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Wave nature of light and optical instruments

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1 Wave nature of light and optical instruments
Physics 123, Spring 2006 11/23/2018 Lecture VII

2 Diffraction Single slit diffraction
Angular half width of the first peak: 11/23/2018 Lecture VII

3 True limit of geometric optics
Aberrations limit resolution of mirrors and lenses (optical devices) This can be cured with careful manufacturing (parabolic mirrors, etc) Diffraction is a true limitation of geometric devices, objects must be >> wavelength (500nm) 11/23/2018 Lecture VII

4 Rayleigh criterion For a circular hole diameter D the resolution q=1.22l/D Note q∞ as D0 !!! – diffractive paradox 11/23/2018 Lecture VII

5 Resolution of astronomic telescope
How far can a star the size of the Sun (14x108m)be resolved by a space telescope D=5.1m in l=550 nm? (note that large D helps resolution) q=1.22l/D= 1.22x550x10-9/5.1=1.3x10-7 distance=size/q=14x108m/1.3x10-7~1016m~1 light year The nearest star – Proxima Centauri – 4.3 ly away 11/23/2018 Lecture VII

6 Resolution of a Human Eye
Diameter of the pupil: D= cm Wavelength l=550nm Diffractive limit: q=1.22l/D=8x10-5 to 6x10-4 rad Spherical aberration limit 5x10-4 rad Objects separated by 1 cm at a distance of 20 m At near point resolve two objects 0.1 mm apart Best microscope resolve objects 200 nm apart Useful magnification 500x (1000x to reduce eye strain) 11/23/2018 Lecture VII

7 Michelson Interferometer
Use interference for precise distance measurement Beam splitter mirror – observe interference – dark vs bright spots – resolution to l/4 ~100nm Used to catch gravitational waves (LIGO experiment) 11/23/2018 Lecture VII

8 Spectroscopy Spectral lines – unique fingerprint of different elements
Use spectral line to analyze chemical composition. Emission spectrum and absorption spectrum Know chemical composition of remote stars by analyzing their spectral lines 11/23/2018 Lecture VII

9 X-rays In 1895 W. C. Roentgen discovered that
electrons accelerated by kV in cathode tube produce new type of radiation when they strike the glass surface (or metal) This radiation exposes photographic film – X-ray photographs Neutral – do not change direction in electric or magnetic film Does not exhibit diffractive pattern on narrow slits Light but very small wavelength 11/23/2018 Lecture VII

10 Diffractive pattern on crystals
Atoms in crystals form diffractive grating for X-rays l= nm Braggs equation: ml=2dsinf, m=1,2,3… Diffraction of X-rays is used to study complex molecules, e.g. DNA 11/23/2018 Lecture VII

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