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August 16, 2016 To Form 6 Earth Science Please find your seat – look for your name taped to the table. Introduce yourself to anyone you do not know.
Agenda August 16, 2016 Introductions Binders Procedures
Scientific Observations Investigation Review Procedures HOMEWORK: Get Safety Contract Signed – due Friday Memorize Rules of Science - page 6 in RESOURCES section of binder Get a composition book & goggles
Agenda Take out your Safety Contract if you have not given it to me.
August 19, 2016 Agenda Take out your Safety Contract if you have not given it to me. Procedures Rules and Policies Quiz HOMEWORK: Get a Composition Book & Goggles
Agenda August 24, 2016 Have your composition books on your desk
Review procedures Set up notebook Marble Ramp Activity Quiz Friday – Procedures (see portal for specifics) Homework Review procedures in resource section of your binder
Science Notebooks Table of Contents
Title the first blank page “Table of Contents” Write “Date” and “Page” on the top line. We will fill these in as we go along. Repeat on the back of the page. Repeat on the next TWO pages (front & back). SIX pages total. Starting with the page after the Table of Contents pages, number the pages on the top of the page. Number the pages. Table of Contents Date Page
Agenda Notebook Question What is SCIENCE? August 25, 2016 Homework
Take out your composition book– do not write in it yet. Review procedures Process teamwork (15 minutes) Observations & Inferences: Animal Tracks Quiz Friday – Procedures (see portal for specifics) Homework Read pages 3-7 CPO Qs 2 & 3 pg. 8 Notebook Question What is SCIENCE?
August 25, 2016 Agenda Take out your composition book– do not write in it yet. Review procedures Process teamwork (15 minutes) Observations & Inferences: Animal Tracks Quiz Friday – Procedures (see portal for specifics) Homework Read pages 3-7 CPO Qs 2 & 3 pg. 8 Notebook Question What is SCIENCE? 10 40 100 120 3 2 4 1 110 30 5 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
Science is knowledge about the natural world that is based on facts learned through investigations, experiments, and observation.
Why do scientists make observations?
August 26, 2016 Agenda Have your homework out on your desk. Make sure your name is on the paper. Check homework Quiz OIP Investigation Homework Read pages 9 – 11 CPO Qs 1, 2, 3, & 5 page 12 Notebook Question Why do scientists make observations?
Why do scientists make observations?
August 26, 2016 Agenda Have your homework out on your desk. Make sure your name is on the paper. Check homework Quiz OIP Investigation Homework Read pages 9 – 11 CPO Qs 1, 2, 3, & 5 page 12 Notebook Question Why do scientists make observations? 10 5 1 4 30 120 40 110 100 2 3 60 20 6 8 50 7 9 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
Scientists make observations to learn about and understand the world.
Science is how we create knowledge. This process depends both on making careful observations of phenomena and on inventing theories for making sense out of those observations. Knowledge may change as more observations are made.
How do scientists make observations?
August 28, 2017 Agenda EarthWatch Finish OIP investigation Content organizer Metric System Pg. 35 Quiz Wednesday– metric system Homework Read pages 30 – 34 in binder Journal Question How do scientists make observations?
How do scientists make observations?
August 28, 2017 Agenda EarthWatch Finish OIP investigation Content organizer Metric System Pg. 35 Quiz Wednesday– metric system Homework Read pages 30 – 34 in binder Journal Question How do scientists make observations? 10 40 120 100 3 4 1 2 5 30 110 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
August 28, 2017 Scientists make observations by using their senses and TOOLS to extend the senses.
