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Member Training Global CE Help

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1 Member Training Global CE Help
Jeffrey D Cooper August 2016 Cummins Internal Use Only

2 Definition: Global CE Help
Cummins Global Customer Engineering users can quickly enter, track and respond to Customer Engineering Support Requests via the Global CE Help system Cummins Internal Use Only

3 Roles: User Functions Create tickets Member Functions
Address, assign and close tickets Create tickets for others Reassign tickets to a different resource group Admin for Remedy Functions Ability to ‘push’ tickets to select groups in Remedy for IT work System Admin Functions Manage Roles Manage Resource Groups Manage routing of tickets to the resource groups Cummins Internal Use Only

4 Access: Any one of the following: Click on “Global Customer Engineering Home Page” - Help/FAQ tab - Link ‘Global Customer Engineering Help’ Cummins Internal Use Only

5 Home Tab: Welcome Screen
Role Bulletin Board Items Cummins Internal Use Only

6 My Preferences: User Information
Tip: A person only needs to request elevated access, if they want to be a Member of a group that works on other peoples tickets; Anyone who is a “User” can enter a ticket. Auto Filled First Name Last Name Autofill Cummins Address Autofill Cummins Internal Use Only

7 My Preferences: Elevated Access request
Select Resource Group that you will be responsible for Tip: Click on the Resource Group to be added and press ‘>’ Enter Justification for the request Cummins Internal Use Only

8 Issues Tab: Pick the Resource Group you would like to monitor, from one of the following options: the Manage Issues menu on the left (or) by selecting from the drop down list when you click on ‘Resource Group’ Review the ticket by clicking the Pencil Icon Cummins Internal Use Only

9 Issue Details: Review the details of the ticket
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10 Issue Details: Update the ticket status
Tip: when status changes, an is sent to the person who created the ticket, and the work log captures Progress Information Update the Progress field with your comments Cummins Internal Use Only

11 Issue Details(Member Only):
If appropriate, assign the ticket to yourself/someone in your resource group If a ticket needs to be worked by someone in a different resource group, click on the Resource Group dropdown, select the group from the list, leave the Assigned To field blank, enter your information in the Progress field, and press ‘Apply Changes’ button. All members of the group that you select will be ed concerning the ticket. Note: nothing should be filled in the Member Only section on initial ticket creation. Wait until after ticket is created to modify the Member Only section. Click ‘Apply Changes’ to save changes after assigning ticket Cummins Internal Use Only

12 Export Data: Issues tab
Click on the ‘Actions’ button, select ‘Download’, ‘CVS’ In Excel, format the Request ID column to be a number with no decimal places And format the Worklog column to be text Cummins Internal Use Only

13 Issues for IT (If your role is Member)
If you believe the ticket belongs to IT, assign the ticket to the COLS Support group with your comments. COLS Support will move the ticket to the correct IT remedy group and the ticket in Global CE Help will be closed automatically. Issues for IT (If your role is Admin) For tickets determined to be IT issues, Admins should select the correct resource group and click ‘Yes’ on the radio button called ‘Push to Remedy’ This will close the ticket in Global CE Help and open a ticket in Remedy to the IT support Group. Note: The Global Issue button can be set to ‘Yes’ if the issue impacts more that 1 user. Cummins Internal Use Only

14 Tickets Assigned Incorrectly:
If you feel a ticket was assigned incorrectly then reassign to the correct Resource Group. If you do not know which group is correct then reassign to COLS Support group with your comments. Cummins Internal Use Only

15 To request changes to Global CE Help:
Create a request using the GCE Help by Organization form Cummins Internal Use Only

16 To request system changes: (Cont.)
Select ‘Issue Category’ = ‘CE Help System Change’ Describe the recommended changes The Governance Board for the system will review the request Cummins Internal Use Only

17 Questions: Questions can be submitted by entering a ticket in the Issue Category “CE Help System Change” outlined in the previous slide, or by ing Cummins Internal Use Only

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