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Good morning Ladies & Gentleman

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Presentation on theme: "Good morning Ladies & Gentleman"— Presentation transcript:

1 Good morning Ladies & Gentleman
Good morning Ladies & Gentleman. My name is Sarah Martin and I’m Director of Communications with Concern. I am going to jump straight into this and ask you all What do you think of when you think of Concern?

2 86% don’t want to be friends
Concern Hunger Traditional Not cost-effective 86% don’t want to be friends Well before we go any further I can tell you that our research tells us that While we are a household name we are regarded as established and traditional. We are associated with hunger. Some consider us not to be cost effective and devastatingly 86% don’t want to be friends with the Concern brand… they say they don’t want to sit beside us at dinner parties Source: ICEM, May2014, nfpSynergy

3 So much more Check out Concern’s YouTube Channel for examples
of their work But Concern is so much more

4 22 million vulnerable people Emergencies Livelihood, health, education
So much more 26 countries worldwide 22 million vulnerable people Emergencies Livelihood, health, education €183 million. 3,900 staff, 90% of whom are local Thousands of supporters, donors, volunteers Institutional donors We are so much more than just a small hunger charity. We operate in 26 countries worldwide across Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Haiti. Each year our programmes reach 22 million vulnerable, forgotten people. We do education, health and livelihoods programming and we do emergency response to droughts, landslides, hurricanes etc. We responded to 45 emergencies in We have an annual income of over €183 million and we have over 3,900 staff. An important point to make and one I will come back to later is that 90% of our staff are local, that means that in Haiti we employ Haitians and in Somalia we employ Somalis.

5 To eliminate extreme poverty
Our mission To eliminate extreme poverty Leave no one behind

6 90 cent of every €1 90 cent of every €1 donated to Concern goes directly to beneficiaries like Ganu Katwal who lost her home to the Nepal earthquake in 2014

7 We do a huge range of work and here are some examples : when Typhoon Haiyan hit the Phillipines in 2013 we provided the basics such as shelter and household kits but working with the local community we soon realised that the typhoon had affected the fishermen’s catches. We worked with the local government to rehabilitate the coral reefs restoring the reef to its former glory

8 In Dec 2013 civil war broke out in the world’s newest country, South Sudan. Millions fled from their homes. Thousands crowded into this UN base but conditions were disastrous due to bad flooding. Concern worked with the local community to rebuild the camp. Today there are over 100,000 people living in this camp. It is the third biggest city in South Sudan and Concern provides may of its services including clean water, toilets, sewage systems and nutrition clinics.

9 When a devastating earthquake hit Nepal in 2015 we responded immediately with essential items including solar lamps, blankets, water purification tablets and soap but we also stayed long after the TV cameras and we are still there working with local communities to build earthquake-resistant homes and buildings including skills.

10 Differentiate Make Concern stand out Sea of Same The Challenge
Concern is an inspiring organisation but for the public we are just like all the rest and we blend in with the sea of same. The challenge for you is to make us stand out… from this.. video

11 Different Different but Same Same
Please click here to view this video on YouTube

12 These are examples of our recent print adverts using the traditional appeal approach which of course has its merits and still does bring in the money

13 Capture hearts Get their attention Capture their hearts
Make them feel compelled to gravitate towards Concern, not away from it. Our audience for this is millennials and you know more about millennials than I do but we guess that they feel Concern is the same as all the rest, they don’t think we can really make a difference because the problems are so big and they don’t donate because they’re suspicious of how their money is spent so we want you to….get their attention, capture their hearts and make them feel compelled to gravitate towards Concern, not away from it… and rather than the beneficiaries being the story we want Concern and the people behind Concern to be the story

14 Concern Concern’s people The Story
Instead of using our beneficiaries to tell the story we’d like the story to be about the people behind Concern, not just our 3,900 staff but also our supporters and volunteers. I’m going to introduce you know to some of the people behind Concern to give you some of that back story. Firstly Reka, Reka is our Regional Director for Francophone Africa and she has worked in the field for many years


16 Reaching those that are the hardest to reach and focusing on the poorest and most vulnerable

17 …by road

18 …by air

19 …by water

20 …on foot

21 Assessing needs

22, clothing and seeds...
Responding, clothing and seeds... ...with distributions of household items, shelter...

23 ...and many more innovative ideas... vouchers transfers... ...and many more innovative ideas...


25 Agriculture

26 Livelihoods

27 Water, sanitation and hygiene

28 …including latrines, and access to safe water

29 Health and Nutrition

30 Education


32 Thank You Thank You

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