Notebook Question Agenda
August 29, 2017 Notebook Question To find the mass of some iron filings, a student places the filings in a 14-gram plastic tray and places the tray on a balance. –What is the reading on the balance for the mass of the tray and iron filings? –What is the mass of the iron filings? Agenda Earth Watch Discuss Why Metric Matters Testable question/experimental investigations Do Practicing Variables (page 33) together in class Variables – organizer Quiz Friday – Metric System Homework Read pages in CPO
August 29, 2016 August 30, 2016 Notebook Question To find the mass of some iron filings, a student places the filings in a 14-gram plastic tray and places the tray on a balance. –What is the reading on the balance for the mass of the tray and iron filings? –What is the mass of the iron filings? Agenda Earth Watch – Hurricanes Quiz – Metric System Testable question/experimental investigations Do Practicing Variables (page 33) together in class Variables – organizer Quiz Friday - Variables Homework Read pages in CPO 10 120 40 100 3 5 2 30 4 1 110 6 8 20 60 50 7 9 80 70 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
August 30, 2016 The balance reading is 352 grams. Because the tray has a mass of 14 grams, the mass of the iron filings is 338 grams.
Notebook Question Agenda
August 31, 2016 Notebook Question Observe the cartoon below. Make an INFERENCE and a PREDICTION based on your observations. Agenda Earth Watch – Hurricanes Graphing Variables Activity Quiz Friday - Variables Homework Graphing (binder) pgs
August 31, 2016 Notebook Question Observe the cartoon below. Make an INFERENCE and a PREDICTION based on your observations. Remember – you can put more than one question on a page. Agenda Earth Watch – Hurricanes Graphing Variables Activity Quiz Friday - Variables Homework Graphing (binder) pgs 10 5 1 4 30 120 40 100 3 2 110 60 20 6 8 50 7 9 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
August 31, 2016 An inference based on my observations is that the scientist holding the bag wants to be funny and scare the other scientists. I predict that the scientist working on the missile will hit the missile and it will blow up.
Remember – you can put more than one question on a page.
September 1, 2016 Notebook Question Define the 3 types of variables. Remember – you can put more than one question on a page. Agenda Sit in groups of 3 or 4 Take your homework out & have it on the table Earth Watch – Hurricanes Variables Review Graphing - (binder) pgs 45 – 51 Quiz Friday - Variables Homework Finish if necessary
Remember – you can put more than one question on a page.
September 1, 2016 Agenda Sit in groups of 3 or 4 Take your homework out & have it on the table Earth Watch – Hurricanes Variables Review Graphing - (binder) pgs 45 – 51 Quiz Friday - Variables Homework Finish if necessary Notebook Question Define the 3 types of variables. Remember – you can put more than one question on a page. 10 100 40 120 3 4 1 2 5 30 110 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
August 31, 2016 Independent variables – variables that are changed or manipulated or observed by scientists to observe their effect; they are changed on purpose (manipulated variables) Dependent variables – variables that change because of the independent variable; what is observed & measured in an experiment. The data (responding variable) Controlled variables – variables that are kept constant, not allowed to change; allows for a fair test
Write in down and make it happen today.
September 6, 2016 Notebook Question Today I Will Tuesday Set a goal for yourself that can be accomplished in one day. Maybe a random act of kindness, or a way to get ahead in your school work. Write in down and make it happen today. Agenda Sit in 4 groups of 3 - 4 Earthwatch Scientific Cents parts 1 -3 Quiz Friday - Variables Homework Scientific Cents – read parts 4 and 5
Write in down and make it happen today.
September 6, 2016 Notebook Question Today I Will Tuesday Set a goal for yourself that can be accomplished in one day. Maybe a random act of kindness, or a way to get ahead in your school work. Write in down and make it happen today. Agenda Sit in 4 groups of 3 - 4 Earthwatch Scientific Cents parts 1 -3 Quiz Friday - Variables Homework Scientific Cents – read parts 4 and 5 10 40 100 120 3 2 4 1 110 30 5 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
Why is it important for scientists to communicate their data clearly?
September 7 , 2016 Agenda Sit in the same groups you sat in yesterday Earthwatch Scientific Cents parts 4 & 5 Quiz Friday - Variables Homework Scientific Cents – read parts 6 -7 Notebook Question Why is it important for scientists to communicate their data clearly?
Why is it important for scientists to communicate their data clearly?
September 7 , 2016 Agenda Sit in the same groups you sat in yesterday Earthwatch Scientific Cents parts 4 & 5 Quiz Friday - Variables Homework Scientific Cents – read parts 6 -7 Notebook Question Why is it important for scientists to communicate their data clearly? 10 40 120 100 2 3 4 1 110 30 5 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
September 7 , 2016 Scientists must be able to communicate clearly in order share their results and discoveries with others. Since science builds on what has been learned previously, it is important that scientific records be clear and understandable to everyone who may need them.
