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The Brain Integrator and Organizer

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1 The Brain Integrator and Organizer




5 Front  The Brain cerebral cortex cerebral hemisphere corpus callosum
cerebellum pineal cerebral hemisphere cerebral cortex corpus callosum thalamus hypothalamus optic nerve pons medulla oblongata Front 

6 The Brain The brain is the body’s master control center.
The brain receives, integrates, stores and retrieves information. The brain coordinates responses by intricately adjusting activities throughout the body. The brain can be divided into five different gross regions. hindbrain midbrain forebrain reticular formation cavities and canals

7 The Brain - Hindbrain The hindbrain includes the cerebellum, medulla oblongata and pons. medulla oblongata respiration blood circulation coordination of motor responses sleep wake cycle cerebellum integration of signals from the eye, ears, periphery motor dexterity pons traffic center and organizer

8 The Brain - Midbrain The midbrain coordinates reflex responses to sights and sounds. made up of the tectum fishes and amphibians - coordinates all sensory input and integrates all motor responses.

9 Limbic system Amygdala – emotion and memory NMDA receptors
Hippocampus – learning and memory GABA receptors Basal ganglia (corpus striatum) – control of movement

10 The Brain - Forebrain The forebrain contains the cerebrum, thalamus and hypothalamus. cerebrum allows for sense of smell makes up the two hemispheres thalamus coordinates signals from the brain stem and sends organized signals to the cerebrum hypothalamus monitors internal organ status influence behavior thirst hunger sex

11 The Brain - Reticular Formation
The reticular formation is an intense mesh work of interneurons that connect all brain regions. The reticular formation extends from the anterior end of the spinal cord to the highest integrative centers of the cerebral cortex.

12 The Brain - Cavities and Canals
A hollow neural tube extends through the center of the brain. It is filled with fluid, cerebral spinal fluid, secreted from cells that line this canal. CSF cushions the vital nervous system from sudden, jarring movements.

13 The Brain - Cerebrum The cerebrum is divided into two hemispheres, left and right. Each hemisphere can function alone. The right hemisphere receives information from the left side of the body and visa-versa. The corpus callosum integrates the functioning of both hemispheres. Speech, math and analytical skills are centered in the left hemisphere. Nonverbal, abstract skills - spatial abilities and music are localized to the right hemisphere.

14 The Brain - Cerebral Cortex
The cerebral cortex is a thin layer of cells (gray matter; cell bodies of interneurons) at or near the cerebrums surface. The cortex is divided into lobes occipital rear portion vision center temporal near each temple processing center for hearing and associations with vision emotional behavior frontal coordination of motor responses parietal somatosensory - receives input from the skin and periphery

15 General Overview of Cortex

16 Types of Sensory Receptors:
Chemoreceptors Examples: Mechanoreceptors Thermoreceptors Photoreceptors Nociceptors Muscle tension/length, blood pressure, pH/O2 content of blood, pH of CSF, lung inflation, osmolarity of body fluids, blood glucose, distention of gut

17 Primary Motor and Sensory Cortex

18 Motor Cortex frontal temporal parietal occipital

19 PET Scan - Visual Stimulation
frontal temporal parietal occipital

20 PET Scan - Observing Complex Stimuli
VIEWING WORDS frontal temporal parietal occipital

21 Somatosensory Cortex frontal temporal parietal occipital

22 The Limbic System - Emotion & Memory

23 The Brain and Behavior The limbic system is responsible for the emotional aspects of life. The limbic system is evolutionary from the occipital lobes corpus callosum thalamus/hypothalamus amygdala hippocampus

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