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Compulsive modernization is the insatiable desire to grow and change.

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2 Compulsive modernization is the insatiable desire to grow and change.
Samuel Wilson (Uncle Sam) June 2017 – Edmonton AB Marilyn Lustig-McEwen, Queen’s Printer Shelley Fiesel, Financial & Publications Centre Analyst Publications Saskatchewan

3 Organizational Chart for Publications Saskatchewan

4 New since QPAC 2016 Ministry of Justice and Attorney General restructuring. Now part of Innovation Division. Public Law Division no longer exists. Publications Saskatchewan (effective April 1, 2017) instead of Office of the Queen’s Printer. Discontinued ISC Corporate Registry printing. All GoS publications part of Publications Centre. Added historical legislation.

5 Publications Saskatchewan
QP common products/solutions: Legislation – consolidation; research; print and digital on demand In house print: simple to complex – supplier/machine reliant Design and editing – reports, forms, bylaws, etc. Digitization – searchable, fast, inexpensive (bounds, Gazette, etc.) Modernization of paper-based systems – still building historical legislation collection; working with other ministries Freelaw® and Publications Centre E-commerce



8 Other Features of Service
Publishing, Hosting and Distributing – paper and online publish books for private authors (ie. legal textbooks) publish OCs and News Releases in catalogue fulfill orders through Publications Centre (ie. commission inquiry reports) perform print-on demand to replace inventory system (ie. Education curricula; Health bulletins for schools) host websites, catalogue information Forms design

9 Online Forms What we did: Extracted pdf forms from legislation
Opened fields for online fillable pdf forms Created dynamic forms, online submittable pdf forms by Forms Project: MS Trial Liberation Therapy Treatment Application – for automatic transposing of form data to db High profile High stakes Highly confidential

10 Forms System

11 Problems and public demands encountered
What we learned Access – dependent on how pdf is built, saved, which browser is used, viewer, operating systems and version of each Transposing to db – same factors above and Adobe EULA Public expectation Mobile devices – pdf not always viewable/submittable

12 Features continued Administrative website
catalogue products process orders and capture funds ability to add shipping & handling fee full reporting, quarterly pay-back (revolving fund advantage) likely will be new platform … compatible with and cloud-hosted

13 Rename … Publications Saskatchewan (effective April 1, 2017).
“Office of the Queen’s Printer” deemed to be too misunderstood and not reflective of all of our business. Part of Innovation Agenda –name associated with modernization of legacy websites that housed documents.

14 Expansion Considerations
Merchandise -“ Store”. Time-based subscriptions to electronic value-added products (LEH, OHS, etc.). Forms – a work in progress – would prefer HTML to PDF forms currently using. Open source/open government – an Executive Council official has been given responsibility. Open to collaboration (other jurisdictions) Expand private-public partnerships.

15 Every technology, including the printing press, comes at some price
Every technology, including the printing press, comes at some price. - Bill Keller (American journalist)

16 Marilyn Lustig-McEwen 306-787-9345 or Shelley Fiesel
and Marilyn Lustig-McEwen or Shelley Fiesel or


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