Notebook Question Agenda
September 8 , 2016 Agenda Sit in the same groups you sat in yesterday Earthwatch Scientific Cents parts 6-7 Quiz Friday - Variables Homework Scientific Cents – read parts 8-9 Notebook Question Turn to page 369 in the Handbook section of your binder. What is our iPad policy?
September 8 , 2016 Agenda Sit in the same groups you sat in yesterday Earthwatch Scientific Cents parts 6-7 Quiz Friday - Variables Homework Scientific Cents – read parts 8-9 Notebook Question Turn to page 369 in the Handbook section of your binder. What is our iPad policy? 10 40 120 100 2 3 4 1 110 30 5 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
Students may use IPads in class for assigned school work only.
September 8 , 2016 All students will be issued an IPad for use. These should be brought to class every day unless told otherwise. The daily agenda will indicate whether or not IPads will be used that day. If not, IPads are to be put away immediately after recording homework or other needed information. Students may use IPads in class for assigned school work only. Irresponsible technology use may result in disciplinary action.
Fact and Opinion Friday
September 9 , 2016 Agenda Sit in your regular seats for the quiz. Earthwatch Quiz - Variables Scientific Cents parts 8 & 9 Homework Scientific Cents – finish conclusions if necessary (SEE PORTAL FOR EXAMPLE) Notebook Question Fact and Opinion Friday State one FACT and one OPINION about today.
Fact and Opinion Friday
September 9 , 2016 Agenda Sit in your regular seats for the quiz. Earthwatch Quiz - Variables Scientific Cents parts 8 & 9 Homework Scientific Cents – finish conclusions if necessary (SEE PORTAL FOR EXAMPLE) Notebook Question Fact and Opinion Friday State one FACT and one OPINION about today. 10 40 100 120 3 2 4 1 110 30 5 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
September , 2016
What did Einstein mean by this?
September 12, 2016 Notebook Question Mindset Monday - A person who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new – Albert Einstein What did Einstein mean by this? Agenda Sit with a partner of your choice Earthwatch Bubble tubes – Parts 1 & 2 due at the end of class today Test Tuesday– Experimental Design Homework Read pages 36 – 39 CPO Qs 2, 3, 4, page 40
What did Einstein mean by this?
September 12, 2016 Notebook Question Mindset Monday - A person who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new – Albert Einstein What did Einstein mean by this? Agenda Sit with a partner of your choice Earthwatch Bubble tubes – Parts 1 & 2 due at the end of class today Test Tuesday– Experimental Design Homework Read pages 36 – 39 CPO Qs 2, 3, 4, page 40 10 5 1 4 30 120 40 110 100 2 3 60 20 6 8 50 7 9 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
September 12, 2016 Einstein is saying that if you have never made a mistake before then you haven’t done anything new. He is saying that doing things wrong and making mistakes isn’t a bad thing, it is simply part of the learning process. In effect he is saying that the only person who has never made a mistake is a person who has never done anything, and that’s no one!!
Explain the term HYPOTHESIS
September 13, 2016 Agenda Put your homework from last night in the box. (Make sure your name is on it!!) Sit with your partner. Earthwatch Bubble tubes – Parts 3 & 4; Part 3 is due at the end of the period Test Tuesday– Experimental Design Homework Read pages 41 – 44 CPO Qs 1, 2, 3 Notebook Question Explain the term HYPOTHESIS
Explain the term HYPOTHESIS
September 13, 2016 Agenda Put your homework from last night in the box. (Make sure your name is on it!!) Sit with your partner. Earthwatch Bubble tubes – Parts 3 & 4; Part 3 is due at the end of the period Test Tuesday– Experimental Design Homework Read pages 41 – 44 CPO Qs 1, 2, 3 page 45 Notebook Question Explain the term HYPOTHESIS 10 120 40 100 2 5 110 4 1 30 3 6 20 60 8 50 7 9 80 70 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
September 13, 2016 A hypothesis is an educated guess about the relationship between variables. Many scientists do not make hypotheses before they do experiments. It is also a proposed explanation for a phenomenon. For a hypothesis to be a scientific hypothesis, it must be testable.
