongingness, Significance, and Fun Morning Meeting 4 parts  Greeting, Share, Activity, Morning Message Hopes and Goals Rules: Student generated Develop problem solving skills for social situations C.A.R.E.S. Every action has a consequence: Positive: Make friends Stay safe Lots of learning! Negative: Take a Break Loss of privilege You break it, you fix it

5 Homework Monthly Project Based Homework Read for 20 minutes each night
Sent home: first school day of the month Due Back: last school day of the month Read for 20 minutes each night Reflex Math (3X/week) until student reaches green light

6 Project Based Homework

7 Classroom Celebrations
Halloween Global Celebration Valentine’s Day End of Year

8 Activity Fee ($30) Field Trips The Children’s Science Center Lab
Planetarium National Museum of American History Bus Transportation Class Supplies Classroom Celebrations

9 Bloomz & Scholastic Book Orders
Parent Sign-Ups on Bloomz Our Class Code: 97W5UP Sign-Up for: Fall P-T Conferences Fresh Fruit/Fresh Veggie Friday Field Trip Chaperone Other needs as they arise Scholastic Books Club Orders (Online or Paper) Online Ordering on Click on Book Clubs Our Class Code: QCM84 Book catalogs are sent home via Friday Folder.

10 Birthdays & Dismissal In second grade, we will hold quiet birthday celebrations in the classroom. In lieu of edible treats or goody bags, your child is invited to donate her/his favorite children’s book to our classroom library. The book will be read aloud to the class on the day of his/her birthday celebration. We do not allow students to distribute birthday invitations in school. If your child will have a different dismissal route for his/her way home, you must send a note with your child OR me before noon! If dismissal plans change after 12noon, call the front office with this information. The office staff will notify me of this change.

11 Volunteer Opportunities
Room Parents (sign up today) Friday Folders Fresh Fruit Fridays Art in the Classroom (sign up today) Field trip chaperones

12 THANK YOU FOR COMING! Parent-Teacher communication is important . Please keep in touch via . I welcome your questions, comments, or concerns.

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