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John Brown Standard 8.68.

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1 John Brown Standard 8.68


3 -Involved in “Bleeding Kansas”
JOHN BROWN -Violent abolitionist -Involved in “Bleeding Kansas” -Murdered 5 pro-slavery men in Kansas--Potawatomie Massacre -Wanted to lead a slave revolt throughout the South by raising an army of freed slaves and destroying the South.

4 -He wanted to capture weapons and begin his slave revolt.
JOHN BROWN -Attacked a U.S. Ammunition warehouse in Harper’s Ferry, Virginia in Oct. of 1859 -He wanted to capture weapons and begin his slave revolt.




8 -Put on trial for treason.
JOHN BROWN -Unsuccessful and captured by U.S. troops under the leadership of Robert E. Lee -Put on trial for treason.

9 Time Out John Brown’s Final Speech

10 -He was found guilty of treason and sentenced to death.
JOHN BROWN -He was found guilty of treason and sentenced to death. -Northerners thought of John Brown as a martyr to the abolitionist cause. -Southerners were terrified -if John Brown almost got away with this there must be others like him in the North who are willing to die to end slavery.

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