Notebook Question Agenda September 14, 2016
Stephanie notices that after she swims her breathing is faster than it was when she was sitting by the pool. She thinks that the number of laps that she swims affects how fast she breathes. Identify ONE independent variable and ONE dependent variable in her experiment. Agenda Sit with your partner Put your homework from last night in the box. (Make sure your name is on it!!) Earthwatch Bubble tubes – Parts 4 & 5; due at the end of the period Test Tuesday– Experimental Design Homework Practice & Review – page 77 in binder
September 14, 2016 Agenda Sit with your partner Put your homework from last night in the box. (Make sure your name is on it!!) Earthwatch Bubble tubes – Parts 4 & 5; due at the end of the period Test Tuesday– Experimental Design Homework Practice & Review – page 77 in binder Notebook Question Stephanie notices that after she swims her breathing is faster than it was when she was sitting by the pool. She thinks that the number of laps that she swims affects how fast she breathes. Identify ONE independent variable and ONE dependent variable in her experiment. 10 40 100 120 3 2 4 1 110 30 5 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
Dependent variable – how fast she breathes
September 14, 2016 Stephanie notices that after she swims her breathing is faster than it was when she was sitting by the pool. She thinks that the number of laps that she swims affects how fast she breathes. Independent variable – number of laps Dependent variable – how fast she breathes
Think About It Thursday
September 15, 2016 Agenda Put your homework from last night in the box. (Make sure your name is on it!!) Earthwatch Bubble tubes – Parts 6 & 7; completed data (part 5) is due at the end of the period Test Tuesday– Experimental Design; Review material on portal Homework Reviewing Ex Des pages 79 – 82 in binder Notebook Question Think About It Thursday How has science affected your life? Describe an example.
Think About It Thursday
September 15, 2016 Agenda Put your homework from last night in the box. (Make sure your name is on it!!) Earthwatch Bubble tubes – Parts 6 & 7; completed data (part 5) is due at the end of the period Test Tuesday– Experimental Design; Review material on portal Homework Reviewing Ex Des pages 79 – 82 in binder Notebook Question Think About It Thursday How has science affected your life? Describe an example. 10 5 1 4 30 120 40 110 100 2 3 60 20 6 8 50 7 9 80 70 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
September 15, 2016
Notebook Question Agenda What is a “fair test”? September 19, 2016
Turn in Bubble Tube in the box Earthwatch Earth Systems, Events, Interactions Study time Test tomorrow – Science practices Quiz Friday – Earth Systems Homework Read pages 83 – 84 in binder Study Make sure your Ipad is charged for tomorrow Notebook Question What is a “fair test”?
September 19, 2016 Agenda Turn in Bubble Tube in the box Earthwatch Earth Systems, Events, Interactions Study time Test tomorrow – Science practices Quiz Friday – Earth Systems Homework Read pages 83 – 84 in binder Study Make sure your Ipad is charged for tomorrow Notebook Question What is a “fair test”? 10 40 100 120 3 2 4 1 110 30 5 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
September 19, 2016 A “fair test” refers to an experiment that is carefully controlled to ensure that the information gathered is reliable. It is important for an experiment to be a fair test. You conduct a fair test by making sure that you change one factor at a time while keeping all other conditions the same.
What are the 4 Earth Systems?
September 20, 2016 Agenda Earthwatch P&P explanation Test – Science Practices Read Silent Killer – page 87 – 90 in binder Quiz Friday – Earth Systems Homework None Notebook Question What are the 4 Earth Systems?
What are the 4 Earth Systems?
September 20, 2016 Agenda Earthwatch P&P explanation Test – Science Practices Read Silent Killer – page 87 – 90 in binder Quiz Friday – Earth Systems Homework None Notebook Question What are the 4 Earth Systems? 10 40 100 120 3 2 4 1 110 30 5 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
The four Earth Systems or Spheres are:
September 20, 2016 The four Earth Systems or Spheres are: Geosphere Atmosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere
Describe the Geosphere.
