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Figure S1. The kinetic curve of the bioluminescence response of the E

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2 Figure S1. The kinetic curve of the bioluminescence response of the E
Figure S1. The kinetic curve of the bioluminescence response of the E. coli bioreporter to mitomycin C amended soils (A) and seawater (B). Lum/OD referred to the ratio of bioluminescent intensity and OD600. Error bars indicated the standard deviations of the replicates.

3 Figure S2. Time-course cell viability determined by cell counting method.

4 Wuhan Wuxi Zhengzhou Jinan Shenyang S13 S14 S6 S4 S2 S8 S7 S15 N42°03'24.26", E123°29'23.32" N34°47‘43.19”, E111°52'27.25" N34°47’36.27”, E111°52'28.49" N36°42‘31.64”, E117°0‘50.34" N30°11‘35.02”, E115°11‘37.97" N30°11‘34.76”, E115°11‘38.03" N31°87‘10.22”, E119°63‘05.17" Figure S3. Sample collection from chromium contaminated sites in China.


6 Figure S4. Concentrations of TPHs and PAHs in sampling sites (Day 1, Day 3, Day 7 and Day 50 after the oil spill). (A)TPHs; (B) PAHs.).


8 Figure S5. Concentrations of TPHs and PAHs in S3 (Day 1 after the exposure). (A)TPHs; (B) PAHs.

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