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Inductive Reasoning  Reasoning based on patterns you observe

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2 Inductive Reasoning  Reasoning based on patterns you observe

3 Inductive Reasoning  Look at specific examples
Inductive Reasoning  Look at specific examples.  Recognize patterns, which you assume will continue.  Use the examples to find a general rule.

4  We call the general rule a. conjecture
 We call the general rule a conjecture We use inductive reasoning all the time in everyday life.

5 Often conjectures are true, and they help us get on the right track,
Often conjectures are true, and they help us get on the right track, BUT …

6 The conjectures you find through inductive reasoning aren’t necessarily always true.  You found them by assuming the pattern would continue, which you can’t always say for sure it will.


8 Counterexample  A single example that. shows a general rule
Counterexample  A single example that shows a general rule doesn’t always work.  Even though a rule might work in most cases, you can’t say it’s “true” if there is even one counterexample.


10 What could be a counter-example to “They always cancel school when it snows.”

11 One possibility … The snow could have started after school started and come too fast, so they couldn’t cancel.

12 Another possibility … It could be snowing somewhere else, but not here.

13 Third possibility … It could be Christmas vacation, so there’s no school anyway.

14 Unless you can find an example for every possible case, you can’t actually prove a conjecture is true with inductive reasoning (but you often can find out all you need to know for practical purposes).

15 REMEMBER  inductive reasoning  conjecture  counterexample

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