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How to Kill Morality.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Kill Morality."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Kill Morality

2 Our Society is in Decline
Given over to pagan ungodliness Rejecting objective standards Clamoring for corrupting influences Dissolving the home Rejecting contentment How to Kill Morality

3 Our Society is in Decline
Weaken and Remove Leadership Ignore the experience of the older generation Give in to self serving thinking Refuse an honest appraisal of the Root causes How to Kill Morality

4 Give in to Self Serving Thinking
Israel was filled with self serving men seeking to do what was right in their own eyes. Their desire for license was demonstrated in their choice of idolatry This pursuit resulted in slavery How to Kill Morality

5 Give in to Self Serving Thinking
In 1950 the average person had $2000 of personal debt Today the average person has $15,956 in credit card debt alone

6 Give in to Self Serving Thinking
In 1975 personal savings reached 14.6% of disposable income In 2001 personal savings reached a low of 0.8%

7 Give in to Self Serving Thinking
Money problems are listed as the most common reason for divorce today 1,600,000 bankruptcy flings pending for 2011

8 Give in to Self Serving Thinking
This thinking has infiltrated the church as well as our society Effecting our approach in worship Changing our preaching Shaping our leadership

9 Give in to Self Serving Thinking
“…in the United States, culture has transformed Christ, as well as all other religions found within these shores. In every aspect of the religious life, American faith has met American culture—and American culture has triumphed.”

10 Give in to Self Serving Thinking
“And in religion, whatever the Lord re-quires, knowledge of his teachings is not among them; 58 percent of Americans can- not name five of the ten commandments, just under half know that Genesis is the first book of the Bible,…and 10 percent of them believe that Joan of Arc was Noah’s wife.”

11 Give in to Self Serving Thinking
“American religion has been so transformed that we have reached the end of religion as we have known it.”

12 Give in to Self Serving Thinking
“Church taboos that ruled society in the 1950s have vanished like the snows of yesteryear….it was a felony to be gay; homosexuals were imprisoned under biblical ‘sodomy’ laws….Unmarried couples could be collared by cops for sharing a bedroom….”

13 Give in to Self Serving Thinking
“...An unwed girl who became pregnant was disgraced, along with her family. Abortion was a prison offense,…Sex education was denounced from pulpits. Divorce was unmentionable.”

14 Give in to Self Serving Thinking
Children not old enough to sign a loan are left to make decisions about that effect their eternal destiny Lazy parenting leads to faithless children This self serving reasoning destroys marriages 14

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