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ESEA Consolidated Monitoring

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1 2013-2014 ESEA Consolidated Monitoring
Office of Federal Programs


3 ESEA Fiscal and Program Compliance
General Education Provisions Act Sec. 440(a) Section of EDGAR A-102 Common Rule and OMB Circular A-110 OMB Circular 133 Subpart D--Federal Agencies and Pass-Through Entities Responsibilities Federal regulations require the WVDE to enforce its legal obligations and ensure compliance with all policies and procedures. Various regulations are outlined on pages 1 & 2 of the procedure document. It is important to note that monitoring for specific program issues may be conducted at any time at the discretion of the West Virginia Department of Education in response to a written complaint/concern received by the WVDE, Office of Federal Programs.

4 ESEA Consolidated Monitoring
Title I Title II Title III Title VI (RLIS) McKinney Vento Pg. 3

5 Two – Phase ESEA Compliance Monitoring Process
Risk Assessment Criteria Approach to Identify LEAs for ESEA Compliance Monitoring Phase One: Cyclical Monitoring Process Phase Two: On-site Technical Assistance Monitoring Note: Not all Counties will receive both Phases of Monitoring


7 Phase One: Cyclical Monitoring Process
Initiated during the year Utilizes Risk Assessment to Establish a Five-Year Schedule concluding in 11 LEAs Monitored Annually through a Desk-Audit Process The LEA will Electronically Upload Compliance Documentation to the HQSDCS as Outlined by the ESEA Consolidated Monitoring Indicators Pg. 4

8 Phase One: Review and Reporting
SEA Staff will Review the LEA Uploaded Documentation SEA Monitoring Lead will Schedule a Teleconference with the LEA to Discuss and Verify Documentation A Monitoring Report will be Provided to the LEA within 60 days of the Documentation Submittal The LEA will have 30 Business Days to Respond to the Monitoring with Corrective Action Plans Pg. 5 The WVDE team leader will work with the LEA program staff to schedule a teleconference interview to discuss and verify documentation. Appropriate LEA staff members need to be available during the teleconference (e.g., finance officer, accountants/clerks, personnel director, federal program directors, attendance director, technology coordinator) in order to facilitate quick resolution of questions from all program perspectives.

9 Phase One: Appeals Process
LEA May Appeal if Evidence of a Finding is Inaccurate Submitted in Writing within 30 days of Receipt of the Monitoring Report Documentation to Support Appeal Must be Submitted to WVDE with the Response Pg. 5

10 Phase Two: On-Site Technical Assistance Monitoring
Based on Annual Risk Assessment Rakings A Maximum of Five On-Site Monitoring Visits will be Conducted Each Year* Counties with a Rating of 13 or Higher May Receive an On-Site Visit this Year Scheduled at a Mutually Convenient Time Purpose:  to Develop a Plan for Addressing Concerns from Monitoring Report (no school visits will be conducted) *Note that monitoring for specific program issues may be conducted at any time at the discretion of WVDE in response to written complaint/concern received by WVDE, Office of Federal Programs Pg. 6

11 Phase Two: Preparation for Visit
WVDE Team Leader will Collaborate with the LEA’s Designated Lead to Develop a Schedule The WVDE Team Leader will Confirm the Schedule at Least One Month prior to the On-Site Visit Pg. 6

12 Phase Two: Activities During the On-Site Visit
On-Site will Focus on Clarification of Compliance Concerns and Technical Assistance for Corrective Action from Desk Audit Documentation for Each Year Since Last Monitoring Availability of Appropriate LEA Staff Development of a One-Year Workplan to Prioritize Correction of Non-Compliance and Identify Technical Assistance Pg. 6

13 Phase Two: On-Site Monitoring Report
The Workplan Developed During the On-Site Visit will form an Addendum to the Report Compiled During the Desk Audit. The Report will be issued Electronically to the LEA by WVDE within 30 Business Days of the On-Site Visit. A Written Acknowledgement of the On-Site Addendum Shall be Provided by the LEA with the Signature of LEA Superintendent Pg. 7

14 Questions?

15 High Quality Schools Data Collection System for Uploading Monitoring Documentation
Live Overview Utilize system to upload all documentation for monitoring Will see connectivity to indicators in the next section How to Access the System, How and Where to Uploaded Evidence, How to View Evidence that has been Uploaded Access via School Improvement or WEBTOP Entry (Must have Webtop Account, Must be assigned to the county level) Showcase Tabs Home-Standards-Evidence-Self -Reflection-Teams (interested in Standards and Evidence tabs for LEA Consolidated Monitoring working at the “My” level) Show standards and pull and make an example using one of the indicators. Demonstrate naming protocol and uploading of document Show the Evidence Tab and how to view

16 LEA Indicator Document

17 ESEA Compliance Indicators
Organized under Seven West Virginia Standards for High Quality Schools Three Forms of Verification -Interview Questions (Teleconference) -WVEIS Data (Reviewed Internally by WVDE) -Documentation in HQSDCS (Uploaded by LEA for Desk Audit)













30 Questions?

31 General Topics 5-17 Report Sequestration Reading by 3rd Grade
Educator Evaluation Professional Development Building LEA Capacity for School Improvement Parent Involvement

32 Themes Maximize Impact of Program Funds
Reduce the burden of compliance planning requirements that do not add value

33 Goals To network to increase idea base for program planning
To provide input to the SEA regarding ways to support the two identified themes

34 Guiding Questions How can we improve our leadership structures to accomplish our curriculum and instruction goals? How do we improve capacity and human capital? How do we effectively engage all stakeholders? How can we maximize personnel to achieve our intended program impact?

35 Task In 15 minutes generate one program planning idea/issue that you would like to pursue through network problem-solving

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