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Innovation All staff and managers.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovation All staff and managers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovation All staff and managers


3 Speed dice 3 1 5 4 6 2 In threes – one minute per answer
What’s the risk of us not being innovative? 3 In threes – one minute per answer What does an innovative work culture look and sound like? 1 What stops us being more innovative or creative? 5 4 Describe the method of innovation. Which area is the strongest and which is the most challenging for your team? Can anyone be innovative? What is revolutionary innovation and what is evolutionary innovation? Are they both innovative? 6 2

4 Three horizons of innovation
70% 20% 10%

5 Completing all the elements of this learning will enable you to creatively re-think ways of delivering outcomes in order to promote a culture of continuous improvement Learning outcomes By the end of the course, you will be able to: apply practical tools and techniques that nurture the conditions for innovation and agility analyse and evaluate ideas generated and the options available for service development and solutions actively promote a culture of innovation and enhance the service delivery by influencing others so that innovative-thinking is an integral part of the way everyone works


7 Implement chosen idea iteratively
The method of innovation What’s my canvas? Implement chosen idea iteratively Evaluate ideas Generate ideas Define the issue

8 What should we focus our creativity on?
Public value Strategic direction Existing issue or challenge Service direction Revolutionary or evolutionary innovation Boundaries or limitations The whole customer journey

9 “What would Hitchcock do?”
Reframing to unlock creativity “What would Hitchcock do?”

10 What would you say to someone else with the same issue?
Reframing to unlock creativity What would you say to someone else with the same issue?

11 Reframing to unlock creativity
“Design a vase”

12 “How might we…design a house for plants within your home”
None of these look like traditional vases. By being solution-focussed you are more likely to come up with something that’s: a better fit for what you really want that plays on your existing strengths (doesn’t have to be reinventing the wheel) If you want your team to be future-orientated and look for creative solutions independently, we need to reflect on what we can do to support them have that really helpful mindset and outlook.

13 Be solution, not problem-focussed
Reframing to unlock creativity Be solution, not problem-focussed

14 Complete both sides of your hand-out individually Discuss in pairs:
what did you notice? How can you use reframing at work?

15 The method of innovation
Implement chosen idea iteratively Evaluate ideas Generate ideas Define the issue It’s about quantity, not quality

16 Four lenses of innovation

17 SCAMPER Substitute Combine Adapt Modify Put to another use Eliminate

18 Part Two – Identify actions:
Reverse brainstorm Part One – Brainstorm: What would worsen the issue now? How can I make Hampshire residents really dissatisfied with our service? How can I make the issue worse? How can I upset our customers? Part Two – Identify actions: What can you do that is opposite?


20 Have a go with one of the three tools on a live issue
Live issues Substitute Combine Adapt Modify Put to another use Eliminate Reverse Have a go with one of the three tools on a live issue

21 Borrow with pride How can you encourage casual interactions and make the most of networking opportunities?

22 Idea generation

23 Implement chosen idea iteratively
The method of innovation Implement chosen idea iteratively Evaluate ideas Generate ideas Define the issue

24 The Feasibility/Attractiveness matrix
High Good solutions that need more work Possible solutions Best solutions Good solutions that need more work ATTRACTIVENESS Weaker solutions Possible solutions Weakest solutions Weaker solutions Possible solutions Low Low High FEASIBILITY

25 Implement chosen idea iteratively
The method of innovation Implement chosen idea iteratively Evaluate ideas Generate ideas Define the issue


27 Implementing your idea


29 How can we work with more agility in our services?
Where are the opportunities for bringing this into our work areas?

30 What does a brilliant innovative work culture look and sound like
What does a brilliant innovative work culture look and sound like? What behaviours would you see?

31 Creating a culture of innovation
How can we promote a culture of innovation? What are the barriers to innovation in our workplaces? What can we do about it?

32 My commitment to action
Feasibility/ Attractiveness matrix 3 horizons of innovation What should we focus our innovation on? Building a culture of innovation Where good ideas come from SCAMPER Solution-focussed thinking Agility Reframing the issue Reverse brainstorm Stakeholder mapping Four lenses Borrowing with pride

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