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Subject-Verb Agreement

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1 Subject-Verb Agreement
Aim: Review and demonstrate understanding of subjects and verbs.

2 Verbs Verb- expresses and action (action verb), links the subject to another word in the sentence (linking verb), or assists the main verb in a sentence (helping verb)

3 Action Verbs An action verb tells what action the subject is performing, has performed, or will perform. My father delivers packages to department stores each day. Louie bowled a perfect game last night. Turn at the next corner, Noel. Oscar will help Peter with the project.

4 Linking Verbs A linking verb connects (or links) a subject to a noun or an adjective. The most common linking verbs are forms of “to be” (is, are, was, were, been, being, am) My sister is a doctor. (Is connects the subject, sister, to the noun, doctor) He appeared tired. (The linking verb, appeared, links the subject, he, with the adjective, tired) Why isn’t appeared considered a linking verb in the following sentence: He appeared at the game.

5 Helping Verbs A helping verb assists the main verb in a sentence. There can be more than one helping verb in a sentence. The following are some common helping verbs: am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being, has, had, have, do, does, did, may, might, must, can, could, shall, should, will and would. In the following sentence the underlined verbs are helping verbs and the italicized verbs are main verbs or action verbs. The members are going to the city tomorrow evening. Are the members going to the city tomorrow evening? That joke has been heard around the office.

6 Name that verb! They are watching television. are=helping verb
watching=main verb

7 Frank was tired after work. was=linking verb
I did my homework after school. did=action verb Harry Potter is her favorite book series. is=linking verb Jane was cooking in the kitchen. was=helping cooking=action/main

8 Subject The subject is the part of the sentence about which something is told or asked The subject is the who or what is doing the verb.

9 Who/What is the subject?
Step 1- Find the verb. Step 2- Ask yourself who or what is doing that verb. Step 3- Locate and underline the subject. Step 4- Check for agreement.

10 Let’s practice! The pack of colored markers costs two dollars.
Does anyone on the bus have two quarters? Someone with muddy boots messed up the floor. A pride of lions rested in the shade. Does this green necktie match my shirt? Last year’s fashions are priced affordably. Will Tina Ellis remember her promise?

11 Let’s practice! (2.0) News of Sutter’s gold spread as quickly as wildfire. Like a greedy river, prospectors flooded Sutter’s land. Keep away from my gold mine! The thought of great riches was irresistible. At the heart of everyones fantasies was easy riches. Sutter’s own employees panned for gold. Unfortunately, the gold seekers stole freely from Sutter.

12 Complete page one of the subject verb agreement packet.

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