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Daily Wuzzle TIME JOBS Part Time Jobs.

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Wuzzle TIME JOBS Part Time Jobs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Wuzzle TIME JOBS Part Time Jobs

2 Today's Opener Find the match to your vocabulary partner
Find your word on the table and sit together with your new partners Takes about five minutes if you only have them match and find—if you read the words out loud it can take about ten minutes.

3 Today I CAN... I can understand that all motion is relative to whatever reference frame is chosen I can answer the essential question: How do you know when something is moving? Can I learn it? Yes I can!!!!

4 Motion Demonstrations
What are different ways that you can use to describe the object's motion? How would your description of the motion change if you placed the object on a moving platform?

5 Motion and Reference Frames
1.Motion describes the ________ in an object's position. 2. Motion can be either __________ or _________ 3.Motion is always relative to a _______ ________. CHANGE CONSTANT VARYING REFERENCE FRAME

6 Rest and Motion 4.An object that is not moving with respect to a certain reference frame is said to be ____ ______ with respect to that reference frame. 5.An object ________ be at rest with respect to one reference frame, yet moving with respect to another AT REST CAN

7 6.__________ measures the length of the path taken by an object.
7.An ______________ is a space between two objects, points, times, or other units of measurement. 9.Velocity is speed with _______________ . DISTANCE Speed and Velocity INTERVAL 8.__________ is how fast an object moves in a time interval. SPEED DIRECTION

8 Make a Reference Frame Cut a slit across the middle of a piece of white paper along the dashed line Use magazine clippings or draw a reference frame Use a magazine clipping of a person, car, or another moving object. Glue it to the popsicle stick and move it back and forth along the reference frame Need to take picture of an example

9 Today's Closer—High Five Questions
1.All objects move in relation to what? 2.An object that is not moving relative to a reference frame is _________. 3.What is the rate an object moves in a time interval? 4.Motion describes an object's change in __________. 5.What is the quantity used to measure the length of the path of an object's motion?

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