September 21, 2016 Agenda Sit in groups of 4 (at least one person has to be someone you have NOT sat with before) Earthwatch Go over test Discuss Silent Killer Earth Systems Investigation Quiz Friday – Earth Systems Homework Page 103 – 104 in binder Notebook Question Describe the Geosphere.
Describe the Geosphere.
September 21, 2016 Agenda Sit in groups of 4 (at least one person has to be someone you have NOT sat with before) Earthwatch Go over test Discuss Silent Killer Earth Systems Investigation Quiz Friday – Earth Systems Homework Page 103 – 104 in binder Notebook Question Describe the Geosphere. 10 5 1 4 30 120 40 110 100 2 3 60 20 6 8 50 7 9 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
September 21, 2016 The geosphere is the part of the earth that includes the Earth's interior, rocks and minerals, landforms and the processes that shape the Earth's surface.
Describe the Atmosphere.
September 22, 2016 Agenda Turn in homework in box Earthwatch Finish Earth Systems Investigation Quiz Friday – Earth Systems Homework Page 95 – 96 in binder Notebook Question Describe the Atmosphere.
Describe the Atmosphere.
September 22, 2016 Agenda Turn in homework in box Earthwatch Finish Earth Systems Investigation Quiz Friday – Earth Systems Homework Page 95 – 96 in binder Notebook Question Describe the Atmosphere. 10 100 40 120 3 4 1 2 5 30 110 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
September 22, 2016 The atmosphere of Earth is the layer of gases, commonly known as air, that surrounds the planet Earth and is retained by Earth's gravity.
Write about an EVENT that impacted the hydrosphere and the biosphere.
September 26, 2016 Agenda Earthwatch Read 466 – 468 CPO Qs 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, page 469 Quiz Thursday – The Universe Test Friday – Earth Systems Homework Read pages 113 – 114 in binder Notebook Question Write about an EVENT that impacted the hydrosphere and the biosphere.
Write about an EVENT that impacted the hydrosphere and the biosphere.
September 26, 2016 Agenda Earthwatch Read 466 – 468 CPO Qs 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, page 469 Quiz Thursday – The Universe Test Friday – Earth Systems Homework Read pages 113 – 114 in binder Notebook Question Write about an EVENT that impacted the hydrosphere and the biosphere. 10 40 120 100 2 3 4 1 110 30 5 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
Oil spills pollute water (hydrosphere) and kill sea life (biosphere)
What is one thing you can do today to make it a terrific day?
September 27, 2016 Agenda If you didn’t turn in your questions yesterday, please do so NOW. Earthwatch Reading Quiz Expanding Universe Waves Quiz Thursday – The Universe Test Friday – Earth Systems Homework Read page 119 – 121 in binder Notebook Question Terrific Tuesday What is one thing you can do today to make it a terrific day? (Make sure you do it!)
What is one thing you can do today to make it a terrific day?
September 27, 2016 Agenda If you didn’t turn in your questions yesterday, please do so NOW. Earthwatch Reading Quiz Expanding Universe Waves Quiz Thursday – The Universe Test Friday – Earth Systems Homework Read page 119 – 121 in binder Notebook Question Terrific Tuesday What is one thing you can do today to make it a terrific day? (Make sure you do it!) 10 40 100 120 3 2 4 1 110 30 5 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
If you don’t remember– it’s ok to look it up.
September 28, 2016 Agenda Please have your homework out on your desk. Earthwatch Finish Expanding Universe Waves 123 – 124 in binder Read 125 – 126 in binder Quiz Thursday – The Universe Test Friday – Earth Systems Homework Read 137 – 138 & binder Notebook Question What is a WAVE? If you don’t remember– it’s ok to look it up.
If you don’t remember– it’s ok to look it up.
