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Published byHannah Maxwell Modified over 6 years ago
GATHERING Welcome & Announcements Choral Prelude Territorial Acknowledgement Opening Prayer Hymn: VU 822 “Psalm 100: All People that on Earth Do Dwell ” WORD Psalm 100: Matthew 25:31-46 Choral Musical Response Sermon: A Musical Witness to the Reign of Christ Prayers of the People TABLE Invitation & Peace Presentation Hymn: VU 210 “You, Lord, Are Both Lamb and Shepherd” Communion GOING FORTH Hymn: “Living Justice” Blessing & Sending Forth Choral Postlude
Welcome & Announcements
Choral Prelude: “Tsmindao Ghmerto”
sung by the TST Choir Traditional Trisagion from the Republic of Georgia as taught by Nino Tsitsishvili Territorial Acknowledgment
Shout to God, all the earth: worship with gladness and joy.
Call to Worship: Shout to God, all the earth: worship with gladness and joy. Come before God with laughter, our maker to whom we belong. To the Shepherd who tends us like sheep, let us raise our voices in song. . . .
Come to God’s gates with thanks;
come to God’s courts with praise: Praise and bless God’s name. “Truly you are good: You are always gracious, and faithful age after age.” Opening Prayer Becca Whitla
Hymn: VU 822 , Psalm 100 “All People that on Earth Do Dwell”
Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. Thanks be to God.
Gospel: Matthew 26:31-46 in three parts, interspersed with brief musical interludes. Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. Thanks be to God.
Choral Response: Kibiya Bophelo Bjaka Traditional Sesotho Church Song
Arranged by Matlakala Bopape “I put my life in your hands Jesus. I trust you. You are my Rock.”
A Musical Witness to the Reign of Christ
Sermon: A Musical Witness to the Reign of Christ “Reconciliation Suite” by Tom Reynolds with William Kervin, Becca Whitla Trauma Lament Healing Reconciliation
Prayers of the People
The Iona Community God in heaven, your name is to be honoured. May your new community of hope be realized on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today the essentials of life. Release us from our wrongdoing as we also release those who wrong us. Do not test us beyond our enduring; save us from all that is evil. For you embrace justice, love and peace, now and to the end of time. Amen.
Invitation & Peace The Peace of Christ be with you all. And also with you.
Presentation Hymn: VU 210 “You, Lord, Are Both Lamb and Shepherd”
God be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to God. Let us give thanks to God. It is right to give God thanks and praise. all remain standing, as your are able for A hymnic Eucharistic Prayer: MV 198, vs. 1-3 “When We Gather at the Table”
he shared food with followers and friends,
Let us remember together that vision of God’s reign shown to us in Jesus at table: he shared food with followers and friends, with saints and sinners, with crowds of thousands on the hillside, and a few friends in an upper room. On the night before he died, he had supper with his companions. . . .
Do this in remembrance of me.”
He took a loaf of bread, and after giving thanks, he broke it, and gave it to them, saying: “Take, eat. Do this in remembrance of me.” Then, he took a cup, and after giving thanks, he passed it among them, saying: “Drink this. Do this in remembrance of me.” Through this loaf and cup, Jesus lives within us. In word and deed, Jesus lives among us. . . .
the hymnic Eucharistic prayer continues:
MV 198, v. 4-5 (sung by all)
The body of Christ, the Bread of life,
given for you. Thanks be to God! The blood of the new covenant, the Cup of Blessing, given for you. The gifts of God for the people of God. Amen!
“Since we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses,
Music during Communion William S. Kervin “Since we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, we will not lose heart!” Hebrew 12: 1, 3
Music during Communion “Walking and Wheeling” (see handout)
Words: William Whitla Music: Becca Whitla
Prayer after Communion:
VU 214 “A Prayer for the Reign of Christ”
Hymn: “Living Justice” (verses 1, 2, 4) see handout
Words: William Whitla Tune: THAXTED (Gustav Holst)
Blessing and Sending Forth
Choral Postlude: “Africa” sung by the TST Choir Music: William Billings Text: Isaac Watts “Now shall my inward joys arise and burst into a song. Almighty love inspires my heart and pleasure tunes my tongue.” All material used with permission and under A
Next Week’s Worship Advent I
Wednesday, November 29th 1:30 p.m. Preacher: The Rev. Susan Beaver Presider: The Rev. Dr. Pam Couture
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