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Galaxies Sample Quiz WMPezzaglia © Nov 06, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Galaxies Sample Quiz WMPezzaglia © Nov 06, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Galaxies Sample Quiz WMPezzaglia © Nov 06, 2006

2 Black Eye Galaxy Type: (Peculiar) Spiral Galaxy Catalog: M64
2 Type: (Peculiar) Spiral Galaxy Catalog: M64 Where: Coma Berenices

3 Sombrero Galaxy Type: (edge-on) Spiral Galaxy Catalog: M104
2 Type: (edge-on) Spiral Galaxy Catalog: M104 Where: Virgo

4 Triangulum Galaxy 2 Type: Spiral Galaxy Catalog: M33 Where: Triangulum

5 Pinwheel Galaxy 2 Type: Spiral Galaxy Catalog: M101 Where: Ursa Major

6 Whirlpool Galaxy Type: Spiral Galaxy (pec) Catalog: M51
2 Type: Spiral Galaxy (pec) Catalog: M51 Where: Canes Venatici

7 Cigar Galaxy Type: Irregular “starburst” Galaxy (pec) Catalog: M82
Where: Ursa Major

8 Bodes Galaxy 2 Type: Spiral Galaxy Catalog: M81 Where: Ursa Major

9 Southern Pinwheel Galaxy
2 Type: Spiral Galaxy Catalog: M83 Where: Hydra

10 Giant Elliptical Galaxy
2 Type: E0 (pec) Catalog: M87 Where: Virgo

11 Centaurus A Type: Radio Galaxy (E pec) Catalog: NGC5128
Where: Centaurus

12 The Antennae Galaxy 2 Type: Rat Tail Galaxy Where: Corvus NGC 4038/9

13 Large Magellanic Cloud
2 Type: Irregular Galaxy Catalog: LMC Where: Dorado

14 Small Magellanic Cloud
2 Type: Irregular Galaxy Catalog: SMC Where: Tucana

15 The Andromeda Galaxy Type: Spiral Galaxy Catalog: M31 Where: Andromeda
2 Type: Spiral Galaxy Catalog: M31 Where: Andromeda M110 M32

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