September 28, 2016 Agenda Please have your homework out on your desk. Earthwatch Finish Expanding Universe Waves 123 – 124 in binder Read 125 – 126 in binder Quiz Thursday – The Universe Test Friday – Earth Systems Homework Read 137 – 138 & binder Notebook Question What is a WAVE? If you don’t remember– it’s ok to look it up. 10 40 120 100 2 3 4 1 110 30 5 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
September 28, 2016 A wave is a traveling, or moving, disturbance that travels through space and matter and transfers energy from one place to another.
Describe electro-magnetic spectrum.
September 29, 2016 Agenda Please have your lab & homework out on your desk. Earthwatch Quiz - The Universe Waves Test Friday – Earth Systems Homework None Notebook Question Describe electro-magnetic spectrum.
Describe electro-magnetic spectrum.
September 29, 2016 Agenda Please have your lab & homework out on your desk. Earthwatch Quiz - The Universe Waves Test Friday – Earth Systems Homework None Notebook Question Describe electro-magnetic spectrum. 10 40 120 100 2 3 4 1 110 30 5 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
September 29, 2016 The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is the range of all types of EM radiation. Radiation is energy that travels and spreads out as it goes.
Notebook Question Agenda OK Monday, Let’s Do This!
October 3, 2016 Notebook Question OK Monday, Let’s Do This! Swap notebooks with your table partner and write a motivational message to him or her. Agenda Sit in groups of 4 Earthwatch EM Spectrum / Redshift Classifying Galaxies – page 139 Test Friday – Universe, Stars & Galaxies Homework Read pages 455 – 461 CPO Qs 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 page 463
October 3, 2016 Notebook Question OK Monday, Let’s Do This! Swap notebooks with your table partner and write a motivational message to him or her. Agenda Sit in groups of 4 Earthwatch EM Spectrum / Redshift Classifying Galaxies – page 139 Test Friday – Universe, Stars & Galaxies Homework Read pages 455 – 461 CPO Qs 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 page 463 10 40 120 100 2 3 4 1 110 30 5 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
October 3, 2016
Notebook Question Agenda Define STAR. Sit in 4 groups of 3 or 4.
October 4, 2016 Notebook Question Define STAR. Agenda Sit in 4 groups of 3 or 4. Turn in your homework to the box. Earthwatch Star Color & Temperature Investigation Test Friday – Universe, Stars & Galaxies Homework 165 – 166 in binder
October 4, 2016 Notebook Question Define STAR. Agenda Sit in 4 groups of 3 or 4. Turn in your homework to the box. Earthwatch Star Color & Temperature Investigation Test Friday – Universe, Stars & Galaxies Homework 165 – 166 in binder 10 40 120 100 2 3 4 1 110 30 5 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
October 4, 2016 A star is a huge sphere of very hot, glowing gas held together by its own gravity. Stars produce their own light and energy by a process called nuclear fusion.
Notebook Question Agenda What is luminosity? October 5, 2016
Turn in your homework to the box. Earthwatch Grade check Finish Star Color & Temperature Investigation HR diagram organizer in binder Read 157 – 158 in binder Test Friday – Universe, Stars & Galaxies Homework 169 – 172 in binder Notebook Question What is luminosity?
October 5, 2016 Agenda Turn in your homework to the box. Earthwatch Grade check Finish Star Color & Temperature Investigation HR diagram organizer in binder Read 157 – 158 in binder Test Friday – Universe, Stars & Galaxies Homework 169 – 172 in binder Notebook Question What is luminosity? 10 40 100 120 3 2 4 1 110 30 5 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
Luminosity is the total amount of energy emitted by a star.
October 5, 2016 Luminosity is the measure of an object's brightness; the greater the greater the luminosity, the brighter it appears. Luminosity is the total amount of energy emitted by a star.
What does the HR Diagram show?
October 6, 2016 Agenda Put your lab in the box. Take out your homework & have it on the table for checking. Earthwatch Star life cycle 175 – 179 in binder Anything you need to finish….. Quizziz (see portal) Test Friday – Universe, Stars & Galaxies Homework Study Homework includes: 157 – 158 from binder 169 – 172 in binder Organizer in notebook Notebook Question What does the HR Diagram show?
What does the HR Diagram show?
