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When to perform Ovarian Doppler?

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Presentation on theme: "When to perform Ovarian Doppler?"— Presentation transcript:

1 When to perform Ovarian Doppler?
Post-menopausal? No Yes Color Doppler image of each ovary No color Doppler image Acute pain (<2days)? OR ER patient with any pelvic pain? Spectral Doppler images of each ovary: Arterial waveforms with RI Venous waveforms Yes No Adnexal mass? Yes No Volume discrepancy (one ovary more than double the volume of the other ovary)? No Yes No Postmenopausal? Corpus luteum or cyst? No No spectral Doppler images Yes

2 When to perform Testicular Doppler?
Are there testicles? Yes No Color Doppler image of each testicle Look again Acute scrotal pain (<2days)? OR ER patient with any scrotal pain? Spectral Doppler images of each testicle: Arterial waveforms with RI Venous waveforms Yes No Yes Intratesticular mass? No No spectral Doppler images

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