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Through a Blended Learning Model

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1 Through a Blended Learning Model
SIM Update Austin, Texas November 2, 2017  Student Engagement and Learning Through a Blended Learning Model  Dr. Irma Brasseur-Hock, Ph.D.

2 Why Investigate Blended Learning?
27 620,000 31 275,000 Update data -State virtual schools exist in 27 states as of Fall 2012 -State virtual schools had about 620,000 course enrollments in -Thirty-one states plus Washington, DC, have at least one full-time online school operating statewide -About 275,000 students attend full-time online schools -Keeping Pace With K-12 Online and Blended Learning,

3 Personalized Learning
She is frustrated because the teacher is going too fast She wishes the teacher knew she learns best by doing and talking He doesn’t think he is smart enough to learn She learned this concept last year and wishes the teacher would go faster He checked out the minute the teacher started talking He gets it and so is disengaged, his learning has stopped He could learn this better and faster on a device WHY? iNACOL Blended Learning Teacher of the Year, Paula Barr, shared this slide with us. The message illustrates WHY a focus on Personalized Learning is rapidly taking hold across the country. She has holes in the basic skills needed to understand this concept Most of these students would enhance their learning through discovery and discourse For whom is this classroom designed? P.Barr, 2015

4 Impact on Students who Learn Differently?
WHY? The likelihood that a student with an identified LD will be in a general education classroom is great based on this data.

5 Funding Source: Oak Foundation
Goal #1: To analyze and describe how flipped instruction is currently being applied in classrooms Goal #2: Based on the information learned from Goal #1 activities, design a set of instructional procedures for teachers and instructional strategies for students with learning differences (and their parents) Goal #3: To validate the instructional procedures and strategies developed in Goal #2 to produce a set of evidence based practices for flipped instruction that will enhance how teachers used flipped instruction and how students engage with this instructional practice to improve achievement outcomes for students with learning differences to use to  optimally benefit from flipped instruction Goal #4: To translate the R & D version of the strategies developed for teachers, students, and parents into forms that can lead to their broad scale adoption WHY? KUCRL received funding from the OAK Foundation to investigate at the time “Flipped Learning” which later expanded to “Blended Learning”. Funded was provided over three years Four main goals were identified as part of the research proposal.

6 How Year we were funded

7 401 221 Teachers 150 Students 22 Parents 7 Advisory Board
Design Research 401 221 Teachers 150 Students 22 Parents 7 Advisory Board This number represents the total number of people who contributed to the design and development of the Blended Instructional Design online course. Contributors included: Teachers, students, parents, administrators, and researchers.

8 Purpose Impact the instructional delivery of Blended Learning with
an eye to students who learn differently. Impact the instructional delivery of Blended Learning with an eye to students who learn differently. Impact the learning outcomes for ALL students particularly those who struggle to learn. Impact the learning outcomes for ALL students particularly those who struggle to learn.

9 Blended Instructional Design (BID) was developed for K-12 teachers.
Target Audience Blended Instructional Design (BID) was developed for K-12 teachers. Public School K-12 Educators. Both regular and special education teachers.

10 What did we find out? What did we design?

11 Research: Survey Highlights
Why did you flip your class? To meet student needs (92%) .

12 Research: Survey Highlights
What student needs? More individual attention Higher order thinking skills Increased engagement Support student autonomy This number represents the total number of people who contributed to the development of the BID online course. Teachers, students, parents and administrators.

13 Research: Survey Highlights
How did you flip your class? 70%- used videos 61%- watched videos out of class 51%- of videos were teacher made This number represents the total number of people who contributed to the development of the BID online course. Teachers, students, parents and administrators.

14 Research: Survey Highlights
How was class time used? 16%- discussion 14%- small group work/projects 15%- individual activities/projects This number represents the total number of people who contributed to the development of the BID online course. Teachers, students, parents and administrators.

15 Research: Survey Highlights
Biggest challenges? 72%- Student issues Preparation Participation Perception This number represents the total number of people who contributed to the development of the BID online course. Teachers, students, parents and administrators.

16 Research: Survey Highlights
Biggest challenges? 47%- Technology issues Access Video Recording This number represents the total number of people who contributed to the development of the BID online course. Teachers, students, parents and administrators.

17 Research: Survey Highlights
Biggest challenges? 37%- Student Engagement Activities Assessment Progress Monitoring This number represents the total number of people who contributed to the development of the BID online course. Teachers, students, parents and administrators.

18 How is Blended Learning put into place?
Teacher Insights

19 Making the SHIFT

20 A Peek Inside No front of the room Round tables White board tables
Non-traditional seating White boards around the room Collaboration stations Purposefully limiting devices Streamlined classroom Their classroom, not mine!

21 Blended Instructional Design
A course to enhance the learning for ALL students

22 User name: SIMTX Password: P@55word
BID Online Course User name: SIMTX Password:

23 Partnership Lawrence Public Schools, Lawrence, KS
usd497Blackboard Add link to Blackboard

24 Expected Outcomes TRANSFORMED their instruction and environment
Teachers who complete the BID online course will have: TRANSFORMED their instruction and environment to provide Personalized Learning for ALL students including those who Learning Differently.

25 Contact Information Dr. Irma Brasseur-Hock

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