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First Impressions Round 2.

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Presentation on theme: "First Impressions Round 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Impressions Round 2

2 Schedule Review Reading 1 & 2 First Impressions Activity
Discuss Main Ideas Discuss Text Structures Practice Outlining Schedule

3 Review Reading – 1 & 2 Check Answers

4 Warm - Up Characteristic Adjectives

5 Characteristics Married Nervous Serious Shy Hardworking Crazy Cheerful
Quiet Goofy Chatty Clever Depressed Organized Neat Strange Sociable Rude Overwhelmed Energetic Presentable Generous Athletic Lonely Honest Bored Single Brave Reckless Easy-going Kind Characteristics

6 Bar Waiter Business Man

7 46 years old: Bounty Hunter
Graphic Designer

8 28 years old: film student Graphic Designer: Just broke
up with her boyfriend of 6 years

9 40 years old: graphic designer 42 years old: Security guard.

Activity - Class FEEL COMFORTABLE = GOOD IMPRESSION With a partner – List – Conversation starters ex: What do you think of this school? What are you planning to do this weekend? How has your week been? Walk – 30 sec talk – List name & impression NAME IMPRESSION

11 Writing Style Reading Skills - 9

12 Main Ideas and Supporting Sentences
The way you speak also affects the first impression you make. Listeners judge our intelligence, our level of cultural knowledge, even our leadership ability by the words we select – and by how we say them. Your listeners hear your tone of voice before they begin listening to your words. Speak clearly and loudly enough so that people can hear you. Change the pitch of your voice to avoid a dull monotone. Show expression in both your voice and your face. And try not to speak too quickly. MAIN IDEA? Para 4

13 Main Ideas and Supporting Sentences
The way you speak also affects the first impression you make. Listeners judge our intelligence, our level of cultural knowledge, even our leadership ability by the words we select – and by how we say them. Your listeners hear your tone of voice before they begin listening to your words. Speak clearly and loudly enough so that people can hear you. Change the pitch of your voice to avoid a dull monotone. Show expression in both your voice and your face. And try not to speak too quickly. SUPPORTING DETAILS?

14 Main Ideas and Supporting Sentences
The way you speak also affects the first impression you make. Listeners judge our intelligence, our level of cultural knowledge, even our leadership ability by the words we select – and by how we say them. Your listeners hear your tone of voice before they begin listening to your words. Speak clearly and loudly enough so that people can hear you. Change the pitch of your voice to avoid a dull monotone. Show expression in both your voice and your face. And try not to speak too quickly.

15 Text structures Description & Sequence

16 Description Focus is on one thing and its components
The author will explain: TOPICS / IDEAS / PERSONS / PLACES / THINGS Focus is on one thing and its components Description

17 Colors Orange Blue Green Yellow White Red The Concept Map

18 Sequence The author lists items or events in some kind of order.
This will describe the order of events or how to do or make something. Sequence

19 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 1 Step 2

20 Coral snakes are distinguished by their red, yellow/white, and black colored banding. Most of these species are small in size. North American species average around 3 feet in length, but specimens of up to 5 feet or slightly larger have been reported. What is its structure?

21 A map is a drawing of a place. The drawing shows where things are
A map is a drawing of a place. The drawing shows where things are. A map can show the things in a room such as a classroom. A map can show the houses, building, and streets in a town. A map can show the towns, lakes, and mountains in a state or a country. It can also show many other things about the world we live in. What is its structure?

22 There are many ways to create an online portfolio
There are many ways to create an online portfolio. First of all, choose a platform and create an account. Second, choose the layout, a title and an appropriate design. Finally, enter the information in each of the categories and remember to update your worksheets on a regular basis. In sum, these are some of the steps to follow if you need to create an online portfolio. What is its structure?

23 Second Reading Summarize / Text Structure

24 Good Impressions for job interviews
Be Punctual Sell Yourself Make Eye Contact Be Prepared Good Impressions for job interviews Be Polite Dress the Part Ask Questions Stay Positive Don’t Interrupt Find Shared Interests

25 Organizing and developing
Pages 16-18

26 Textbook Pg 21-22 Homework

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