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This is your second question out of 4 on your AS1 paper

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2 This is your second question out of 4 on your AS1 paper
It is an EXPLAIN question and is based on an ITEM (Source) and knowledge It will ask you to EXPLAIN what is meant by a term.. You HAVE to use the ITEM (Source) Set aside 10 MINUTES to answer this question minute thinking time and 8 minutes write up Think about it first before writing anything down. Marks are lost by rushing into answers without thinking about the answer. Focus on the question and keep it related to it and relevant. It doesn’t need an introduction. Try to aim for about a quarter of an A4 page. To maximise marks just use the SOUCE and continue to NAME and EXPLAIN and use your OWN KNOWLEDGE Count your marks to finish

3 With reference to the Item and any other relevant material you have studied , explain what is meant by ‘ Calling for Persons and Papers’ [6 marks] Calling for Persons and Papers is a vital part of the Committees role. It has the power to compel witnesses to attend or to make any written record available. Failure to do so could be punishable with a fine or even prison sentence. In this case the MLA’s have called for Persons and Papers as a form of evidence to produce better policy. The item explains how ‘For six months, MLA’s had been calling for persons and papers’ It goes on to explain how this is gathered as ‘Evidence’ with the aim of improving standards or scrutinising public bodies. A Minister or any public official may be questioned this by MLA’s within their committees. An example of Calling for persons and papers is the Committee calling for the Head of NI Water to explain the companies poor reaction to a prolonged cold spell in 2010. FIRSTLY, The Executive had fallen out bitterly over the introduction of the Welfare Reform act to Northern Ireland. The DUP and UUP were broadly in favour of this while the SDLP and SF were against it. This caused an expensive stand off which lasted until the Fresh Start agreement recently. SECONDLY, The Executive were deeply divided over their approach to Brexit. This has lasted from before the referendum in June to the fall out over a post Brexit Northern Ireland and how to approach it. The DUP were in favour of Brexit and continue to support this while the other parties opposed it and are divided over how Northern Ireland should fare post Brexit.

4 With reference to the Item and any other relevant material you
have studied, explain what is meant by the “calling for papers and persons”. have studied, explain what is meant by consociational government / power-sharing. have studied, explain the features of the Single Transferable Vote electoral system have studied, explain what is meant by ‘cross-community support’. have studied, explain what is meant by ‘collective responsibility’.

5 With reference to the Item and any other relevant material you
have studied, explain what is meant by a ‘Private Members Bill’. With reference to the Item and any other relevant material you have studied, explain what is meant by the ‘Programme for Government’ With reference to the Item and any other relevant material you have studied, explain what is meant by a ‘petition of concern’. With reference to the Item and any other relevant material you have studied, explain what is meant by an ‘official opposition’. With reference to the Item and any other relevant material you have studied, explain what is meant by ‘ministers question time’ With reference to the Item and any other relevant material you have studied, explain what is meant by the ‘democratic deficit’. With reference to the Item and any other relevant material you have studied, explain what is meant by ‘direct rule’. With reference to the Item and any other relevant material you have studied, explain how the Executive Committee is formed.

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