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Medical Physics.

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1 Medical Physics

2 A survey… How many schools here have decided to choose the Elective: Medical Physics ? How many schools here have decided NOT to choose the Elective: Medical Physics ? Why ? Why NOT ?

3 fear… worry… Ignore it …
My sharing… fear… Two years ago, when first meeting Medical Physics, I … worry… Ignore it …

4 I will probably choose Medical Physics as one of the Elective.
But now… I will probably choose Medical Physics as one of the Elective. Why?

5 Curriculum (a): Making sense of the eye and the ear
- basic structure of the eye - cone cells and rod cells - spectral response - resolving power - accommodation

6 Curriculum (a): Making sense of the eye and the ear
- power of lens - near point and far point - defects of vision and corrections

7 Curriculum (a): Making sense of the eye and the ear
- basic structure of ear - middle ear  pressure amplification - inner ear  frequency discrimination - sound intensity level - curves of equal loudness - noise

8 Some teachers may think that…
(a) Making sense of the eye and the ear: - basic structure of the eye - cone cells and rod cells - spectral response - resolving power - accommodation - power of lens - near point and far point - defects of vision and corrections - basic structure of ear - middle ear  pressure amplification - inner ear  frequency discrimination - sound intensity level - curves of equal loudness - noise Biology?

9 Advantage/disadvantage (1)?
Advantages: Disadvantages: Students also taking Biology may have an advantage. (Background knowledge) Involves many Biological / Medical terms. Topics relevant to student’s life. Quite demanding on writing skills. Many resources are already available from Biology teachers.

10 Curriculum (b): Medical imaging using non-ionizing radiation
Ultrasound: - piezoelectric effect - acoustic impedance - intensity reflection coefficient - attenuation of ultrasound - A- scan (A = amplitude) - B- scan (B = brightness) - identify suitable frequency - Advantages and limitation

11 Curriculum (b): Medical imaging using non-ionizing radiation
Fibre optic endoscopy: - characteristic of optical fibre - How fibre optic endoscope works - coherent bundle fibres / incoherent bundle fibres - Advantages and limitation

12 Some teachers may think that…
(b) Medical imaging using non-ionizing radiation: - piezoelectric effect - acoustic impedance - intensity reflection coefficient - attenuation of ultrasound - A- scan (A = amplitude) - B- scan (B = brightness) - identify suitable frequency - Advantages and limitation - characteristic of optical fibre - How fibre optic endoscope works - coherent bundle fibres but not difficult! New to teacher, Difficult!

13 Not really that difficult…
(b) Medical imaging using non-ionizing radiation: - piezoelectric effect - acoustic impedance - intensity reflection coefficient - attenuation of ultrasound - A- scan (A = amplitude) - B- scan (B = brightness) - identify suitable frequency - Advantages and limitation - characteristic of optical fibre - How fibre optic endoscope works - coherent bundle fibres

14 Not really that difficult…
(b) Medical imaging using non-ionizing radiation: - piezoelectric effect - acoustic impedance - intensity reflection coefficient - attenuation of ultrasound - A- scan (A = amplitude) - B- scan (B = brightness) - identify suitable frequency - Advantages and limitation - characteristic of optical fibre - How fibre optic endoscope works - coherent bundle fibres

15 Advantage/disadvantage?
Advantages: Disadvantages: Most topics are new to teachers Most topics are not difficult for teacher/students to understand. Quite demanding on writing skills. Include not many calculations and they are not difficult. Only a few experiments and activities can be done in school. Topics relevant to student’s life

16 Curriculum (c): Medical imaging using ionizing radiation
X-ray radiographic imaging Curriculum (c): Medical imaging using ionizing radiation CT Scan Radionuclide for medical uses

17 Another advantage in some school…
Total: Girls:

18 No. of students examined in UK Phy (▲), Chem(■), Bio (♦)
Choice of students when given freedom Osborne, J. (2003), International journal of science education, 25,

19 Summary Advantages: Disadvantages:
Students also taking Biology may have an advantage. (Background knowledge) Quite demanding on writing skills. Most topics are not difficult for teacher / students to understand. Involves many Biological / Medical terms. Include not many calculations and they are not difficult. Most topics are new to teachers Topics relevant to student’s life Only a few experiments and activities can be done in school.

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