October 6, 2016 Agenda Put your lab in the box. Take out your homework & have it on the table for checking. Earthwatch Star life cycle 175 – 179 in binder Anything you need to finish….. Quizziz (see portal) Test Friday – Universe, Stars & Galaxies Homework Study Homework includes: 157 – 158 from binder 169 – 172 in binder Organizer in notebook Notebook Question What does the HR Diagram show? 10 120 40 100 3 5 2 30 4 1 110 6 8 20 60 50 7 9 80 70 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
October 6, 2016 The Hertzsprung–Russell diagram, abbreviated H–R diagram or is a scatter graph of stars showing the relationship between luminosity and temperature (or color) of a star.
Notebook Question Agenda What is gravity? October 10, 2016 Earthwatch
Where on Earth? Rotation/Revolution foldable Notebook quiz Wednesday Quiz Friday – Rotation/Revolution/Day/Night Homework Read 203 – 204 in binder Make sure notebook is in order Notebook Question What is gravity?
October 10, 2016 Agenda Earthwatch Where on Earth? Rotation/Revolution foldable Notebook quiz Wednesday Quiz Friday – Rotation/Revolution/Day/Night Homework Read 203 – 204 in binder Make sure notebook is in order Notebook Question What is gravity? 10 5 1 4 30 120 40 110 100 2 3 60 20 6 8 50 7 9 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
Mass is how we measure the amount of matter in something.
October 10, 2016 Gravity is a force pulling together all matter (which is anything that has mass and volume). The more matter, the more gravity, so things that have a lot of matter such as planets and moons and stars pull more strongly. Mass is how we measure the amount of matter in something.
October 11, 2016 Agenda Have your homework out on your table to be checked. Earthwatch Discovery TechBook login Begin Day & Night Data graphing Notebook Quiz tomorrow Quiz Friday – Rotation/Revolution/Day/Night Homework None Notebook Question Describe ROTATION & REVOLUTION
October 11, 2016 Agenda Have your homework out on your table to be checked. Earthwatch Discovery TechBook login Begin Day & Night Data graphing Notebook Quiz tomorrow Quiz Friday – Rotation/Revolution/Day/Night Homework None Notebook Question Describe ROTATION & REVOLUTION 10 40 100 120 3 2 4 1 110 30 5 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
October 11, 2016 Rotation is when a planet or moon turns all the way around or spins on its axis one time. Revolution is the movement of an orbiting moon, star or planet, completely around another object.
(Look it up if you need to)
October 12, 2016 Agenda Earthwatch Notebook Quiz Finish Days & Nights Quiz Friday – Rotation/Revolution/Day/Night Homework Finish Days & Nights if needed Notebook Question What is an EQUINOX? (Look it up if you need to)
(Look it up if you need to)
October 12, 2016 Agenda Earthwatch Notebook Quiz Finish Days & Nights Quiz Friday – Rotation/Revolution/Day/Night Homework Finish Days & Nights if needed Notebook Question What is an EQUINOX? (Look it up if you need to) 10 40 120 100 2 3 4 1 110 30 5 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
October 12, 2016 An equinox is the time or date (twice each year) at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are of equal length (about September 22 and March 20).
Do not answer until instructed to do so.
October 13, 2016 Agenda Turn in your lab if you have not done so. Reset notebooks Earthwatch Sunlight Angles Investigation Quiz Friday – Rotation/Revolution/Day/Night Homework 213 – 216 in binder Notebook Question Do not answer until instructed to do so. How does the amount of daylight change the closer you get to the poles?
Do not answer until instructed to do so.
October 13, 2016 Agenda Turn in your lab if you have not done so. Reset notebooks Earthwatch Sunlight Angles Investigation Quiz Friday – Rotation/Revolution/Day/Night Homework 213 – 216 in binder Notebook Question Do not answer until instructed to do so. How does the amount of daylight change the closer you get to the poles? 10 40 120 100 2 3 4 1 110 30 5 6 8 50 20 60 9 7 70 80 90 Time Remaining: Seconds
October 13, 2016 The closer you get to the poles, the greater the difference in the number of hours of daylight over the year.
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