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SAPC Hardware Pentium CPU (or 486) 4M usable memory

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Presentation on theme: "SAPC Hardware Pentium CPU (or 486) 4M usable memory"— Presentation transcript:

1 SAPC Hardware Pentium CPU (or 486) 4M usable memory
no hard disk; boot from floppy no keyboard or monitor or mouse COM2 serial port: used for console i/o COM1 serial port: used for remote gdb LPT1 parallel port: not used timer device PIT: used for periodic interrupts reset circuitry: used for remote reboot

2 SAPC Programming Environment
More info at:

3 SAPC Memory Layout 0 - 0x9 FFFF : ordinary memory
Sys Area code data 0x stack 0x003FFFFF x9 FFFF : ordinary memory 0xA xB 0000: video memory 0xF xF FFFF: BIOS 0x x3F FFFF: user memory System area

4 The “old” Picture SAPC’s in S-3-142 (OS is “Tutor” not UNIX)
Sun Blade (OS is UNIX) ulab (OS is UNIX) emacs or vi COM2 IBM Compatible mtip COM2 IBM Compatible COM1 COM2 IBM Compatible COM1 COM2 IBM Compatible Putty/SFTP or SSH Communications via Internet Reset Server

5 Serial Port Connection to Port Master
SAPC # COM Ports Port Master Ports 1 COM2 S29 2 COM2 S28 3 COM2 S27 4 COM2 S26 5 COM1, COM2 S24, S25 6 COM1, COM2 S22, S23 7 COM1, COM2 S20, S21 8 COM1, COM2 S18, S19 9 COM1, COM2 S16, S17 10 COM1, COM2 S14, S15 11 COM1, COM2 S12, S13 12 COM1, COM2 S10, S11 13 COM1, COM2 S8, S9 14 COM1, COM2 S6, S7

6 SAPC Software BIOS Tutor (and its bootstrap) burned in ROM
available at power-up initializes the hardware, loads and start the Tutor bootstrap Tutor (and its bootstrap) loaded from floppy disk into RAM runs in kernel mode initializes more hardware, switches from 16-bit real mode to 32-bit protected mode

7 SAPC Software Support Directories
$pcinc – headers $pcex – C examples $pcbook – for S&S1 chapters 2 and 3, assembler examples $pclibsrc – sources for the SAPC support library 1 “ The IBM Personal Computer from the inside out” by Sargent and Shoemaker

8 The “new” Virtualized SAPC Environment (Unix) SSH Secure Telnet tutor-vserver (Linux) SCP Your home directory and your cs444 directory COM1 COM2 tutor (Tutor) Virtual Development System Virtual Embedded System

9 The “new” Virtualized SAPC Picture
Use the UNIX server (ulab) to edit your source files, compile and assemble them. Then transfer the executable and C code to an UNIX VM (tutor-vserver) running on a PC. Use the UNIX VM (tutor-vserver) as a server for downloading code to the tutor VM Use the UNIX VM (tutor-vserver) as a terminal locally attached to tutor VM’s COM ports and issue commands to the tutor VM

10 The “new” Virtualized SAPC Picture
Instructions on how to set up the Virtualized SAPC Environment: VMWare Workstation for PCs: Modifications for VMWare Fusion on MACs:

11 Building a program for SAPC
Follow 1st steps listed in login to ulab add “module load standard ulab” to .cshrc Copy my files in /courses/cs444/f18/cheungr/examples to your cs444 directory cd test_dir Use the makefile in test_dir to make the SAPC executable e.g.  ulab(65)% make C=test test.lnx The suffix “.lnx” is short for Linux, since we are using a Linux-originated executable format Program compiled using the i386-gcc compiler

12 Transfer programs to tutor VM
Transfer the files to the tutor-vserver VM: Log into tutor-vserver VM using the credentials provided Transfer files from ulab to tutor-vserver VM: vserver$ scp . Download to tutor VM

13 Running the test program on tutor VM (cont’d)
Download the test.lnx file to the tutor VM At the tutor-vserver VM, enter vserver$ mtip -f test.lnx After connecting to the tutor VM, you’ll see: …. Using board #1 Reboot the tutor VM by selecting the “Send Ctrl+Alt+Del” button at the tutor VM. You’ll see: Please type <CR> to confirm console settings: Hit <CR> at the vserver VM to get the Tutor prompt. Enter ~d to download the test.lnx file to the tutor VM After downloading, Tutor prompt will appear again

14 Running the test program on SAPC VM (cont’d)
To execute the program, type Tutor> go Follow the program’s directions. It should finish up quickly and hand control back to Tutor. You will see Tutor prompt again. You can run it again by issuing command “go ” Type “~q” or two ctrl-Cs to quit out of mtip

15 Other mtip Commands To set up for remote gdb, follow the instructions in: Additional mtip commands and their functions can be found in

16 More mtip Commands The ESCAPE CHARACTER: ~ This is the escape character that MUST precede ALL COMMANDS. (if you need to change it, use the -e argument to mtip) The Most Important Commands: (uppercase or lowercase: ~Q or ~q for quit, etc.) ~h - Help. Will display all commands possible. ~q - quit mtip back to UNIX. ~d - This command will download the file argued in the command line by the - f. ~f - This command will allow you to specify the download file from inside mtip (same effect as -f on command line) ~\char - Send one char to board "as is” ~! - This will allow you to issue a UNIX command to a subshell.

17 Protected mode vs Real Mode
32-bit protected mode means we can use 32-bit addresses; addressing up to 4G locations; w/memory protection; virtual memory 16-bit real mode means we can use 16-bit addresses, addressing up to 64K locations convention: AX: 16 bit register EAX: 32 bit register

18 Notes Extended memory - memory above 1MB
All Intel processors above 286 starts out in real mode( 20-bit ~1MB of address space)

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