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A-level History Unit 1 – Britain

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Presentation on theme: "A-level History Unit 1 – Britain"— Presentation transcript:

1 A-level History Unit 1 – Britain 1930-1997
Unit 2 – The French Revolution and the Rule of Napoleon Unit 3 – Russia and it’s Rulers Unit 4 – Topic based essay

2 A-level Quiz In pairs work out the Historical figures.

3 NAME THAT PERSON A C B 56 49 36 D E F 13 24


5 Answers Winston Churchill Lord Halifax Gandhi Harold Wilson
Joseph Stalin Margaret Thatcher Nicholas II Lenin Franklin D. Roosevelt Blair Sir Alan Brooke Napoleon

6 Unit 1 – Britain 1930-1997 Churchill 1930-1951
Create a mind map in your groups on the sugar paper about what you know about Churchill and his career. What is your overall opinion of Churchill?

7 Churchill 1930 - National Government led by Ramsay MacDonald
Churchill is excluded from office Liberal/Conservative WW1 campaign (Gallipoli) Attitude towards Communism Ireland Return to Gold Standard General strike and Trade Unions You will be researching each of these factors for your summer task but for today we will be focusing on WW1 and attitude to Communism.

8 WW1 and Rise of Communism
Mind map – What can you learn from the information about the events? What can we learn from the source about Churchill’s view on the event? Comment on the provenance of the source. Is the source reliable? Do you have any questions about the source?

9 Mini-plenary Write down; 1 thing you have learnt about Churchill
1 thing that surprises you about Churchill 1 question you have about Churchill

10 Post-It-Plenary How far has your opinion on Churchill changed as a result of this lesson? Stayed the same Completely Changed

11 Summer Task Britain – Table using reading Britain – Timeline 1951-1997
Russia – Research task on leaders Russia – Historical reading. These tasks should take you around 4-5 hours. These tasks can all be found on the website. Teacher to talk through summer tasks and explain that ALL of the material can be found on the website.

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