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Welcome to Monash Arts Global Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Monash Arts Global Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Monash Arts Global Studies

2 We acknowledge the Traditional Owners, and Elders past and present, of all the lands on which Monash University operates.

3 Today’s Information session:
Before you enrol Enrolment After you enrol Questions

4 Before you enrol The Arts Survival Kit Unit Codes
Language Entry Level Tests Credit Applications Diplomas Course maps

5 How units are coded: ATS1325 Unit code Arts Faculty First year unit
Units have an identity code and a title, for example: ATS1325 – Contemporary Worlds 1 ATS1325 Unit code Arts Faculty First year unit *ATS2748 is a second-year Arts unit *ATS3671 is a third-year Arts unit You need to enter the unit code to enrol online. In your first year, you should be enrolling in first year units.

6 Language Entry Level Tests - online Take the test if you want to begin studying in a language at a level higher than introductory – take test online. Results are sent to your student address. Once you have completed the rest of your enrolment - submit the result to Arts Student Services. In person – print out result and bring to our counter, (Clayton: Menzies, Level 2, or Caulfield: Building H, Level 5) Online – Attach results to an enquiry in Arts Student Services cannot enrol you in your language units until you have completed your enrolment steps, including enrolling in other units


8 Credit for previous study:
Submit Credit Applications to Arts Student Services. Applications are assessed individually. Assessments are based only on information you give us. If you are granted credit, you need to accept it in writing before we can add it to your course. Applications are accepted until the end of the 1st week of semester

9 Add a Diploma to your studies:
Diploma in Languages: study a language major. Diploma in Liberal Arts: study an Arts major. Studied alongside your course, generally adds 1 year to your overall study time. Complete your studies with two qualifications. Apply directly to the Faculty of Arts – places are limited so get in early!

10 Course Maps Single and double degree courses

11 Bachelor of Global Studies Course Structure Video

12 Bachelor of Global Studies (example only)

13 Double Degree with Global Studies (example only)

14 Specialisations You can choose from one of the following specialisations: Global cultural literacies International relations International studies Human rights

15 Global cultural literacies
Dr Gabriel Garcia Ochoa


17 International relations
Dr Remy Davison


19 International studies
Dr Susie Protschky

20 International Studies is for you if you are interested in …
Ordinary people's experiences and responses to globalisation in the contemporary world. The origins and processes of globalisation. How local communities around the world embrace but also challenge aspects of global integration. The experience of:  Disasters and conflict Health and disease A changing environment in an increasingly urbanised world Consumption and technology

21 Human rights Prof. Rob Sparrow
We have pre-prepared credit assessments following the session


23 Enrolling ‘Get started’ web page How to choose units Use the handbook
Areas of study

24 How to enrol: Enrol online by going to the Monash University ‘GET STARTED’ web page and follow the steps to accept your offer. To accept and complete your enrolment you need to - Create your computer log in and account. Register your contact details. Get course information. Enrol in units Order your Student ID card – select the ‘postal’ option to get your card quickly

25 Use the Enrolment Checklist:

26 How do you choose your units?
Have a look at the areas of study in the Handbook Look at the 1st year units (also in the ASK booklet) Challenge yourself ! You’ve got room to take units you’ve never thought of studying before.

27 The Handbook

28 1 2 3 After you enrol: Select your timetable Get to know WES
Attend Orientation

29 1. Select your timetable Select your timetable preferences for Semester 1 in Allocate+ (accessible via WES). Allocate+ closes Tuesday 30 January, 10:00am. Allocate+ re-opens Tuesday 6 February, 10.00am for adjustment. You will select your timetable preferences before the start of each semester.

30 2. Get to know WES Make changes to your enrolment (add and remove units) View your results and your unofficial academic record Check your exam timetable Every time you make a change to your enrolment in WES, you receive a transaction number. You also receive an in your student account with the details of your activity. Keep a record of these numbers, they are proof of any administrative changes you make, in case any issues arise. When you first enrol, you need to keep a record of your transaction numbers so you can then get your Student ID card. Use the Enrolment Checklist to record your numbers.

31 O WEEK Feb 19th -23rd of Arts Clayton – Wednesday February 21st – Robert Blackwood Hall, 49 Scenic Boulevard

32 What is orientation? A week of fantastic activities designed to help you settle in to university life. Some activities focus on study, others are social, and some are a mix of both. Everything is located in the Orientation ePlanner:

33 Wominjeka Clayton campus
Tuesday 20 February, 3–6pm  Campus Park, corner College Walk and Exhibition Walk Music, food and activities

34 Enrolment help and advice:
What if you can’t enrol online? If you do not have internet access or if you need help enrolling, you can enrol in person with the Faculty of Arts. Arts Student Services: Clayton – Menzies Building (20 Chancellors Walk), Level 2 South. Caulfield – Building H, Level 5.

35 Questions? Monash Arts monash.arts

36 Reminders Free ice-cream See Credit Advisers in foyer
Follow the PALs to the Computer Labs (S310 and S306 Third Floor, South Wing, Menzies Building, 20 Chancellors Walk)

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