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Cold War Presentation By Trinitee Allen.

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1 Cold War Presentation By Trinitee Allen

2 Who was involved during the cold war?
John F. Kennnedy was involved during the cold war and the soviet union also the united states.

3 What was the cold war? The cold war was the tense relationship between the united states and its allies.The soviet union (Ussr and its allies)between the end of world war II and demise of the soviet union the years 1945 to 1991.

4 When was the cold war? The cold war took place in the year of 1945

5 Where did the cold war take place?
The cold war took place in the USA and the USSR.

6 Why did the cold war take place ?
The united states and the soviet union wanted to see who would dominate the world.

7 How did the cold war affect the world ?
The Berlin Wall was demolished and the two German nations were unified. The Warsaw Pact disintegrated. It led to destructive conflicts like the Vietnam War and the Korean War. The Soviet Union collapsed due to economic weaknesses. Both the United States of America and the Soviet Union built up huge arsenals of atomic weapons and ballistic missiles.

8 information about the berlin wall
The construction of the berlin wall began on August 13,1961 as away of separating the three zones controlled by the Britain and America from the,zone controlled by the soviet union.

9 Berlin wall fact #1 The berlin wall was constructed as a way of preventing East Germans from entering West Germany.It was not a boundary for west germans wanting to enter thew east,who were able to do so by obtaining a permit several weeks I advance.

10 Fact #2 The westside of the wall was coverd in graffti the east side was not.The berlin wall was the capital of germany. The opening of the Hungary border earlier in the summer of 1989 diminished the importance of the wall. Those looking to travel west could safely escape through Hungary to Austria.

11 Fact#3 Those attempting to escape came up with several ingenious methods to get to West Germany, including digging tunnels under the wall, using hot air balloons, ultra-light airplanes, and sneaking through the sewer system that was in place before the wall was built . Citizens of East and West Germany could freely move across the border on November 9, 1989, and some celebrated by bashing down sections of the wall. Most of the wall was destroyed by Germany was officially reunited on October 3,

12 Fact#4 Not much of the wall remains, and the former footprint of the wall is now marked with a row of cobblestones in the streets . It’s estimated that about 5,000 people escaped East Germany through the Berlin Wall.

13 Fact#5 The Berlin Wall was something of a propaganda disaster for the Soviet Union and East Germany. It showed the communists to be tyrannical in the way they controlled the movement of their people and their willingness to shoot at people they considered to be traitors.

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