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8th Grade Unit 9 civil rights

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Presentation on theme: "8th Grade Unit 9 civil rights"— Presentation transcript:

1 8th Grade Unit 9 civil rights
Primary and secondary sources

2 History of segregation
story_of_racial_segregation_in_th e_United_States#/media/File:Rex_ theatre.jpg

3 History of segregation

4 Police attack on nonviolent marchers
dia/commons/3/3c/Bloody_Sunday- Alabama_police_attack.jpeg

5 Ruby bridges ruby-bridges

6 1963 march on washington rican- American_Civil_Rights_Movement #/media/File:1963_march_on_was hington.jpg

7 Court evidence showing where parks was sitting on the bus
rican- American_Civil_Rights_Movement #/media/File:Rosaparks_busdiagra m.jpg

8 Police report on parks describing her “Crime”
rican- American_Civil_Rights_Movement #/media/File:Rosaparks_policerepo rt.jpg

9 Rosa parks being fingerprinted
rican- American_Civil_Rights_Movement #/media/File:Rosa_Parks_being_fin gerprinted_by_Deputy_Sheriff_D. H._Lackey_after_being_arrested_f or_boycotting_public_transportati on_-_Original.jpg

10 Freedom writers being arrested
rican- American_Civil_Rights_Movement #/media/File:Civil_rights_activists_ arrested_- _Tallahassee_( ).jpg

11 Prison camp that the freedom writers where jailed
rican- American_Civil_Rights_Movement #/media/File:MSPPrisoncamp.jpg

12 James Meredith being walked to class by federal marshalls
rican- American_Civil_Rights_Movement #/media/File:James_Meredith_Ole Miss.jpg

13 View of the crowd from the march on washington
dia/commons/c/cd/IhaveadreamMar ines.jpg

14 Protesting against segregation
dia/commons/c/cf/Wallace_at_Uni versity_of_Alabama_edit2.jpg

15 Mlk, jr. ki/File:USMC jpg

16 Civil rights leaders meeting with the president
dia/commons/7/7e/Civil_rights_lea ders_meet_with_President_John_ F._Kennedy3.jpg

17 SNCC k-history/sncc
c-trains-students-in-protest- methods/

18 SNCC Led protest Albany movement
rg/articles/history- archaeology/student-nonviolent- coordinating-committee-sncc

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